The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the canal configuration types, and the prevalence and location of anatomical variations in the mesiobuccal and mesial roots of permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars after instrumentation.
Creation of an antitumor drug based on biologically active substances of wormwood. Possibility of using the drug in the complex treatment of oncological diseases. Clinical determination of living cells by fluorescence spectroscopy.
Studying of comorbid conditions. The arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oscillation blood pressure worsen the prognosis, and difficulties in choosing treatment remain a serious problem in the management of patients.
- 124. Application of silicalite for improvement of enzyme adsorption on the stainless steel electrodes
Analytical characteristics of an enzyme biosensor based on new inexpensive perspective stainless steel electrodes using silicalite nanoparticles. Three methods of glucose oxidase immobilization. Enzyme adsorption on the stainless steel electrodes.
Although antibiotics are frequently prescribed to treat endodontic pain patients, there is evidence from the clinical literature to support this indication. The clinical evidence regarding the efficacy of antibiotics for treating postendodontic pain.
Медицина как система научных знаний и как комплекс научных дисциплин. Разделы и виды современной медицины. История происхождения медицинских символов. Виды медицинской помощи на этапах медицинской эвакуации. Средства индивидуальной и групповой помощи.
Risk of development of cardiovascular pathology in patients with terminal renal failure. Study of the features of arterial hypertension, cardiovascular remodeling and plasma level of osteopontin under the influence of candesartan cilexetil therapy.
Морфофункциональная классификация суставов. Мышцы, обеспечивающие движения в суставе, соединение костей конечностей. Степень подвижности костей, которая зависит от толщины прослойки соединяющей их ткани. Образование синовиальной мембраны и хрящевой ткани.
Вивчення поліморфізму Asp299Gly гену TLR-4 у пацієнтів. Оцінка ризику розвитку еозинофільної бронхіальної астми в популяції Автономної Республіки Крим. Метод алель-специфічної полімеразної ланцюгової реакції з електрофоретичної детекцією поліморфізму.
- 130. Assessing the activities of the nurses in inpatient settings through the eyes of geriatric patients
Study of the opinion of geriatric patients about the received health care in the hospital, the conditions for improving the quality of nursing care in hospital departments. Evaluation of the activities of nursing staff of hospitals in the city of Plovdiv.
Learning the optimal nutritional status. Consideration of the concept of the dietary assesment, as a comprehensive evaluation of a person's food intake. Estimating average intake of nutrients. Familiarization with nutritional deficiency diseases.
The importance of the service quality. The ways of assessing the services quality in terms of process and product services at the ophthalmic clinic. Quality evaluation of services process and product. The company competitiveness and its growth potential.
Frequency of complement deficiency in patients with meningococcal disease in the Netherlands from 1959 through 1992. Studies pedigree for identifying those complement-deficient persons who require vaccination. The annual rate of meningococcal disease.
Role and significance of duodenogastric bile reflux in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Biochemical studies of gastric contents. Development of duodenogastric reflux in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Clinical dynamics of the disease.
- 135. Assessment of surgical outcomes of Chiari malformation type one with Chicago Chiari outcome scale
Chiari malformation is congenital anomaly that is characterized by downward displacement of cerebellar tonsils. The mainstay treatment for this condition is surgery where foramen magnum decompression with or without duraplasty laminectomy performed.
Overview of disorders in schizophrenia. Results of an associative experiment conducted with individuals diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and mentally healthy individuals. The associative background of people diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
The response to inevitable anatomic and biologic changes in oral activity related to edentulism, duration of denture-wearing, age, and others factors does not necessarily translate rapidly into changes in perceived oral health, estimation of results.
The level of growth of fibroblasts in the serum of patients with chronic kidney disease. Contribution to the remodeling of the heart and blood vessels. The relationship between FGF-23, Klotho and troponin-I in the serum of patients in the kidneys.
- 139. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis as type of arteriosclerosis. Things that can happen where plaque occurs. Facilitation of symptoms and reduction of risk factors with the purpose of deceleration, stop, or change of advertisement of plaque. Foods high in soluble fibre.
- 140. Atherosclerosis
Classes of arteries. Atherosclerosis is a disease of large and medium-sized muscular arteries and is characterized by endothelial dysfunction, vascular inflammation, and the buildup of cholesterol, cellular debris within the intima of the vessel wall.
- 141. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is the condition in which an artery wall thickens as the result of a build-up of fatty materials such as cholesterol. Components of atherosclerotic plaques. Principles of diagnosis, strategy for preventing and treating this disease.
Угнетающее действие ATP на амплитуду постсинаптических токов как пресинаптический эффект. Стимуляция двигательного нерва прямоугольными импульсами. Регистрация флуоресцентных сигналов в ответ на нервный стимул. Значимость различий между выборками.
Investigate the changes of serum markers of collagen in patients with various forms of atrial fibrillation. Analysis intensity of extracellular synthesis and degradation of type I collagen which may be related to severity and type of atrial fibrillation.
Advantages and disadvantages of robotics in atrial septal defect repair and consider about future of robotics in cardiac surgery. Advantages of open-heart surgery comparing with robotic-assisted surgery. Negative influence of instruments to other organs.
- 145. Avicenna
Avicenna - the Father of Modern Medicine. The Man of the Hour. Main Interests. His Own School. Avicennism. Cont. of his Avicennism School. Success. A Few of his Discoveries. Medicine and Pharmacology. Avicenna's Four Humours and Temperaments. Engineering.
Regular exercise - a component of improving the health of people with metabolic diseases. Nutrition and eating habits. Recommendations for physical training for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and features of their implementation.
- 147. Aутизм: інше житя
Порушення психічного розвитку, що проявляється у вигляді ізоляції дитини від зовнішнього світу. Патологічні риси аутизму та вплив генів на дозрівання синаптичних зв’язків у головному мозку. Медикаментозна терапія та корекційні заняття з рефлексотерапії.
The action of luteolin in the treatment of renovascular hypertension, lowering blood pressure, deremodeling of baroreflex sensitivity, renal and cardiac hypertrophy. Analysis of the mechanism of pharmacological action of long-term treatment with luteolin.
- 149. Basic medicine
Evaluation of the state of the cardiovascular system using magnitude variation of the phase trajectories of single-channel ECG. Methods to estimate patient’s grade of severity. Еffectiveness of the management the cardiovascular system’s functional state.
The need for the use of the main provisions of international classifications to determine the state of health improved and effective rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Scientific, methodological basis of the formation of a new medicine tools.