Изучение функции языкового антиграмматизма в поэзии А. Пушкина, Ф. Тютчева и Н. Хлебникова. Особенности использования личных местоимений и других грамматических средств художественного выражения категории лица в стихотворении "Я помню время золотое...").
The study of linguistic differences between the language use of liars, deceivers and truth-tellers. The notions of "lie", "deception", "fake" and "truth". Systematization of linguistic markers of lying. Characteristics and peculiarities of fake.
Education in the system of sustainable human development. Defining features of societies and the corresponding characteristics of science and educational systems according to K. Korsak. Interaction of social institutions of the science and education.
The article analyzes the dependence of the phenomenon of education on the type of civilization in space of which the life of the world community takes place and is based on the interaction of social institutions of the market, science and education.
Ecological differences between the untreated and root-filled root canals. The root canal flora. The root canal as a unique site of infection. Methods for isolation and cultivation of the microorganisms. Microbiology of canals with persistent infection.
The Royal Navy as the United Kingdom’s principal naval warfare force. The role of the Navy in the development of the British Empire as the dominant world power during the XVII-XX centuries. The value of the ship "Victory" at the battle of Trafalgar.
Research of morphogenesis (or minor life cycle) and ontogenesis (or major life cycle) of Galanthus nivalis L. Phases of monocarpic shoot development within the bud. Multivariate ways of bulb plant ontogeny from the moment of zygote to natural death.
The purpose is to identify widespread life landscapes with their value-sense and vector configuration in the context of war. The three main types of life landscapes were defined: the landscape of service with the dominant context of volunteering.
The results of research on the interaction between the life orientation and the benefits of meta-values in women with anorexia and bulimia. Conducting questionnaire of vital orientation (SOC-29) Antonovsky and questionnaire of values of Schwartz (PVQ-R2).
Consideration of philosophical and psychological characteristics of life strategies as a component of building living space personality. The contradictions that arise when preparing future professionals to design and implement strategies to life.
The solution to this problem may be to take into life values during the transformation of the economic behavior of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Russian Arctic. The results of the correlation analysis of the level of subjective income.
Analysis of the differences in life and family values and their interactions between the spouses from cross-cultural and monocultural couples. Correlations of life values with marital satisfaction of persons from cross-cultural and monocultural families.
Research of ways of interaction between children and adults in artistic autobiographical literature. Analysis of the works of U. Stark in the paradigm of the experience of identity formation. Features of the author's self-reflection and retrospection.
Functions of educational activities are briefly outlined for better understanding of their value under contemporary conditions. The role and meaning of lifelong education for individual and professional development and self-perfection are revealed.
The article is devoted to the principles of lifelong learning, which influence the main directions of modernization of the higher education system in our time. The advantages and disadvantages of lifelong learning are described. Peculiarities of learning.
The basis of the reasons for the relevance of issues relating to public health threats to the global community. Analysis the level of physical fitness among the early school-age children in the individual motor tests including the subjects gender.
Study of the lifestyle of students enrolled in the specialty "Nursing". Analysis of motor activity during the educational process and outside the classroom, the presence of bad habits. Factors and disadvantages of forming a value attitude to health.
Computer modeling of fluorescence light quenching is performed with no limitations on the optical wave intensities. Searching for such combinations of polarizations of the interacting waves that provide minimal polarization changes for the waves.
- 439. Light scattering by silver nanoparticles in colloid solutions for improved photovoltaic devices
Incorporation of metal nanoparticles into photovoltaic cells attracts much attention last years as a promising way for efficiency improvement by light trapping. Direction of light scattering and a red shift of light scattering efficiency maxima.
Study based on the analysis of school textbooks of the newest History of the late twentieth - early twenty-first centuries evolution in assessments of the "rehabilitation regime" in Poland in 1926-1939. Significant overestimation of Pilsudsky’s activity.
The main criteria for evaluating the reasonableness of intervention by the state in the precedent practice of the European Court of Human Rights: quantitative risk assessment; justification of interference with freedom of creativity due to alleged harm.
Characteristics of evaluating the effectiveness of proton pump inhibitor therapy to determine whether patients have gastroesophageal reflux disease. Feature of endoscopy assessment, wireless esophageal pH and monitoring of the association of symptoms.
The purpose of this work is to analyze the role of linear images in design, their impact on the target audience. The trends in their use in the socio-cultural space of today. The obtained results can be used in further studies of linear visual solutions.
The transmission line overload as the relevant problem for the distribution network of the Moscow Power System. Development of the device LOLA Institute ESP, use his logic to the microprocessor devices. Parameter calculations, the scope of LOLA.
A comprehensive consideration of the peculiarities of the spacing of the elements of noun-morphological forms. Reproduction of various types of separation of independent and analytical components of noun-morphological forms of gender, number and case.
Проблемы обучения английскому языку как lingua franca профессионального юридического общения в разных социокультурных измерениях. Изучение факторов, влияющих на процесс межкультурной коммуникации на английском языке в целом и в области юриспруденции.
Lingua franka как язык межнационального общения. Исследование истории перевода Библии на разные языки, в том числе, анализ необходимости перевода Библии на чеченский язык в 2012 году. Анализ особенностей и исторического становления кавказской лексики.
Analysis of the features of the Orenburg Russian dialects. Being directed at a more prestigious social group, - primarily, the Orenburg Cossacks, the borrowings of cattle-breeding terminology and the words for foods show stages of forming the relations.
Analysis of the phenomenon of world popularity of the novel "Winter Solstice" with the help of a two-level study - the primary analysis of his reader's perception, with the identification of the structural and system components of the linguistic basis.
Consideration of the phenomenon of the world popularity of the novel "Winter Solstice" by the modern British writer R. Pilcher, by analyzing its reader's perception, with the identification of structural and systemic components of the linguistic basis.