The fostering future young workers under the requests of the state - one of the main tasks of the labour reserve system. The leisure organization of students in the post-war period, that play an important pedagogical role in the modern education.
Political aspects of the formation of the mutual assistance program, the attitude of Roosevelt, his administration officials, representatives of Congress and the American people. Circumstances of signing a note on the termination of lend-lease supplies.
- 333. Lenina Avenue
Familiarizing with the history of Lenina Avenue which is the main street of Tomsk. Review and description of Siberian Imperial University which was opened in 1888’s. Study and analysis of architectural features of the merchant Vtorov’s building.
This article presents the author's own translation and analysis of extracts from Leo Tolstoy's letter to Russian Tsar Nicholas II of January 16, 1902. This letter is a clear evidence of the author's thoughts about the state, man and religion, faith.
Early life and education Leonard Bloomfield’s, obtaining his Ph.D. Published "An Introduction to the study of Language", his sanskrit studies. Bloomfield's only other publication on an Austronesian language was an article on the syntax of Ilocano.
L’article present est le reflet du contenu des textes originaux des medias franfais. La nouveaute scientifique reside dans le fait qu’il permet d’etudier les principes de base de la construction de l’image de notre pays par les journalistes etrangers.
- 337. Les notions "chose" et "objet" comme point de repеredans l’analyse des oeuvres du nouveau roman
Analyse des concepts de "littеrature objective" et de "schozisme". Caractеristiques de la reprеsentation des choses et des objets dans les еuvres d'art d'extraits du roman de J.-P. Sartre "La nausеe", F. Ponja "Le cageot" et A. Rob-Grieux "Trois visions".
L'analyse des relations entre le developpement des nouvelles technologies de l'technologies des telecommunications et de la formation de la societe civile, ainsi que les tendances de leur developpement en tenant compte des specificites nationales.
Study of the problem of national identity as a factor in overcoming the dichotomy of "Russian Ukrainians". Poet Lesya Ukrainka's views on the essence and social manifestations of worldview fluctuations in the life activities of the Ukrainian elite.
Genre specifics and plot features of Lesya Voloshyn's play-parable series about love. A combination of postmodern poetics and worldview paradigms of antiquity and Christianity. Demonstration of numerous allusions and reminiscences from foreign literature.
Lesson Study как педагогический подход, представляющий собой особую форму исследования в действии на уроках, направленную на совершенствование знаний в области учительской практики. Правовые основы деятельности областных экспериментальных площадок.
Evaluation of the international and national security of Ukraine in the context of the XXI century, the analysis of new threats in search of the cause of collapse of modern security system. Definition of prospects for European political cooperation.
Рассмотрение проблем обучения чтению на английском языке детей младшего школьного возраста в отечественных школьных программах, которые приобретают особенную остроту для детей, имеющих трудности в обучении. Мультисенсорное обучение на примере Letterland.
The role of the Empress at the imperial court and the circle of dignitaries, who supported Adelheid, are outlined. It will be stated that thanks to rhetoric, logic and knowledge of foreign languages the Holy Roman Empress of Kyivan origin acted.
A feature of studying this perfect period. Analysis of the passive voice structures. Characteristics of participles and participial constructions. The essence of complex forms of time. Definition of derivatives and lungs for the confusion of words.
The study of the peculiarities of the geographical position Scotland, administrative division, capital city, population, language, currency, major cities, cultural traditions and local cuisine. Hobbies local children, achievements of famous people.
Leukotrienes play an role in inflammation and its sequelae: pain, swelling, bone resorption. their history, structure, synthesis, metabolism, biological effects, inhibitors, antagonists, and their role in pathogenesis of pulpal and periapical disease.
Utopia - is viewed as a critical analysis of the usual constructions of reality, time and the possible. This article focuses, on Leon Trotsky. L. Trotsky has many expressions of the fundamental utopian imagination, in its essence purely utopian.
Classification level of development of new technologies in the BSR countries using a synthetic development measure. Grouping with the help of cluster analysis. Identify the most important features that determine their development and use as a roadmap.
- 350. Level of development of psychophysiological indicators of female students of 1-4 years of study
The questions of changing the peculiarities of the quickness of simple and complicated reaction on the irritant, static and dynamic tremor before and after the loads of the students. The research of indicators to optimize the education of students.
Research of the level of well-being in the countries of the Visegrad Group: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic. Factors affecting the socio-economic state of the country. Analysis of indicators characterizing public welfare in Ukraine.
Cardiovascular effects of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea. Association between obstructive sleep apnea and elevated levels of type B natriuretic peptide in a community-based sample of women.
- 353. Levers of regional investment activity regulation: definition, differentiation, possibilities of use
The essence of levers of regulation and improve the efficiency of investment activities in the region in terms of regional economy, management, theory and practice of investment. Classification of levers of regulation of investment activity in the region.
A transit time of light through the system. The magnetic field oscillations. The studying a Faraday’s law. The resistance of an electric wires and contacts. Levitation of conductors in an oscillating field. Methods for choosing the discrete differences.
Проблеми колізійного регулювання справ про неспроможність, ускладнених іноземним елементом. Шляхи вирішення колізійного питання про право, що застосовуватиметься до суті спору, які існують у світовій практиці розгляду справ про транскордонні банкрутства.
Комплекс норм, обеспечивающих международное сотрудничество в области спорта – международное спортивное право. Анализ содержания норм, формирующихся в неправовых комплексах в интересующих их сферах, их влияние на развитие правовых норм в будущем.
Применение норм lex mercatoria профессиональными судами. Действие универсальных правовых норм и обеспечение широкой возможности признания и исполнения решений российских судов за рубежом. Регулирование торговых отношений межнационального характера.
Аналіз підходу Європейського суду з прав людини до проблем судової нормотворчості, поширювального тлумачення, аналогії у кримінально-правовій сфері, сформованих у практиці з застосування ст. 7 Конвенції про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод.
- 359. Lexical analysis of the serial killer character’s discourse in the 20th century American fiction
Exploration of the lexical level of the discourse of a serial killer character in order to reveal their psychological features. The words of the characters divided into three groups: denoting mental activity, psychological needs, physiological activity.
Analysis of linguistic hedging related to establishing the limits of responsibility of the author of the statement and mitigating categoricalness. Use of hedging instruments in English texts. Structural, semantic, pragmatic analysis of hedge markers.