Natural resource management in the national economy, taking into account the innovation technologies (water treatment and wastewater treatment, of extraction of natural resources, collection or distribution of water for buildings or local water supply).
Mauna Kea as the highest mountain in the world. Waipio Valley as the largest of the seven valleys east of the Kohala Mountains. Kaihalulu Beach in Hawaii. The Na Pali Coast State Park. Kilauea is a currently active shield volcano. Waimea Canyon.
Consideration of the preparation of sorbents for adsorption of polymers on their surface. Their modification in solutions and the creation of composite materials, in particular polymer. Definition of disadvantages of adsorbents as sorbents for plastics.
Comprehensive study of theoretical and methodological foundations and approaches to regional mapping of natural, historical and cultural heritage. The main objects and parameters mapping heritage. Principles of regional cartographic works of art.
External literary influences and mutual influences on the development of the creative method of naturalist writers. General reception of Zola's artistic achievements in Polish criticism. Analysis of the emergence of naturalism in German literature.
The national legal acts. Principles of law and their change in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern periods. The concept of integrative legal understanding. Consideration system of forms of national and international labour law in the state.
The analysis theoretical approaches to narrative description. The define major narrative categories, relevant for narrative production and comprehension. The presented theoretical overview of literature on formal and semantic structuring of narratives.
- 128. Nature and content of internal labour regulations as an element of the employer’s economic power
Definition of the concept of "internal work order". The role of legal rules formulated by the employer and adopted by the labor collective with the participation of its elected bodies or by the employer independently in the internal labor regulations.
Ontologism of the classical mind. Hierarchism (Subordinationism) of the classical mind. The transcendence of the foundations of the classic mind. Difference between classical and modern cultural worlds, and in the rationalities characteristic to them.
Explication of the characteristics of the classical mind. Formation of archetypal principles of Western rationality. Deconstruction of the classical understanding of the substantiality of history. Clarifications of the features of the classical mind.
Viktor Emil Frankl as a creator of anthropology. Axiological dimension as an important dimension of the human person. A world of values that are abstract universals of sense. Philosophical explanation of these values and appeal to religious faith.
Economic sanctions are a tool of international policy aimed at influencing countries that violate international standards. Restrictions on trade, financial transactions and investments to encourage changes in the behavior of the recipient country.
The peculiarities of verbalization of ethical categories in the English language employing linguocognitive methodology. The classifiers of the main ethical categories are identified using a linguo-cognitive approach and their interrelation is revealed.
Various forms of the crystals formed during evaporation of biological liquids of women. Physical and chemical bases of salts polymorphism, process arborization. The cyclic change in electric potential in biological liquids during the menstrual cycle.
Problems of the Carpathian region development. Environmental consequences of unplanned deforestation, firing, cutting down on the territory of the region. Suggestions for preserving the forest fund. Principles of conservation of forest resources.
Establishment of the value of the aggregative nature-resource potential of Ukrainian natural regions in the present-day cost dimension, commensurable with the other important elements of national wealth. Assessment of tourism and recreation potential.
Обзор инновационной технологии строительства домов из вертикального бруса. Преимущества строительства деревянных домов по технологии Naturi. Достоинства и недостатки вертикального расположения стеновых элементов из массивной древесины, технологии в целом.
Моллюски наутилусы. их история, развитие, строение тел и особенности обитания. Жизненный цикл, питание, спаривание и нерест. Истребление моллюсков человеком. Внешнее и внутреннее строение раковин у императорских наутилусов, их размеры, окрас и строение.
Deteriorating effectiveness of language teaching, requiring research into strategies to maximize learning opportunities. Challenges faced by teachers and students of English at the university level and approaches to optimizing language acquisition.
Consideration of the complex context of ethical communication in the modern business environment. The peculiarity of the appearance of business English, which offers an improved linguistic base adapted to the subtleties of professional communication.
- 141. Navigating the Ripple Effects: Brazil-China Relations in Light of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Brazil's relationship with China. Influence of geopolitics and geoeconomics on interaction between countries. Priorities of economic, political and strategic relations between Brazil and China.
"War of Monuments" as a new historical policy of destruction of the historical memory of the Soviet past and the spread of anti-Soviet sentiments. The study of the processes of dismantling communist monuments in the Nazi-occupied territory of Ukraine.
Аналіз причин зростання інтересу до феномена "меганаука". Аналіз соціогуманітарних наслідків перетворення науки доби Модерну на меганауку. Визначення поняття "культурний космос". Аналіз чинників інтенсифікації взаємодії між культурним космосом і людиною.
Прогрес меганауки як фактор модернізації сфери освіти в суспільстві. Роль стратегії зовнішніх розширень людини в історичному розвитку її когнітивно-перетворювальної діяльності. Методологічне значення голографічного принципу для філософської антропології.
Description wireless near field as trends in the development of applications for mobile devices. Features use of wireless communication for electronic payments, communication between the communication. Device communication and "smart" marketing posters.
- 146. Near-field coherent effects at thermal microwave radiation receiving on coupled linear wire antennas
A theory of electromagnetic wave multiple scattering by ensemble of dielectric and conductive bodies, with describing the excited currents inside bodies of electric field tensor T-scattering operator. A system of equations for currents on surfaces.
The phenomenon of critical thinking in the context of its numerous and contradictory definitions. Conceptual and historical concreteness of the term "critical thinking". The specifics of the emergence and development of the movement of critical thinking.
Democracy and the Media; сontaining the Enemy. The Propaganda Model: Some Methodological Considerations. The United States and Costa Rican Democracy. Political rights do not originate in parliaments; they are rather forced upon them from without.
Business English as one of the branches of English for special use. Study of the main points in the process of teaching this subject. Requirements for professional and personal qualities of a teacher. Evaluation of the effectiveness of his work.
More than 600 well-documented crimes have been identified in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Crimes against humanity, serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes of genocide, and terrible human rights violations have been committed.