Features of the symbols of Scotland: thistle, bagpipes, the Apostle Andrew. Characteristics of the emergence of symbols. People's anthem Scotland as a kind of musical symbols. Distinctive features of the patterns and colors on the national dress.
Features of indicators of national tax security and their system. Interrelation between indicators of tax security and tax justice in interstate and intrastate relations. Evaluation of the effectiveness of legal measures taken in the field of taxation.
The role of national traditions in the spiritual development of future teachers. Theoretical analysis of the definition of educational opportunities of Ukrainian folk-written creativity. Educational opportunities of Ukrainian folk-written creativity.
The manifestation of national dance trends in opera creativity of the founders of Polish and Czech national schools. The embodiment of the signs of the dance genres of dance culture in the operas "Halka" by S. Moniuszko and "The Sold Bride" by B. Smetana.
Analysis of national dance trends in the opera works of the founders of the Polish and Czech national schools. Specific features of the dance genres of the European dance culture in the operas "Halka" by S. Moniuszko and "The Sold Bride" by B. Smetana.
Organization and activity of national universities on the territory of Ukraine. Opening of a network of public universities of classical and popular science type. Formation of an active citizen capable of defending his rights and fighting for his future.
The position of representatives of the socio-professional group regarding the values of domestic education, their role in the processes of modernization of domestic education. Problems in the process of international integration of domestic education.
Study of ethnic diversity and social conditions of life in Azerbaijan. Identification of trends in the ethno-demographic situation and demographic dynamics in the country. Analysis of changes in the number of national minorities in the northern regions.
Consideration of lexicographically fixed combinations and attributive from the Internet including the adjectives нидерландский [Netherlandish] and голландский [Dutch]. The description of the stereotypical idea of the Dutch in the Russianspeaking space.
Areas of national and patriotic education Plast in Australia, the factors of its development and implementation. The discourse of the Ukrainian diaspora in the 1950 on the tasks of physical and sports education of fighters for the independence of Ukraine.
The origins of modern Chinese nationalism from the aftermath of the Opium Wars of the 1840s, when China was under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, to its recent development at the beginning of the 20th century. The modification of communist ideology.
Kinds of nationalism which have had deep rooted tradition in the history of modern China. The concludes that the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe forced Chinese Communist leaders to redefine and re-adjust Communist ideology.
Nationalist imagination, geographical expansion in the Russian far east. Mobilizing the past: nationalist images of history. Russian ideologies of empire and the path to war with Japan. Siberia and the Russian far east in the imperial geography of power.
The article deal with the research of Strategic Communications of NATO as one of the main directions of the Alliance’s policy. The author considers various approaches to the interpretation of the essence, content, and tools of Strategic Communications.
- 105. NATO’s role inensuring energy security in the conditions of changes in the global energy landscape
Identifies problems on the path of energy security and the role of NATO. The Alliance’s position on the energy issue has been determined. The documents of the NATO summits in Bucharest, in Chicago, and the NATO 2010 Strategic Concept have been analyzed.
- 106. Natriuretic peptides-guided therapy in chronic heart failure: relevance to outcomes and survival
Discussion and research of specific features of the modern strategy of guided chronic heart failure therapy. Identification and characterization possible prospects for improved survival of patients through the timely correction of pharmacotherapy.
Influence of natural plant extracts used as an alternative to sulfur dioxide on aromatic wine compounds. The use of plant extracts (grape pomace, rosemary, blackberries) in various concentrations. Application of sulfur dioxide and blueberry extract.
The concept of relative instability of regulatory peptides in the issues and fluids of organism. The historical facts of glyproline investigation. Antiulcer effects of intraoperational, intragastic administrations at etanol-induced damages in rats.
Research of the mechanism of establishment, collection of natural duties by the Russian occupation authorities in the Eastern Galicia and Northern Bukovina during the First World War. Confrontation between the occupiers and the local population.
Conclusions about the war and conditions of post-war reconstruction through the prism of environmental security. Changes in the state of the environment that can worsen human living conditions and disrupt the structure and functioning of natural systems.
Analysis of application of natural gas purification technology with diethanolamine to study the efficiency of the absorption process, which has wide practical application. Determination of optimal conditions for different composition of the source gas.
Historical outline of the formation of natural history museology in Europe in the 15th-19th centuries. The development of natural history museology in Europe, including Ukraine, as well as to determine his status and its place in the system of science.
Investigation and characteristic of the problem of analyst bias in the comparative analysis of political discourse. An introduction to a machine learning system that identifies the most salient features of Croatian political discourse on migration.
The results of a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of natural language understanding (NLU), as a methodological problem. Argument in favor of the conclusion about the productive and constitutive role of emotions in the process of NLU is also given.
The historical path of formation of the concept of natural human rights. Natural law views in the context of theological doctrines in historical retrospect. The main material and ideological prerequisites of the Christian understanding of natural law.
Chelsea club and chelsea world of sport. Serpentine gallery pavilion. The charioteer statue, archaeological museum of delphi and Hong Kong museum of coastal defence. Rooms at Royal academy, Burlington House and Greenwich. American community school.
- 117. Natural private law
Problems, importance and components of natural private law, principles of its development. The relationship of contemporary international, private, and civil rights. Explanation and justification of the dialectic of natural entities of private law.
A study of underpricing of natural resources in negotiations on subsidy rules. Shaping the rules of trade between the North's market demand and the South's sovereignty over natural resources. The role of governments in the field of natural resources.
- 119. Natural resources
Analysis of biotic resources derived from the biosphere and reserves, which originate from non-living, inorganic material. A feature of the study of renewable and non-renewable arsenal. Depletion of exchequer as the main source of social unrest.
The role of rational use of natural resources for the productivity and attractiveness of nature and regulation of the economic exploitation of natural resources. Characteristics of types of natural resources, mineral, climatic, water, land resources.