Study the development of the knowledge society is considered in connection with scientific and technological development and the expansion of new technologies. It has been concluded that the accentuated thought should be read as a contemporary call.
Search for high-quality and cost-effective technologies for road construction. Technology repair and restoration of roads. Measures to prevent wear and strengthen the roadway. Transition to a new type of road concrete - fibrobasalt slag-alkaline concrete.
Ensuring the safety and driving comfort, reducing the number of traffic accidents. Develop road signs to warn cyclists. Use of multicomponent polyurea labeling technology for motorway coatings. Increased durability of retro-reflection of road markings.
Technology using video and acoustic equipment using various scenarios of interaction between a human and a dolphin beluga. The use of a sequence of packets of ultrashort broadband pulses of various durations. Acoustic characterization of animal signals.
Study of ternary intermetallic compounds RxMyXz (R = rareearth Element, M = d-metal, X = p-metal). Results of identification of the new R-Au-Al compound. The starting materials for the synthesis of R-Au-Ga. Function of the profile form of pseudo-Voigt.
Analysis of new trends in the economy, digitalization, digitalization. The concept of digitization, its impact on the economy. Advantages of implementing digital technologies. Factors for the implementation of an effective digitalization scenario.
Study of computer-mediated communication and Internet language. Conceptual apparatus and typological features of Internet communication in business, educational, and personal spheres. Types of computer communication: chats, diaries, correspondence.
It should be noted that the big difference between the language functioning on the Internet is the changes that occur in various aspects: at the level of vocabulary, rules for constructing statements and coherent text, genre and stylistic norms
Research of new challenges in the system of human preparation for life. Deployment of deep and extensive scientific and pedagogical research of modernization educational challenges. Entry of Ukrainian education into the multinational European space.
Analysis of autonomy of universities and quality of education. Implementation of competence approach to teaching. Distance learning and usage of the artificial intelligence. Eco thinking as the new way of comprehending the environment is investigated.
Features of geopolitical changes in the South of Ukraine during the second half of the XVIIIth - at the end of the XIXth century. The process of incorporation and colonization of the southern Ukrainian region. The artificial project "Novorussia".
The main innovations of the Electoral Code of Ukraine. Study of changes in election strategies of candidates in comparison with previous parliamentary and local elections in Ukraine. Modeling of the theoretical composition of the Kharkiv City Council.
The structure of the monograph. General information about the transfer of the collection of Plisnes’k to the Archaeological and Anthropological Museums in Krakow. A chemical analysis of individual finds by R. Liwoch (belt buckle and bronze ring).
The concept of EUROPE, carried out from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. Features of its semantics, construction of cognitive schemes, according to which it is implemented, models, in terms of which the European integration reality is understood.
- 285. New wave of chinese architecture and construction. Review of the cpr most outstanding buildings
The most outstanding buildings of the Chinese People’s Republic for the last decade are observed. The contemporary projecting and construction techniques with the use of steel structures are analyzed for large-scale projects. Analyses of modem design.
The question of new approaches development, which are related to the differentiated programming development of motive capabilities of first form pupils in the lesson process were scanned. It will help to improve the decision of physical educational tasks.
Summary of the results of a study of Basque toponymy in Canada, the United States, and Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. Analysis and systematization of the Basque toponymic heritage, presented on the maps of these countries of the Americas.
- 288. New Year
Celebration of New year in Great Britain. The favorite New Year's delicacies. Elegantly decorated tree as the central decoration of the New Year holiday. The London New Year's parade. Santa Claus as analogue English Father Frost's. New year in the USA.
- 289. New York
New York City comprises five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island. Rockefeller Center is a large office building. Statue of Liberty - one of the most famous sculptures in the USA. Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building.
- 290. New York
New York it’s the largest and the most famous city in America. The Statue of Liberty is one of the main sights of New York City and the symbol of freedom of all Americans. Broadway - the longest street in New York. The world-famous Central Park.
- 291. New York City
A city in the southern end of the state of New York. Geographically the largest town and ethnically county. The official flag of the place. Manhattan how the most densely populated borough of New York City and home to most of the city's skyscrapers.
- 292. New York City
Familiarization with characteristic of the New York city as the most populous city in the United States of America. Review particular qualities of its boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island. Studying attractions of Lincoln Center.
- 293. New York City
New York City as the city in the southern end of the state of New York, and is the most populous city in the United States of America, the acquaintance with the peculiarities of formation and development. Characteristics of the main boroughs of New York.
- 294. New York City
New York City History and description of its main regions: Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Richmond. New York City is a centre of world trade and finance, communications, art and entertainment. One of the world's foremost tourist destinations.
New York City is comprised of five boroughs, an unusual form of government used to administer the five constituent counties that make up the city. Wall Street is the major financial centre of the U. S. and symbolizes the money market and financiers.
- 296. New Zealand
New Zealand's economic and geographical position. Features of relief and climate, large rivers. Flora and fauna of the continent, rare animals. Composition and population. National symbols of New Zealand. The economy and the agrarian sphere of the state.
- 297. New Zealand
National Emblem, flag of New Zealand. Geographical location and population of the country. The greatness of the island Stewart Island. The location of the cities of Hamilton, Nelson, Wellington. The study of flora and fauna on the territory of the state.
- 298. New Zealand
New Zealand (Aotearoa) is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean, it is made up of two large islands. Its geographical location and access to the sea. The climate and landscape, common types of animals, birds and plants. History and modernity.
- 299. New Zealand
New Zealand as a country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia, situated on two large Islands and a large number of adjacent smaller Islands. The government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The indigenous population.
The main legal and commercial mechanisms for facilitating trade practices of Chinese partners are considered. The China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement has been identified as a breakthrough. The protocol on amendments to this agreement is described.