Crimes against humanity, serious violations of international humanitarian law, aggression, genocide and horrendous violations of human rights committed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during armed conflicts. Establishment of a Truth Commission.
In the article there are analysis of Russia’s attitude to the governing Kazakh steppe and implementing in Orenburg territory "Temporal decree about administrating steppe regions" 1868 year. Materials on history of political system in Kazakhstan.
Результаты исследования механизмов регуляции роста и метастазирования немелкоклеточного рака легкого онкогенным белком Nedd9 с применением трансгенной модели аденокарциномы легкого. Компенсаторное перестроение внутриклеточных белковых сигнальных путей.
Analysis a lot of problems which constrain the transfer of diesel engines on "ecological" fuel and showing opportunities of manufacturing this fuel on Ukrainian enterprises. Evaluation of innovation taking in consideration environmental protection.
Определение особенностей, специфики социального портрета NEET-молодежи в европейском и российском контекстах. Роль и место международной организации труда в структуре NEET. Причины появления NEET. Рассмотрение появления российской NEET-молодежи.
Особенность преобладания экономически неактивной молодежи, получившей образование ненадлежащего уровня и качества. Общие черты европейских и российских NEET-групп, связанные с принадлежностью к поколению Z. Представление группы социального иждивенчества.
Предпосылки попадания в группу NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). Типология современной NEET-молодежи, ее социально-экономическое положение в Европе и Российской Федерации. Общественные риски участия NEET-молодежи в протестных действиях.
Negation as a speech strategy, its functional features in modern English. The place of negative statements in linguistics. Pragmatic specifics and research of communicative-pragmatic factors of realization of negation in the language environment.
Evolutionary path of sentence negation development in the history of the German language. Peculiarities of means of multiple negation realization taking into account changes in the paradigm of negative markers of Old, Middle, and Early New High German.
The development of sentence negation in the German language. Peculiarities of means of implementation of multiple negation of periods of language development. Changes in the paradigm of negative markers in Old, Middle, and Early Modern High German.
Mental health - the complex, that includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. The physiological need - a concept that was derived to explain, cultivate the foundation for motivation by Maslow. Affects of quarantine on modern society.
Negative pronoun-noun "что" functioning as a predicate of the two-member sentences. Negative pronoun-noun "что" functioning as the main member of the negative genitive sentences. Differences of Russian negative and interrogative pronoun-nouns "что".
Intercultural communication in the field of business communication. The main functions and types of business communication. Preparation of instructions, documents and presentation materials for negotiators. Features of negotiations with foreign partners.
The article presents the results of the comparative study of the neighbouring countries’ images in the perception of the Russian student youth. The authors emphasize the importance of public opinion as one of the key social institutions in society.
Justification of the approach to building a cultural policy of Ukraine, which should be based on the harmonious synthesis of conservatively preserving and creative-innovative components. Principle of the state's neo-conservative cultural policy.
The purpose of the article is to understand the specifics of neo-orthodoxy as a religious phenomenon and its significance in the progress of modern religious and philosophical anthropology and Christology. Unorthodoxy as a direction of Protestant thought.
The destruction of the system of moral and religious values during the post-war spiritual crisis of European society. An analysis of neo-orthodox theology, which defined the idea of the authenticity and morality of a person based on his existence.
To understand the specifics of neo-orthodoxy as a religious phenomenon and its importance in the progress of modern religious and philosophical anthropology and Christology. Study of reasons the need to find lost meanings within the Christian tradition.
Deals with the emergence and formation of several modern ideologies that dominate the modern Turkish narrative, in its domestic and foreign policy. Study of historical and spiritual connection between the modern Republic of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire.
The processes of reversal in the post-bipolar period of Turkey's foreign policy in the eastern direction. The essence and features of the ideology of neo-Ottomanism. Attempts by the Turkish establishment to intensify cooperation with the Middle East.
Study the influence of philosophical ideas on French literature. Analysis of the characteristic features of the utopia genre. Consideration of the nature of dystopia, its main forms. Image of the future model of the world system in M. Houelbeck’s novel.
Peculiarities of the burial that existed in the Neolithic era in the South Caucasus. Research and periodization of the grave and grave goods discovered in the middle of the 20th - at the beginning of the 21st century from the place of residence.
Features of the origin of a number of northern ethnic groups, analysis of problems. Consideration of the reasons for the spread of Neolithic cultures in Northeast Asia, which later became the basis for the formation of the Arctic tradition of small tools.
The study of neologisms in modern English-speaking youth press of the late XX - early XXI century within the pragmalinguistic research paradigm. The study of neologisms, determine the communicative pragmatic basis for the study of journalistic discourse.
The definition of concept and term "neologism". Methods of forming and Translation neologisms. Ethnic and cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary of the English language. Translating difficulties of neologisms in the modern vocabulary.
The features of neologisms of recent years, the causes of their emergence, the ways of their formation, the criteria of registering them in dictionaries, the role of neologisms in press. The research of new nominations on the material of the German press.
Stylistic and thematic embodiments of the neomodernist paradigm in Ukrainian poetry of the late Soviet period, with peculiar attention to V. Stus, I. Kalynets, M. Vorobiov and M. Hryhoriv. The history of Modernism in 20th-century Ukrainian literature.
- 178. Neonatal care
A list of needed items to care for a newborn baby. The temperature of the child when he is submerged in the amniotic fluid and after birth. The diet of the lactating mother in the first three months. Morning and evening toilet newborn, his walking.
Analysis of the influence of the latest technologies on the formation of key characteristics of the international economic environment and its individual components. The revolutionary role of technology in accelerated socio-economic transformation.
Research of the spatial distribution of black stork (Ciconia nigra L.) nests in Ukrainian forest zone (Рolissia) revealed by an overlay analysis in GIS. Features distribution of Black Stork nests in the forests with different prevailing tree species.