- 1. p-n переходы
Принцип работы p-n перехода - структуры, содержащей дырочную и электронную области полупроводника. Понятие области объёмного заряда. Механизм лавинного пробоя. Паразитная ёмкость p-n перехода. Важная особенность тунельного диода, его использование.
Сравнительная характеристика идеальных норм поведения человека в исторической ретроспективе. Преимущества от использования метода р-адических иерархических деревьев для анализа измененного уровня психофизиологических функций человеческого сознания.
Общее описание фосфора как элемента V группы, металла. Характеристика его основных аллотропных модификаций. Применение треххлористого и пятихлористого фосфора при синтезах различных органических веществ. Источники загрязнения окружающей среды фосфором.
Происхождение микрокредитования и его основные функции в финансовой системе. Выдача и получение займов физическими лицами напрямую, без привлечения банков. Востребованность P2P-кредитования в России. Привлекательные и доступные источники финансирования.
The role of an member of the Archdiocese of Finland, Dr. Kontkanen, in the relationship between the two Churches. Preconditions for the change in the attitude of the national Orthodox Church of Finland towards the historically Kiriarchal Russian Church.
Picasso's audience – people who heard about him and saw his work. "Cubism" - this style was Picasso’s first gift to the art world. Test of new forms of art. Picasso's creativity as subject of the constant analysis, gossips, adoration or hearing.
Traces and analysis the reception of pagan concepts (mythological figures, formulae of heroic poems) in Latin poetry. Acquaintance with Joseph Exeter's description of the Paris court, which can be interpreted from both pagan and Christian points of view.
Study of the main aspects of foreign language anxiety in foreign language learning. The peculiarity of determining ways of developing students' confidence and communication skills in a foreign language. Analysis of the causes of foreign language anxiety.
Research of exercises intended for students with initial and middle levels of language proficiency performed in pairs. Working out new grammatical structures and using newly -based lexical units in small role-playing games containing an acting component.
Analysis of affine coordinates for pairing computation. Construction of designated connfirmer signature and its application to optimistic fair exchange. Designing a code generator for pairing based cryptographic functions and efficient constructions.
Change of palladium ions concentration during cementation on the magnesium disk in dimethylformamide solution. Chemical microparticles and agglomerates anorganic chlorine compound. Palladium adhesion to the substrate surface in dimethylformamide.
The context in which Caspar von Munster wrote his pamphlet (the so-called "Verteidigungsschrift"). Internal conflicts in the Teutonic order. The publication in 1557 year of a pamphlet in Daubmann’s printing press. The personality of Johann Daubmann.
Application of the constitutional act on the security of the Czech Republic. Act on the protection of public health. Pandemic act. Measures of general nature or legal regulation. The possibility of emergency legislation issued by the executive power.
The impact of the Covid pandemic on the legal system, gaps in current legislation in this area. Peculiarities of constitutional regulation. Determination of areas that require amendments to the Constitutional Law on Security of the Czech Republic.
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has forced changes in many areas of human life activity, also in the field of science, educating students and popularization knowledge. Sudden increase in the incidence and introduction due to the pandemic situation.
The changes in the area of values in the practice of science and science dissemination in the media. The medical experts and experts representing various fields and disciplines, disseminating knowledge about the coronavirus and the pandemic in the media.
The aim is to show the changes in the area of values in the practice of science and its dissemination in the media. Tools that worked well during the pandemic are still being used despite cancellation of the epidemic threat, of course to a lesser extent.
Встановлення біолого-морфологічних особливостей, біохімічного складу рослин, урожайності надземної маси і насіння. Визначення енергетичної цінності культури. Створення високопродуктивної форми із заданими параметрами урожайності, цукристості фітомаси.
Generator frequency tags, the structural scheme of the sweep generator frequency determinant. Analysis of changes in the frequency of the generator harmonics. The relationship between the nonlinearity coefficient and multiplier nonlinearity of the sweep.
Характеристика возможностей PanoView - программы для панорамного сканирования. Принцип действия программы, особенности ультразвукового панорамного сканирования. Область применения PanoView в ургентной медицине, педиатрии, при абдоминальных исследованиях.
- 21. Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: clinical and pathomorphological differences from larger cancers
Papillary thyroid carcinoma as a frequent malignant neoplasm of the thyroid gland. Assessment of clinical and histopathological features of the papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland compared to microartzinoma. Surgical treatment on clinical bases.
The Para-Romani varieties in Europe are preserved through communication between elder generations and children and thousands of children around Europe learn their mother tongue, the variety of Para-Romani through the transmission from parents to children.
Consideration of the systemic approach as one of the effective methods of prevention of violence and bullying in educational institutions. The significance and importance of using a parable in educating young people and warning them against violence.
- 24. Paracamelus minor (Camelidae, Tylopoda) – a New Camelid Species from the Middle Pliocene of Ukraine
Description of a new species Paracamelus minor location of Odessa catacombs (rustsiny) in the northern Black Sea coast of Ukraine. Features of the structure of a species: small size, moderate swelling of the body of the mandible, a significant reduction.
Methodological, legislative, educational, educational-methodical principles of the practical orientation of the educational process of training lawyers. Approaches to their implementation in the educational process of legal educational institutions.
Analysis of doctrinal approaches to practical training of students in the conditions of legal education reform in Ukraine. Legal clinics, case-method and solution of isolated cases as a form of training lawyers in the context of its practical orientation.
Consideration of the principles regarding the orientation of the educational process for training lawyers as a paradigm for reforming higher legal education. Determination of the forms of organization of the educational process aimed at its improvement.
The changes in the energy structure - one of the main reasons for the decline in interest in the problem of "thermal pollution". The external effect of technogenic factors on aquatic ecosystems and biota - one of the classical ecological paradigm.
Paradigmatic relations between units of poetic text. Description of specific paradigmatic systems, that are formed by lexical units functioning in a poetic text. Consideration of the content of the text to be an active mental activity of the author.
The history and development of computational technologies from physical switches to the microprocessor. Principles batch processing of computer data. Browse famous innovators in the field of interactive paradigm shifts and their main achievements.