- 1171. Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive departments from the nursing perspective
Investigation and analysis of the specific features of the ventilator-associated pneumonia, which is a serious nosocomial infection for a patient in an intensive care unit. Definition and characterization of the role of the nurse in its prevention.
The examination of the activities of the American police in the field of counteraction and prevention of administrative offenses committed by children and in relation to children. The principles of the administrative activity of the juvenile police.
Preventive adaptation as a process of internal changes, self-development and active external subjective adaptation to new conditions of existence. A place of preventive adaptability among other psychological manifestations. Indicators of human adaptation.
The development of intelligent, highly conscious personality with social position, ready for the competition to choose his place in life. Learning process of mastering the fundamentals of science, the wealth of national and world culture in the school.
The directions of social policy of the Polish state in the area ofpersonal safety of the elderly and to indicate the special role of the police formation in preventing crimes against this group. The analysis of available projects and prevention programs.
The directions of social policy of the Polish state in the area of personal safety of the elderly and the special role of the police formation in preventing crimes against this group. The preventive activities carried out by the Police in Poland.
Analysis of the provisions of psychological and pedagogical science on the problem of occurrence and prevention of hospitalization syndrome in young children with cerebral palsy. Study of psychological principles of preventive work with young children.
- 1178. Price and its strategies
Basic Types of Pricing Policing Policies. Promotional pricing strategy. International pricing strategy. Pricing strategy of Coca Cola. Prices of different bottles. The market penetration pricing policy. Coca Cola Company makes two types of selling.
The analysis of costs, losses and damages incurred by individuals, the state and the society as a result of the crime. Definition of structural elements that make up the "price of the crime": costs of the state, society, legal entity and individuals.
Analysis of the simple optimizing model of nominal price, familiarity with the features. General characteristics a model with random intervals between price changes, examination functions. General characteristics of papers by Campbell and Shiller.
Concept transport fare is a fee for moving services. One of the main conditions for a rational organization of transport activity and its profitability is the competent. The discrete law of distribution of the average annual prices for airline tickets.
Multiplicity of the world market prices. Factors affecting world prices. The types of prices in international trade: the calculated and published. Formation of world prices for primary commodities and manufactured goods. Transfer pricing in world markets.
- 1183. Pricing strategy
Pricing strategy as the pursuit of identifying the optimum price for goods. Main pricing strategies: Discount, Market Penetration, Premium, Skim Pricing. Skim pricing as a technique that companies use to find the optimum price point for a product.
The biography of Ivan Kostetskyi - a priest, public and political figure, one of the leaders of the Russophile movement. Election of spiritual rank and political orientation. Disclosure of activities Ivan Kostetskyi as chairman of the Russophile society.
Смисл уведеного філософом і теологом Високого Середньовіччя Д. Скотом терміна "haecceitas", його місце в метафізиці схоласта і вплив на становлення європейського індивідуалізованого мислення. Аналіз модерного права особистості на вільне самовизначення.
Development and implementation of measures for primary and secondary prevention of damage to the cardiovascular system in victims of combat trauma. Mechanisms of hypermetabolism syndrome development in trauma victims, disease prevention measures.
Development of intercultural competencies and their contribution to the formation of Kazakhstani citizenship. The persistent desire for lifelong learning as an important concept in the new educational policy of Kazakhstan. Feature of teaching English.
- 1188. Primary objectives and principles in teaching english as foreign language at universities globally
Learning from others is a key tenet in a social constructivist theory of learning, and this seems particularly true in teacher education. Communicative activity of students involves an organic combination of the conscious and subconscious components.
Implementation of ecological competence of elementary school students in the course of mastering the natural educational field through the study of the integrated course "I explore the world". Levels of environmental education of schoolchildren.
Highlighting the peculiarities of the implementation of environmental competence of elementary school students in the process of mastering the natural sciences. The field of education, which is implemented in the integrated course "I explore the world".
Analysis of the definitions of the term "soft skills" proposed by Ukrainian and foreign researchers as the essence of the professional activity of a teacher of primary education. Principles their purposeful formation in educational institutions.
Comparative analysis of the definitions of the term "soft skills" proposed by Ukrainian, foreign researchers. Analysis of methods of effective formation and improvement of soft skills in lectures and practical classes with future primary school teachers.
- 1193. Primary school teachers’ training to innovational foreign languages learning technologies usage
The problem of professional training of primary school teachers is investigated to the application of innovative technologies for teaching foreign languages in psychological pedagogical theory and practice. Innovative foreign learning technologies.
Reconstruction of the Indo-European language based on a register of words denoting cultural, moral, religious concepts, which may indicate the political and social structure of society at that time and highlight the values of the Indo-European community.
Consideration of the main stages of the biography of the famous Scandinavian painter Prince Eugene-a representative of the Bernadotte dynasty, who left a noticeable mark in the history of Swedish culture. The influence of the French Impressionist masters.
Linear Principal Components. A linear model formulation. The Principal Curve and Surface models. Theory for principal curves and surfaces. Algorithmic details. Estimation of curves and surfaces. Gold assay pairs. Generalized linear principal components.
Consideration of examples of transformation of skeleton in an initial skeletal count. Analysis of the extended version of polygonal algorithm of line, for finding of counts datasets information, got from binary templates. Methods of data processing.
The construction of lower-dimensional manifolds from high-dimensional data is an important task in data mining, machine learning and statistics. The authors consider principal manifolds as a regularized, non-linear empirical quantization error functional.
Characterization major methods of construction principal manifolds. Familiarity with the issues numerical computation. Analysis nonlinear manifold learning from unorganized data points is a challenging unsupervised learning and data visualization.
Основні аспекти проблеми індивідуації різних сущих у системі св. Томи Аквінського. Вчення Аквіната про визначену матерію. Проблема індивідуації та її метафізико-гносеологічний характер. Спосіб існування одиничних речей на противагу універсальному.