Peculiarities of improving the management of the bank lending process. Determination of strategic guidelines for ensuring its stability. Basic strategies for managing the lending process. Analysis of the intensification of banks' credit activity.
Study of modern trends in the development of banking marketing in the context of global digitalization of all spheres of social life. Increasing penetration of the Internet into the banking system. Characteristics of digital banking marketing tools.
Study of modern trends in the development of banking marketing in the context of global digitalization of all spheres of social life. Increasing penetration of the Internet into the banking system. Review of the main digital banking marketing tools.
Consideration of the principles of implementation of risk-management in modern conditions. Features of the development scheme of risk management of the Bank. Analysis of the ways of transition of banks to the international financial reporting standards.
Restrictions of bank operations for the private sector, extension for the companies. An assessment of activity of the Russian banks in practice: theory and reality. Bank regulatory rules. Operations of placement of money of clients in bank on the deposit.
Analysis of problems, key tendencies and most significant news of the banking sector, concerning macroeconomic environment. Predictions about the consequences of latest events effecting performance of Chinese banking. Structure of Chinese banking sector.
Studing the theoretical aspects of the banking system. Consideration the current structure of the banking system of Russia. Analyzation the statistical data concerning the banking system. The main problems of functioning of a modern banking system.
The trait of the study of the problem of familiarizing senior students of economic specialties with the specifics of the banking business. The main ways of motivating them to represent situations from real life are using learned business vocabulary.
The paper is dedicated to discussion the problem of Banking, Money and its function, banking system. The role of banks, their history, the money and the origin of the word. The central bank and the commercial and banking system in Russian Federation.
A study of the impact of the perception of bank distribution channel strategies on customer satisfaction. The irreplaceability of the human factor in the provision of banking services. Measures to win customers' trust in channels and all bank services.
- 41. Banner Blindness як механізм закріпачення суб'єкта: символічна комунікація Versus реальний діалог
Розкрито феномен "екранної сліпоти" як репресивний механізм зачарування кліповими образами віртуальної реальності в постмодерних проєктах. Надано критичне розуміння екрана як нашарування панівних означників, що є кодами бажання, екстрапольованого в цифру.
The problem of effective incentives for workers as one of the most difficult issues in the creation of labor policies of firms. Different types of incentive schemes. Equity-based contracts as an optimal incentive solution for both the firm and employees.
Hordeyiniv studies of the varieties of spring barley. Create a directory to determine varietal purity parties grain varieties identification of genotypes. Research electrophoretic spectra hordeyiniv as an additional form of qualifying examination.
The action of luteolin in the treatment of renovascular hypertension, lowering blood pressure, deremodeling of baroreflex sensitivity, renal and cardiac hypertrophy. Analysis of the mechanism of pharmacological action of long-term treatment with luteolin.
Characteristics of approaches to the development of methodological foundations of the process of sustainable development of industrial enterprises. Grouping models of sustainable development on the basis of external and internal economic development.
An analysis of approaches to the definition of the concept of "video game" as an element of scientific discourse. Consideration of the problems of the proliferation of games in the field of human life, starting with a variety of professional activities.
The article is devoted to the research of the formation of professional competencies among students of technical universities. The issues of training a professionally competent specialist are disclosed in the article. Various activities are analyzed.
Gross domestic product as a widespread macroeconomic indicator. Definition of the stage of the business cycle. A study of the quality of improving the life of the population in each country. Use of international standards to calculate the coefficient.
The problem of selection criteria for academic texts for teaching future philologists to reading in English with regard to the features of academic discourse was studied. Features of academic texts in general and articles in particular are analyzed.
Cognitive linguistics is an approach to the study of language which is based upon human perception and conceptualization of the world. The main concepts of cognitive linguistics. Literal, figurative language as complex concepts. The notion of "metaphor".
To researching computer lexicography and aims at regarding basic concepts of the applied scientific discipline in linguistics. Such tasks of computer lexicography, as parsing, creating a lexical database, lexical analysis of electronic dictionaries.
The state of necessity as a circumstance that excludes bringing states and subjects of international public law to international legal responsibility. Analysis of the draft UN articles on the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts.
Identifying levels of baseline hope and existential anxiety in adulthood. A positive feeling that plays a fundamental motivational role in the regulation of human behavior. A prospective emotion that, unlike fear/anxiety, is directed toward the future.
Trends in the development of open data infrastructure, identification of shortcomings and advantages of the implementation of open data policy. Public access to public information through the prism of analysis of the legislative framework of Ukraine.
- 55. Basic medicine
Evaluation of the state of the cardiovascular system using magnitude variation of the phase trajectories of single-channel ECG. Methods to estimate patient’s grade of severity. Еffectiveness of the management the cardiovascular system’s functional state.
Study of cognitive linguistics as a new paradigm of scientific knowledge. Justification of the main methodological foundations of cognitive research in domestic general linguistics. Analysis of the principles of modern cognitive research of language.
Review of laws on the organization of postgraduate education and requirements for teaching foreign languages to graduate students. An assessment of practical considerations regarding the development and implementation of the syllabus for such a course.
- 58. Basic principles of building relationships with frontline personnel within internal marketing system
Analysis approach to appraisal of frontline personnel using competency approach and different stages of life cycle, with satisfaction and loyalty. Principles of building the relationships with frontline personnel in the system of internal marketing.
Rationale and legal justification for the application of special liability for land offenses. Peculiarities of criminal liability for relevant offenses, its types and forms, factual basis and reflection in legislation, prospects for improvement.
Application of Sharia principles in the sharia economy. Definition and characteristics specific features of Islamic financial institutions, which no longer apply the distribution of profit and loss, but mainly different rates in relation to income.