Основные понятия о многопрофильных сотрудниках, их отличительные черты от обычных специалистов, достоинства и недостатки. Примеры по выявлению таких сотрудников в компании и советы по развитию их навыков. Главные отличия сотрудников T-образного типа.
The use of the tabular interface - the tool, which makes anyone possible to implement an effective technology of mass test import into various language in teaching tools. The classical principles of the educational information systems construction.
In order to determine whether student s with different personality traits perceive the use of tablets in school differently, the problem was formulated: Is there a correlation between selected personality traits and the use of tablets in the school space?
Presentation of the relationship between personal traits and the use of electronic devices for educational purposes. Correlation between students' performance and the degree of extraversion. The need for stimulation in the educational environment.
Basic approaches to legal regulation to prevent and combat discrimination on the basis of employment. Analysis of the main academic approaches to this problem. Ways and prospects for Improving anti-discrimination legislation in contemporary Ukraine.
Develop tactical and psychological bases for meeting the suspect's opposition: false testimony, while conducting an investigative experiment and elaborating recommendations for overcoming such opposition. Defining the role of the protective dominant.
Development of tactical and psychological foundations for overcoming the resistance of the suspect, in the form of reporting false testimony, when conducting an investigative experiment. Tactical recommendations aimed at overcoming such opposition.
The creation of counterbalancing measures to circumstances that contradict the effective development of investigative practice and algorithms aimed at detecting and eliminating errors made in investigative activities. Obvious and hidden errors.
The investigative experiment to determine the mechanism of commission of crime in general or during specific stages. The defining a relative position, particular place or the boundaries of the site where the victim has suffered a physical damage.
Definition of interrogation as an investigative action, its essential features and peculiarities of conducting. The main categories of interrogated persons who have the status of a suspect during the investigation of falsification of medicinal products.
Characteristics of the system of tactics of inducing the suspect to give evidence. Consideration of problems of formation of the system of tactical methods of interrogation during the investigation of falsification and circulation of falsified medicines.
Трансатлантична угода про вільну торгівлю як пропозиція створити договір про вільну торгівлю, що буде простягатися від Європи до Північної Америки, на обох берегах Атлантики. Знайомство з особливостями глобалізації міжнародної торгівлі між США та Європою.
Evident benefit of the inquirer - the ability to determine the reasons in family education system, which are caused by peculiarities of parent’s behavior. The creation of diagnostic systems - the tool for the decision of problems of social pedagogics.
Considers the reasons for the Taiwanese economic miracle that did happen in this barren mountanius territory despite its limited local agriculture developing in a few productive areas. Analysis of reasons for spending budget funds on defense needs.
Treatment Derrida on the International Committee to support the Algerian intellectuals. Support the Algerian democracy. Take a stand for a new international solidarity and electoral agreement, stand for the effective dissociation of the political.
Ensuring the inviolability of physical individuals and private life in Ukraine. Procedural features of obtaining biological samples from participants in criminal proceedings for expertise for inclusion in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations.
The criminal-procedural characteristic of obtaining of biological samples for expertise. Characterization of a biological sample from the standpoint of legislation. Normative regulation of voluntarily and compulsory obtaining of biological samples.
The criminal-procedural characteristic of obtaining of biological samples for expertise is given. Deals with the legality of obtaining of samples for examination before submitting information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations.
TAL1 как транскрипционный фактор и один из основных участников гемопоэза. Сохранение мультипотентности гемопоэтических стволовых клеток и удержания их в фазе покоя. Формирование комплексов с различными транскрипционными факторами-участниками гемопоэза.
Development of talent in sports of high achievements. Long-term models of sportsmen's development. Thoughtful training from Erikson. Implementation of pre-detection and post-detection procedures in talent development. Search for potential talent.
Modern tools for the management of the organization's competitive advantages based on improving the abilities of its employees. Attracting and retaining high quality specialists. The main ways to identify the talents of the organization's employees.
Дослідження поняття talent management у контексті сучасних завдань вітчизняної військової науки. Обґрунтування необхідності запровадження системи управління талантами та напрями вироблення нових підходів до управлінням персоналом Збройних Сил України.
The experience of Polish language teachers regarding thanatopedagogy. Declarations of teachers regarding the frequency of conversations with students about death. Evaluation of the usefulness of conversations about death, discussion of this topic.
The results of an empirical study of teachers' experience in the subject of thanatopedagogy. Teachers' statements regarding the frequency of conversations with students about death or loss, student reactions, and barriers to these conversations.
Example of the prominent accessory cusp on the palatal surface of the left lateral incisor. The image of the affected crown. Talon cusp after the grinding performed. Occlusal forces and changes in the alveolar bone and periodontal connective tissue.
Features of the system of tamga signs of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of Central Asia and South Siberia. Analysis of tamga signs that played a certain role in the economic life and culture of the central, Vilyui and northern local groups of the Yakuts.
Analysis of using of tandem as an alternative method of English language teaching. The objectives and principles for the use of method. The organization of teaching with the tandem-method. The forming of cross-cultural, linguistic competence of students.
Востребованность музыки Астора Пьяццоллы как реформатора "мира танго" в современной культуре. Анализ стилевого обновления традиционного канона танго композитором. Проведение исследования "авторского" варианта преломления классического прообраза жанра.
The reaction of recipients to the stimulus word снігоквіт/snigokvit. Taras Shevchenko presented a lexical neologism, with the help of which he wanted to convey to his reader the meaning of the word "lily (flower)" and certain aesthetic feelings.
Proposed of using of targeting as one of internet advertising method. Characterized of the internet advertisement is an universal tool for promotion products and services. Definition and analysis that internet is a perspective platform for ad business.