Borrowed English words in Russian language. The reasons of borrowing anglicisms. The classification of anglicisms. The impact of borrowed words on Russian language. Anglicisms’ role in everyday life, sphere of their use, impact on the lives of teenagers.
The functional role of the compliment as a speech tactics in the process of communication and establishing regularity in its relative frequency of use in the aspect of psychological impact on the listener. Norms of speech etiquette and politeness.
The peculiarities of the development and formation of the English detective novel. Study of the main stages of English detective fiction. The compositional features of the detective story. Determination of the binary opposition of the characters.
Analysis and comparison of dictionary definitions with contextual definitions. Syntagmatic relations and lexical compatibility of the term human capital in scientific discourse. The semantic field of the term HC: personal, organizational, national levels.
The use of English has a significant impact on global culture and international relations. Espite its importance, the dominance of the English languages also raises questions about the preservation of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.
Interpersonal communication skills to convey messages clearly, address public concerns, and promote transparency. English is the means by which officers convey the facts of the case. Interaction with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Discussion of one of the most pressing problems of humanity – corruption. Forms of work that include practice in speaking, listening, and reading encourage students to talk about the problem of corruption in the world and its impact on modern society.
A scenario of the English lesson dealing with the discussion of one of the problems humanity faces and comprises a set of tasks for students at the C1 level at English classes. suggested activities envisage speaking, listening and reading exercises.
The specificity of the heading-final complex of Anna Akhmatova's "Poem without a Hero". The application of an integrated approach to the analysis of the elements of the frame text of poem. The genealogy of "Poem without a Hero" from Byron to Pushkin.
Consideration of the problem of involving students and researchers in education and scientific research. Challenges facing the education industry and how they can be addressed through student-led entrepreneurship education that can be delivered online.
The article considers the improvement the methodological system for the formation of qualities of awareness in the behavior of adolescents, the creation a positive social and spiritual-psychological environment in the family and in the field of education.
Many environmental pollution problems are the result of the rapid advances in technology that have been made since the end of World War II. Here are some steps to follow to make water cleaner and safer. Green light to solve environmental problems.
Consideration of the main arguments of the deflationary concept of truth, characterization of the approaches of A. Tarsky, W. V. Quine, H. Putnam. Deflation of "truth" with necessity require deflation of "false". Arising at the elimination of false.
The cases of norwegian-russian and french-russian marital unions, using the to sociology and jurisprudence method of scientific research. The material carries anthropological character, which explains the use of the methods of historical sciences.
Properties of nuclei, heavy ion collisions and neutron stars. An estimate of the coefficient of incompressibility. Frequent mode of interaction of a particle collision. The theory for the microscopic description of the various modes of giant resonances.
The paper focuses on the study of on similar and distinctive, obligatory and optional peculiarities of the formal organization of adjoining constructions and composite sentences. The classification of adjoined parts in adjoining constructions is expanded.
Consideration of similar and excellent, obligatory and optional features of the formal organization of connecting structures and complex sentences. The main criteria for the separation of connecting structures from other complex syntactic units.
The legend about the founding of the Scottish Dal Riata, set forth in the "History of the Scottish people". Influence of the Irish sagas on the adaptation of the version of the exodus of part of Dal Riata from Ireland and its connection with the Erks.
- 1159. The escape
Consulting of a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation. Listening of the recording of text "The escape" and marking the stresses and tunes. Reading of following word combinations paying attention to different types.
The efficiency, complexity and cost of implementing behavioral, parametric and structural adaptation of an enterprise to a changing external environment increase in the order they are listed. The problem of choosing the optimal method of adaptation.
The leading role in addressing public health belongs to physical therapy specialists, the purpose of professional activity of which is the comprehensive restoration of the functional state of the person by means of physical and health technologies.
- 1162. The essence and content of the multifunctionality of the professional activity of the accompanist
Substantiate of general charter of the accompanist as an equal participant in the artistic-performing and pedagogical process. The specific aspects of the accompanist's work in the school of arts, which within the typical educational process are ignored.
A comprehensive consideration of the concepts and views of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the diagnosis of economic security of enterprises. Theoretical substantiation of the mechanism for diagnosing the economic security of enterprises.
Identification and characterization of the key stages of Ukraine's economic integration with the European Union. Studying the economic part of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Analysis of priority vectors of cooperation.
Features human impact of environmental regulation environment. Sanitary, environmental, scientific, technical standardization in the field of environment and natural resources. Object recognition valuation assessment of human impact on the environment.
The process of formation of personnel potential in the enterprise. Study of the anti-crisis policy, its goals, objectives, principles and its significance. the main mistakes made by the entrepreneur during the crisis period and their consequences.
Concept of professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work. The principles of formation of all components of this competence, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education.
- 1168. The essence and significance of benchmarking in strategic planning in higher education institutions
The current study aims to analyze modern problematicity of the essence and significance of the benchmarking method in strategic planning in higher education institutions within Ukraine and world societies. To consider benchmarking as a systematic process.
The current state of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring the goals of sustainable development in the field of environmental protection of regions in Ukraine. The main priority for the development of public administration in this area.
The essence of the economic culture of future technicians in transport technologies and transportation management in road transport is an integrative formation of the personality of a specialist, reflecting a system of professionally important qualities.