Analysis of situational and contextual dimensions of presidential rhetoric during election and administrative periods. Genre and communicative goals of speeches, persuasion and mobilization of the electorate. Use of pejorative and invective lexical units.
The Stewart is the ruling dynasty of Scotland from 1371 to 1714 and England from 1603 to 1714. Life history of monarchs of England, Scotland and Ireland. A fundamental change in English economy and society, religious conflicts during board Stewarts.
The existing problems of management of debts receivable, which economic entities deal with, have been considered in the article and the mechanism of management of debts receivable has been stated, the stages of its implementation have been characterized.
Consideration of the problem of categorization of evaluative relations in the English language as part of the description of evaluation based on the system-functional theory of linguistic research. Learning vocabulary that expresses negative emotions.
- 995. The discourse studies of computer-mediated communication genres development in modern linguistics
An overview of communication in computer-mediated discourse. Linguistic features of scientific network discourse. Peculiarities of electronic communication: main methods of interaction, text forms, overview of compositional and linguistic features.
A list of the main representatives of the Physiocrats, the inner meaning of their doctrine. Examining the nature of capital Quesnay. The technical origin of the circular flow of economic life. Arbitrary and violent diversions of the economic stream.
A common ground between mental health and judicial-legal domains. The discursive peculiarities of a specific socio-cultural context and genre. The discursive construction of the "social dangerousness" of the "mentally-ill". Focus on word "Psychiatric".
Description of the semantics of American folklore ballads, taking into account the links between images that are involved in the creation of lyrics. The unification of concepts objectified by verbal images in the fabric of ballads by discursive metonymy.
Research of creation methodological model of diagnosing process of the creative making competence. Analizes of discussion of the basic result of dissertational research of methodological model of diagnosing process of the creative making competence.
Stable historiographic stereotypes influencing the essence of Orthodox academies (collegiums) in the Russian Empire in the 18th century. Establishing differences in interpretations of the characteristic features of the model of educational institutions.
The enduring historiographical stereotypes that influence how the nature of the Orthodox academies in the Eighteenth-Century Russian Empire is understood. By pinpointing differences in the interpretation of the characteristic features of academy model.
Advantages of distance learning using computer telecommunications networks in foreign countries. The problem of the effectiveness of distance teaching of the English language. Web Resources, multimedia, computer disks as carriers of methodical bases.
Relevance of processing technology as a single frame, as well as their sequence. Disadvantages polyadic dimensional phase encoding three-dimensional digital video data. Possibility of development coding. Developing innovative ways to the grows video.
The temperature radial profiles of intracluster gas, and the radial profiles of density and mass for dark matter and intracluster gas for the five galaxy clusters. The Navarro-Frenk-White density profile of the underlying dark matter distribution.
The concept of the divine energies (energeiai) is commonly associated with the late Byzantine theologian Gregory Palamas. In fact, however, it has biblical origins and figures prominently in Greek patristic theology from at least the fourth century.
Communicative models of the world’s states, principles of building state information policy and characteristics of the political system. The role of influence of public policy on the formation of ideas about the state in the external information space.
Palpitation as an indicator of the viability of the fetus, monitoring its performance during pregnancy. Method, block diagram and description of the operating principle of the device being developed. Using digital filters to eliminate interference.
- 1008. The Double Standard: Livonian Chronicles and Muscovite Barbarity during the Livonian War (1558-1582)
This article analyzes the image of Ivan IV (Terrible) and Muscovites in the chronicles written by Livonian Germans during the Livonian War. Warfare between Livonians and Muscovites was a contest between civilization and barbarism, between good and evil.
International legal framework and its application to activities in the use of space resources. Writing a draft Law of Ukraine "On the extraction and use of natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies". Provisions of the Outer Space Treaty.
The role of IT-service companies in enabling Industry 4.0 transformations. The challenges faced by organizations that attempt to undertake Industry 4.0 transformations without external support. Engaging experienced IT-service providers for Industry 4.0.
The language competences of a public servant are considered from the point of view of pragmatism, examining the meaning of public statements in the context of discussing a particular problem. The causes of the lack of egalitarian respect by officials.
Democracy as one of the effective forms of organization, both of the society and of the state. The local government like the quintessence of elements of social self-organization and regulation inherent in civil society entities with public power.
The growth model is used to identify the short run eects of two technology shocks. Neutral shocks aect the production of all goods homogeneously, and investment-specic shocks aect only investment goods. The uctuations at business cycle frequencies.
The analysis of heart rate variability. Proof of the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation program lumbosacral osteochondrosis in office workers. Impact on haraktersertsevoho rhythm physical rehabilitation program with elements medfitu, massage.
The use of additional means in the training of qualified field hockey players that contribute to the improvement of the abdominal breathing pattern. The effectiveness and impact of training sessions using the method of endogenous hypoxic breathing.
Study of the history of the formation and structure of the foreign and national debt of Italy and Spain. Evidence for the inverse relationship between the Spanish 10-year government bond yield and the current account. Double deficit in Italy and Poland.
- 1017. The dynamics of hemodynamic indexes in patients with consequences of mild traumatic brain injury
Characteristics and analysis of the consequences of an easy craniocerebral injury. Research and conducting of dopplerographic study of cerebral vessels. Detection of vascular reactivity disorders in the direction of reducing the velocity of blood flow.
The causes of the growing trend for complaints of gastrointestinal nature. General characteristics of functional disorders of the digestive system that trigger the subsequent development of chronic pancreatitis. Methods of treatment cholecystectomy.
The sustained propagation of combustion fronts in porous media is as a condition for the success of in situ combustion for oil recovery. The analysis of a method for modeling the propagation of combustion fronts in porous media. Problem of loss of a heat.
Analyzing the concept of "civilization" and "values" from the point of view of different sciences. On the basis of research of scientists, determination of the priorities of the value sphere of youth in the contradictory conditions of modern civilization.