Анализ состояния слёзопродукции для определения патогенетических факторов нарушения метаболизма роговицы у пациентов с миопией высокой степени. Оценка изменения микроциркуляции переднего сегмента глаза методом калиброметрии конъюнктивальных сосудов.
Determination of the reasons that contributed to the formation of a cultural and economic center in Yangzhou. Consideration of the role of the emergence of wealthy social groups and patrons in creating new opportunities for the artistic community.
The purpose is to analyse the formation of Yaroslav Fedorchuk as the Soviet public and political figure with a projection to the present, clarification of diverse aspects of his participation in the industrial development of the Carpathian region.
The great work of subjugation and conquest. The welfare of the world capitalist system. Systems of illegitimate authority in every corner of the social, political, economic and cultural worlds. Different World orders old and new in Latin America.
The place the Elizavetpol province in the administrative-territorial transformations carried out by the tsarist regime in the region after Russia's occupation of the South Caucasus. Political transformations carried out by tsarism in the South Caucasus.
Analyzes the place and role of Yelizavetpol province in the administrative-territorial changes carried out by the tsarist regime in the region after the Russian occupation of the South Caucasus. Consideration of roots of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The influence of mineral fertilizers on the accumulation of oil in flax seeds. Determination of yield the yield and oilseeds of seeds of different varieties of oilseed flax under different conditions of moist supply and doses of mineral fertilizers.
The highest productivity was observed in plants grown with the organic-mineral fertilizer system combined with the use of the biopreparation Mycofriend. The nutrient content using the organic-mineral fertilizer system combined with the biopreparation.
Results of the research, aimed at studying the influence of doses and methods offertilizer application and mass of planting material on the formation of the yield, seed productivity and yield structure of potato tubers in conditions of Vinnytsia region.
Substantiation of indicators of the quality of the seed potato fraction. Studies of the variation of yields depending on the treatment of planting tubers drugs method. Principles of formation of seed fractions of potato and early maturing varieties.
Характеристика истории издательства "YMCA-Press". Существенное влияние Рубакина на издательскую программу до 1922 года. Создание книготоргового объединения "Товарищество объединенных издательств". Открытие советско-французского центра "Русский путь".
Analysis "The American Diary of a Japanese Girl" of Yone Noguchi. Situating Noguchi in cultural and historical contexts, this essay examines his identity and reception as a translingual writer of English, and the contradictions found in the novel.
A brief foray into young European generation. Varied names for a fast changing young European generation. Respondents perceptions on social networking and public involvement. Communication technology and social networking, understanding English language.
Participation of students and teachers of higher educational establishments of Soviet Ukraine in communist transformations in the countryside during the years of collectivization and the Holodomor. Strategies for student behavior in harvest campaigns.
- 15. Young peoples’ relationship with the labour market: the Republic of Moldova vs. the European Union
The young people’s problem on the labour market in Moldova and the EU. Analysis of the benefits of education, using indicators: the marginal increase in individual wages due to an increase in the duration of schooling; reduction of the unemployment rate.
Socially and politically active youth as a necessary condition for the formation of a democratic society and the establishment of stable and functioning civil society institutions. Ways of interaction of youth with state authorities in Ukraine.
In this study, the present three creative initiatives of Ukrainian youth to organise their own leisure activities, which were launched during the lockdown and created on the basis of the rich potential of national cultural heritage and folk traditions.
Consideration of the science of youth and their organizations. The definition of public youth organizations as an important factor of socialization. Characteristics of the main youth movement in Ukraine. Review of the periodization of the youth movement.
The article attempts to conduct a comparative analysis of youth parties in the EU. Investigate theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of "political party" - as well as to highlight the main features and characteristics of youth parties.
The article attempts to conduct a comparative analysis of youth parties in the EU. Investigate theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of "political party" - as well as to highlight the main features and characteristics of youth parties.
Study of the main measures taken by the governments of Russia and Belarus in the field of youth policy in order to mobilize and consolidate youth. Emphasis on patriotic upbringing and an approach that tends to ignore the free will of young people.
Youth policy in social and political spheres. Youth activity in cultural, economic, social, political dimensions. The importance of youth as a social demographic group of the future. Promotion of youth competitiveness and human capital development.
Social transformations of the Russian history of the XX-XXI centuries, their influence on the religious consciousness of the nation. The role of religion in the socialization of young people, its transition from indirect forms to legal manifestations.
The article reflects the intermediate results of the research aimed at preparing a professionally-oriented vocabulary of modern youth slang to be used as a tool of operative psycholinguistic diagnostics. At present in Belarus, there are no lexicographic.
Psycholinguistic classification of slang. The reflects the intermediate results of the research aimed at preparing a professionally-oriented vocabulary of modern youth slang to be used as a tool of operative psycholinguistic diagnostics of law officers.
Terrorism as the intimidation of the political opponents which is expressing in a physical abuse up to destruction; cruel intimidation, violence. Characteristics of the communication, information, motivational function of public service advertising.
Определение понятий "интернет-коммуникация", "коммуникация", "интернет". Определение факторов конкурентоспособности и сравнение YouTube с традиционными каналами коммуникации. Порождение новых бизнес-моделей, способствующих росту конкурентоспособности.
Совершенствование и развитие аудитивных навыков китайских учащихся. Тематика видеосюжетов: ведение бизнеса в государстве, развитие деловых отношений между Россией и Китаем. Примеры заданий к видеосюжетам. Устное деловое общение в системе речевых жанров.
- 29. Youtube против "словаря русского языка" (о функционально-коммуникативной маркированности полисемии)
Изучение семантической ротации, которая состоит в том, что вторичное значение слова становится функционально доминирующим. Суть феномена диверсификации системы языка в интернете. Анализ полисемии, сленга, разговорной речи и лингвистической прагматики.
Мультимедійні засоби інформаційно-комунікаційної діяльності, їх місце у системі медіа. Характеристики YouTube, формат відеоматеріалу, поширеність аматорського контенту. Створення відеооблогів як незалежної форми цифрових засобів масової інформації.