Изучение F-центров щелочно-галлоидных кристаллов, активированных ураном. Проведение анализа кинетических кривых, полученных в эксперименте, на основе которого предложена модель ураниловых центров. Разложение кривой поглощения на полосы гауссовой формы.
Аналіз проекту по створенню інфраструктури, що відкриває для учнів доступ до засобів виробництва за моделлю Fab lab, перспективи та особливості її застосування в Україні. Структура і принцип роботи Центрів молодіжної інноваційної творчості в Росії.
The fabrication of a molecular transistor based on a single molecule trapped in a few-layer graphene nanogap. The three-terminal transistors. Feedback-controlled electroburning. The current-voltage characteristic. The measure electron transport.
Strengthening pedagogical concern for the fate of the child and the threat of the disappearance of his identity in the conditions of war. The child's face as an icon of victims of dehumanization. Protection of children's rights from military aggression.
Images of children and childhood in the context of aggression and war. Ukrainian children of war who are migrants. Introduction of the "National Day of Ukrainian Children of the War". Creation of a virtual network of research on children of war.
Ensuring the rights of minors in Ukraine during the war. Detection of crimes against children. Strengthening pedagogical care for the fate of schoolchildren. Organization of cooperation with academic centers in Poland and readaptation of small refugees.
Strategies of behavior in intercultural communication, depending on the character and psychotype of a person. Individualistic and collectivist approaches to avoiding conflict and saving face when communicating with representatives of different nations.
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Exploring of the types of code glosses, their lexical realizations, pragmatic functions and frequencies of occurrence. Identification of pragmatic functions the code glosses serve in TED Talks. Types of code glossing with predominance of exemplifiers.
An in-depth analysis of issues arising in ASEAN's economic cooperation efforts, with a particular emphasis on trade facilitation in the region. Challenges and opportunities related to ASEAN FTAs with other countries, understanding the economic landscape.
We showed the characteristics of facilitative interaction. We proved, that the Activity was the basis, means and positive condition for the development of the Personality. The Activity is the expedient transformation of the surrounding reality of people.
Facility managament как интеграция функций в рамках организации для обеспечения и развития оговоренных услуг, которые поддерживают и увеличивают эффективность их основные функции. Private Public Partnerschip как способ финансирования от частных лиц.
The question of regional integration of the countries of Northeastern Asia in the area of energy, on the example of organization of energy export from Russia to China. Presenting the data on the current situation with regards to organizing energy export.
Comparative analysis of Russian propositional units and their functional equivalents in the Bulgarian and Ukrainian languages. The method of identification of lexical units. Conditions for the inclusion of individual phrases as independent entries.
Using the migration crisis as a political tool. Populist phenomenon in Italy, the essence of the counter-elite. History of the Northern League, structure and leading figures of the party. The nature of the five star movement, the specifics of the party.
Identify of weather PKC-d gene silencing using siRNAs restores K+ channels function in VSM damaged following arterial hypertension and diabetic development. Induction of diabetes. Total mRNA isolation and real time (RT)-polymerase chain reaction.
Identifying the factors that affect the success of university students in the Sylhet region. Finding out the significant difference between male and female students in the case of academic time and CGPA. Feeling of relatively less academic stress.
Analysis of the problems that hinder the development of the business environment. in the Republic of Armenia. Issues related to the issuance of construction permits, cross-border trade, loans, contracts, investment, corruption, the shadow economy.
The main threats and problems faced by modern Ukrainian IT companies. Five-factor models for analyzing changes in net profit and net sales revenue for leading companies in the industry in Ukraine: asset turnover, profitability, cost structure.
The definition of "intellectual potential of the region", the analysis of its structure in Ukraine on the basis of statistical results. The definition relationship between the volume of gross regional product per capita and indicator of potential.
The purpose of the article is to study the practice of managing the institutions of the socio-cultural sphere of rural territories of Ukraine. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation and functioning of controlling in the management system.
The developing of a factor model based on significant factors in the macro environment of tourism enterprises. The evaluation and analysis of the factors in the macro environment of tourism enterprises are conducted using the principal components method.
The evolution of the concept of "region", which in the modern sense is no longer just a geographical entity. Prerequisites for its formation in a given area are historical, socio-cultural features, as well as the specifics of political organization.
The idea of E. Harrell and A. Paasi regarding the formation of regions. A comprehensive consideration of the identity factors of South American countries and the role of regional identity in the process of formation of the Latin American macro-region.
Theoretical aspects of competitive strategies of global companies in the videogame console industry. Factors affecting competitive strategies choice in the videogame industry in Japan and the USA. The case study of Nintendo in two periods of its life.
Consideration of the main factors influencing consumer loyalty in role-playing games and video games that simulate life. General characteristics and features of the conceptual model of online games loyalty. Acquaintance with modern gaming technologies.
The investment management in international financial markets: cases on firms from the US. Industry appraisal of international investment management: infrastructure and operational parameters. Factors affecting investment strategy selection by investment.
Familiarity with the strategies of internationalization; factors influencing their choice. An overview of existing research on the choice of internationalization strategy in the field of telecommunications. Study China Mobile, Veon and Vodafone.