Історія виникнення та розвитку "Великої сімки", "Великої вісімки" на міжнародній арені світу, їх характеристика та особливості. Поняття та головні засади міжнародних груп, опис та специфіка їх структури, діяльності. Політичне значення груп для України.
Основні причини фундаментальних змін, що зазнала світова економічна система за останні роки. Характеристика ключових принципів реформування фінансового ринку, які були прийняті на вашингтонському саміті учасниками міжнародного об`єднання країн G20.
Studies of some mechanisms for the formation of a person’s gait, their clinical significance. The study of electromyographic and biomechanical features of gait, types of pathological processes. Interesting features of the soles of patients' shoes.
The enrichment of the intestinal microbiota with potentially beneficial bacteria - a process that has a beneficial effect on the health of fish. The total viable autochthonous heterotrophic aerobic bacteria level in the intestine of Caspian roach.
Investigations of the range of one of the entertainment tourism, exactly gambling industry in the world, main destinations, its problems affecting to society and perspectives in the future. The general condition of gambling industry in Kazakhstan.
The necessity of different games use in the educational process. The importance of the game as an important aspect of relieving mental strain of pupils at lessons of a foreign language. Game material in the solution of various problems and situations.
- 7. Game Guides
Анализ особенностей выбора операционной системы, для которой будет разрабатываться приложение. Характеристика основ определения среды разработки. Проведение тестирования приложения на работоспособность. Исследование основных сайтов, посвященные играм.
The role of game situations in the process of forming students' communicative competencies. The traditional approach to learning. Game situations during foreign language lessons. The process of developing the communicative potential of the student.
The purpose of this study is to show how game methods of work and gamification techniques are actually implemented by modern teachers in English classes in both full-time and distance education. The results of the survey of the English language teachers.
Game as an important method of training for children of preschool and younger school age. Positive sides of didactic games in the process of teaching, main directions realization of game receptions at a fixed form of occupations. Cases use game activity.
The place, role of video game culture in the context of the meta modern trend. Analysis of its semantic content and prospects in the perspective. The phenomenon of video games as a product of the demands and challenges of post-non-classical neoculture.
The main characteristic of improving lexical skills as an important part of teaching English. Analysis of the concept and purpose of learning vocabulary. The development of a lesson using different types of games in the education of foreign speech.
Penetration of magic reality in domains of modern life through interactive computer games and the internet. Psychological studies of modern people and their belief in magical reality that is usually subconscious. Reasons of addiction to computer games.
- 14. Gametogenesis
Concept of gametogenesis, meiosis, spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Gametogenesis in mammals. Structure of the gametes. Sperm, egg and flagella structure. Sperm capacitation and egg cytoplasm. Egg maturation at the time of fertilization in various species.
Peculiarities of using gamification as one of the most effective tools in the higher education system, which diversifies and increases the effectiveness of foreign language learning. Ways to increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language.
The gamification as a advantage in the process of learning a foreign language. Analysis of students' motivation to learn a foreign language as a prerequisite for achieving a high level of knowledge. Using gamification tools as a means of increasing it.
Consideration of the relationship between motivation and assessment as key aspects of learning French. Research of features of aspects of gamified assessment in French lessons as a foreign language. Applying game mechanisms in non-game contexts.
The effectiveness of gamified learning environments in motivating students and advancing their language skills. The potential of gamification as a powerful tool in English language teaching and learning. Integration of game elements into main programs.
History and evolution of gamification, its nature and main elements. Gamification in teaching linguistics skills. Description, features of digital gamification tools, the value of serious gaming and simulation. The place of gamification in the ESL class.
- 20. Gamification in the system of the latest technologies of the educational process during the pandemic
Defining the role of gamification in e-learning, allowing teachers to interest and motivate students in the educational process. Characteristics of gamification tools that can be integrated into the educational process. Interactive survey form.
Increased competition in the digital environment leads to the search for effective tools to attract targeted traffic to websites. Search engine marketing, which includes search engine advertising, allows to achieve this aim by means of technical settings.
The content of the concept of gamification of the educational process. Identifying contributing features of the development of learning motivation, Consideration of the position of the gamified lesson. Provide various forms of integrated learning.
- 23. Gamification technologies in the educational process of SMART-TNPU in the computer science teaching
The possibilities of using gamification technologies in the organization of the educational process at the university and institutions of general secondary education during martial law. Analysis of their specifics during the study of IT courses.
Application of gamification through educational platforms. Aspects of their use: individualized learning, point systems, leaderboards, social interaction. Review of the effectiveness of gamification in motivating students to engage in active learning.
- 25. Gamifying "Whole-person education": the development of a mobile application with augmented reality
Description of the development of a gaming mobile application that integrates augmented reality. Augmented reality and gamification "Formation of a holistic personality" as educational strategies in learning in the period of innovative technologies.
Gamification as part of the gaming educational environment. Social, entrepreneurial importance and the origin of "social value". Exploring ways to make social value interesting for student entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial students through gamification.
Study of social, entrepreneurial importance and origin of "social value". Consideration of gamification as part of a game-based educational environment. Ways to increase social value for students studying business, entrepreneurship, through gamification.
- 28. Gaming addiction
The study of the concept of "Game addiction" as the escape of adolescents and youth from reality. Types of video games and reasons for gaming addiction. Analysis of the financial, academic, and professional consequences of addictions to video games.
Настройки отображения комментариев на диаграмме. Рассмотрение простой задачи по созданию календарного плана-графика проекта. Формирование списка официальных праздников. Сохранение проекта, экспорт-импорт данных. Календарное планирование проектных работ.
The main feature of a sports announcer's performance. Analysis of step-by-step announcements and color comments. Research of gap fillers. Exploring space-placeholders in football commentary. Specification of the match between Denmark and France.