The scientific research is devoted to the study of the genesis of the legal regulation of the functioning of intellectual property institutes in cyberspace and the use of its results as a basis for eliminating deficiencies in the adopted local legal acts.
The aspects contained on criminal liability for hostage taking have had a ambiguous history. The work contains only significant records of domestic jurisprudence, containing norms on criminal liability for hostage taking from origins up to the present.
Аnalysis of the basic provisions of the concept "method" in Europe and America. The historical and pedagogical analysis. The basic approaches to the definition of "method" category are identified in the European and the American Teacher Education.
Summarizing the experience of the homeland theory and methodology of teaching physics by means of the historical and methodological analysis and identify the promising ways as well as the tools to provide for the creation of high-quality physics textbook.
The trade relations between the northern kingdoms of China and the nomads of Southern Siberia and the delivery of the gifts to the Huns from the Han Dynasty. This enabled silk and varnish products to penetrate Southern Siberia, Central Asia and Xinjiang.
The fairy tale - one of the most popular genres of oral epic tradition that has been studied by linguists rather thoroughly. Discourse - a very broad notion which contains in itself a variety of sub-fields and disciplines. Language as semiotic system.
Definition of multimodality and its place in modern British fairy text as a sign system. Compositional structure of the fairy text is considered as a formal organization of its elements in particular syntagmatic sequence or hierarchical dependence.
Correlation Between the level of internet using experience and the successful interpretation, consistency of emotional attitude to the Internet texts in adolescents. The regularities of dynamics of successful understanding with the growth of the level.
The study of patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases. Changes of endothelial function in humans. Analysis of causes of thyroid homeostasis disorders in the form of reduction of serum free triiodothyronine. Indicator of desquamated endothelial cells.
It was found that under the influence of the enzyme "Rovabio" in birds increases the gross collection of eggs relative to control analogues. Recommended to use more crosses of domestic selection, as more adapted to local conditions of keping and feeding.
What is genetic modification? The problems of labeling genetically modified food. Problems facing to cloning. Cloning of the person: arguments in protection. The first genetically modified monkey. The future development of cloning, genetic modification.
Impact of the consequences of widespread use of a genetic design product on the environment and the user. Possibilities of application of genetic technology in agriculture. The role of insurance companies in the agricultural and economic sector.
Закономірності формотворення архітектурно-планувального розвитку міста. Унікальні особливості природного та антропогенного ландшафту Києва. Закономірності розташування сакральних об'єктів на території Києва. Зображення антропологічного образу Києва.
The studying of chromosome associations in M1 of pollen mother celles in the hybrids between the lines with each other and with recurrent common wheat genotype Avrora were compared with the data of the line assessment for the morphological markers.
Determining the place that genomics occupies in the interdisciplinary sciences. The development of regulatory and legal regulation of genomic research - a trend in the development of this field of public relations in Russia and the United States.
Analysis of the adaptive profile of the phenotype and the functional potential of its plasticity. The role of identification of specific molecular and genetic predictors of volitional control to assess its role in psychological readiness for childbirth.
Definition and correlation of psychological Internet discourse with existing classifications of discourse types and analysis of its genre features. Research on the classification of Internet discourse by transmission channels and communication topics.
Outline of canonical forms and texts of liturgical art. Study of traditions of prayer singing genres and methods of modern poetics of choral art. Analysis of national symbolism, mysticism and sacredness in the works of Ukrainian composer H. Havrylets.
Byronism - a surprisingly bright, complex historical, literary phenomenon that covers both the aura of the personality of the prominent English poet. Features of the organization of the artistic structure of the novel of A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
Determine genre reference points of modern choral music that correspond to stylistic ideas of "new simplicity" as a leading trend in the composition. The idea of "new simplicity" is defined, which is embodied in the general principle of "dissolution".
Interpretation of the concept of "genre", the specifics of its semantic load as a literary category. The study of Mark Twain's work. Identification and systematically analysis of the features of the genre of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" has a number of features characteristic of a novel as a kind of epic: a large volume of the work, epic nature of the story, saturation of dialogues. The plot narrative is not as detailed as in the classic examples.
Analysis of the structure of a literary work belonging to the genre of mass literature. Interpretation of the subgenre of mass literature – thriller, irrelevant clear structure of a literary work. Analysis of Dot Hutchison's novel "The Butterfly Garden".
Documentary sources, which reproduce the stages of people's lives, tell the truth about historical events. Possibilities of using conjecture in the reflection of reality. A story about the phenomena of history in the language of facts in the memoirs.
A comprehensive study of the potential use of GeoGebra, a dynamic mathematical software, for navigational purposes. Using GeoGebra to teach navigation concepts, study geometric relationships, and create interactive simulations of navigation scenarios.
Geographical analysis of higher aquatic flora of Seversky Donets valley was carried out using the classification of types of species areas in the spatial three-dimensional coordinate system. Studying the distinctive features of the investigated flora.
Major States included in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Thames as the deepest and the most important river. Shipbuilding like one of the chief industries of England. Characteristics of the main chambers are part of the British Parliament.
Great Britain as the biggest island in Europe. Some features of political system of United Kingdom. London as one of the oldest and most interesting cities. The Oxford and Cambridge Universities - the most famous educational centers in the world.
Canada as a country in North America, ranked second in the world by area. The geographical position of the state. Maple leaf is the official symbol of the country. The official opening ceremony of the new flag on Parliament hill in Ottawa, the capital.
Situating Great Britain and Notnern Ireland on British isles. The characteristic forms of political rule Great Britain. Parts and borders of United Kingdom. Geographical characteristics and capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland.