Determination of the goal of reduction - maximum compression of information at the lexical level. Analysis of the formation of new abbreviations in the English language, which is a constant phenomenon that is increasingly developing and improving.
Coverage of the periods and trends in the development of general physiology in Ukraine against the background of the development of world biological thought. Evolution of basic scientific physiological theories, organization of specialized departments.
The use of multifunctional daemon processes to solve the automation of complex and repetitive processes in modern information and communication systems. Stages of their creation to automate the synthesis of behavioral signatures of network users.
The essence and features of European Union labor law. The main factors that influenced the formation and development of European labor law. The concept of EU labor law. Analysis nalyze the principles of legal regulation of labor relations at the EU.
Strengthening the role of public service as a defining feature of a democratic and legal state in terms of active development and improvement of public administration in the world. Research of the process of reforming the management system in the state.
Introducing in national legislation such an institution as a public service like the task by Ukraine after signing the Association Agreement with the European Union. The features of the legal personality of judges of the general jurisdiction court.
Rights and freedoms of a person. The criminal legislation of Central Asian. General principles of sentencing as a system of rules. Appropriate type and term of criminal punishment among possible measures stipulated by a corresponding criminal sanction.
Analysis of the scientific foundations of the development and implementation of raw material and product traceability systems in bakery production. Outline and scientific justification of measures for organizational improvement of product traceability.
Defining the role of patent protection for an invention in the field of pharmacogenomics in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and comparing them with the criteria in accordance with Europe. Possible emergence of personalized bioterrorism.
Analysis of structure of the general secretariat for Polish affairs of the Ukrainian People's Republic reflected the activities that were most relevant to the ethnic Poles, who lived in Ukraine. Research of the process of formation of the department.
Finding common solutions of linear differential equations of the fourth order, the coefficients of which satisfy the system of three differential equations of the first order. The problem of conformal mapping of polygons, whose sides are arcs of circles.
Several aspects of systems theory. Arithmetic of cardinal numbers. Crises of naive set theory. Constructions of ordinal and cardinal number systems. Growth of the polish school of mathematics. Bellman’s principle of optimality and its generalizations.
History of origination of corporate law. The corporate movement in Ukraine in the form of joint stock companies. The appearance of corporate relations is related to economic reforms, consolidation of human rights and freedoms in the basic regulatory acts.
A study of gender-based violence, when Ukraine in the process of integration into the European Union confirmed the idea of building a European country with democratic principles. Proving that achieving this goal is the basis for gender equality.
The mechanism of implementation of the defense function of the state, the ratio of its main elements. Methodological description of the concept, essence and content of the defense function of the state, its role in the protection of state sovereignty.
Research of the general theoretical features of the legal status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine during the war as in the most acute period of socio-legal anomie, when all citizens of the state are negatively affected by military actions.
Investigation of the components of development based on the general theory of systems. The role of change, stabilization, adaptability in the structural transformations of the national economy. The impact of crises on the transformation of the economy.
Subject and method of statistical science. Elements of probability theory. Random variables and their distribution laws. Fundamental of statistical observation. Grouping, consolidated return and data presentation. Basics of averages statistics method.
General characteristics of the proposal. The definition of a sentence as the basic unit of language that expresses a complete thought. Consideration of the types of sentence. Comparative analysis of structural types of sentences in Ukrainian and English.
Problems of organizations related to the growing interest in professionals "generalists", in comparison with"narrow specialists". Types of "generalists", their value as a resource that ensures the organization's adaptation to changing business conditions.
The basic cognitive model-image which serves for the generalized description of synergetic mechanism of the genesis of literary genres. Methodological stipulations of the model formation. The principle of synarchic antinomy "unity – multiplicity".
A wireless sensor network of distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to cooperatively pass their data through the network. The analysis of models of wireless sensor network with random access is presented.
Analysis of the connection between the study of phenomenon of generation and establishment of a consensus on the observance of the rules of win-win games as the value foundation of Western civilization. the processing of the traumas of modernization.
Theory of generations and analysis of the characteristics of each generation Z. Consideration of the problem of communication, describing of the peculiarities and the most common problems in communication of generation Z, ways of solution of problems.
Analysis software, which together make up the whole computing system. The essence of the main generations of computers, their features and the existence of time. The use of breeds transistors, integrated and Very Large Scale Integrated circuits.
The depth structure of the sentence as the level of syntactic representation, which encodes predicate-argument relations, the role characteristics of the arguments of the verb. The structural organization of the sentence manifested at the SS level.
Studies show that despite the existence of a large number of monitoring methods used in the evaluation of the technical condition of generators on a real-time basis in modern times, they create certain limits in the evaluation of some parts or parameters.
A problem of binary pseudo random sequences creation of cryptographic security system for sequences of maximal length, with static characteristics. The questions of Galois and Fibonacci of creation primitive matrices random size over the simple field.
Consideration of long process of a ritual, the commedia dell'arte, da Vinci and D. Bernini's theatrical games in actions of the 20th centuries. Research of art of the Renaissance and baroque Ayr. Use of work of K. Stockhausen, L. Lipkis and M. Dessie.
Beginning of the history of formation of modern tax system of Ukraine with adoption in 1990 of the Law of Ukraine "About the State Tax Service in Ukraine". Analysis of the modern situation of interaction of the State tax service of Ukraine with medias.