- 391. The intelligent technological solutions as a tool of efficient use of the agriculture resources
A new stage in the development of agriculture in Ukraine, which is characterized by an increase in the use of information and communication technologies. Legislative framework for the development of the information society in the agricultural sector.
The study thepotential benefit of hyperosmolar extender during the freezing-thawing process in rooster sperm. Sperm cells could be preserved in the same extent by the use of a antioxidant molecule (vitamin E) and by reducing intracellular ice formation.
The nature of inheritance of selection attributes and the level of realization of the potential productivity of rabbits of breed Poltavske sriblo. Formation of productivity indicators in rabbits of Poltava silver breed in the context of generations.
To determine the power of the root system, a physiological method based on the intensity of sap release was used. The experiment shows that the root system with a larger feeding area is more powerful. The activity of the root system was revealed.
The experimental works for the use of electro activated water solutions in agroindustrial complex. The technology extraction of protein from sunflower oilseed meal and pea meal. The use of electro-activated aqueous solutions in agricultural sector.
Description of land management of agroindustrial enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan along with the main factors determining the successful realization of the outlined approaches to land management in the process of agroindustrial production.
The scientific approach to feeding, condition of content and formation of focused heredity. Methods of obtaining several calves from one cow. Consideration of the method of preparing and conducting embryo transfer to heifers from 13 to 16 months.
- 398. The results of using interspecific hybridization to create valuable selection forms of potatoes
Conducting of breeding work in Ukraine. Creation of new potato hybrids, evaluation of their economic and biological characteristics. Increasing the resistance of the of plants against late blight. Formation of a crop with a high starch content in tubers.
In the presented study, indicators of the quality of colostrum and vaccination of newborn calves were measured, and such indicators in animals as proteins, fats, lactose, IgG immunoglobulin levels were analyzed. Experiments were carried out on 50 animals.
Сопоставление данных об экстенсивности инвазии скребнями в форелевые хозяйства позволяет сделать предположение о неблагоприятной эпидемиологической ситуации в форелевых хозяйствах. С целью борьбы с акантоцефалезом форели был применен ряд препаратов.
Determination of the influence of long-term action of natural and anthropogenic factors on the phytosanitary state (pests) of winter wheat and the dynamics of its indicators during continuous cultivation. Factors affecting the spread of wheat pests.
The role of the agricultural production in the priority economic activities. Trends of organizational approximation of production of agricultural products to industrial production. The prospects of creation conglomerates to ensure food self-sufficiency.
Features of the formation of the elements of the structure and productivity of seeds of white sweet clover varieties Yuzhny and Donetsk Odnorichny. Influence of row spacing and doses of nitrogen fertilizers in non-irrigated conditions of the south.
Peculiarities of influence of the theory of the production process on the development of practical selection, modeling, forecasting and programming of agricultural crops. Estimation of buckwheat varieties with high yield and presence of valuable features.
Inquiry of achievement of complete restoration of dairy parenchyma and elimination of pathogen. Conducting of arterial chemotherapy, intramammary application and thorough milking of contaminated milk lobe. Raising the effectiveness of mastitis treatment.
The application of fergetation for increasing the stability of tomatoes on irrigated lands has been investigated. The effectiveness of the use of ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate and a combination of calcium nitrate and ammonium chloride for tomato.
Висвітлення стану і перспектив культури тритикале на теренах провідних Європейських держав у часі та просторі. Розгляд статистики світової посівної площі тритикале за роками. Аналіз динаміки посівної площі та урожайності зерна тритикале в Угорщині.
Study of biotechnology and veterinary issues related to dipterology. The optimization with modification of systems using a number of technologies of feeding, rearing and processing of black soldier fly larvae in pig farming and their application.
Study of agriculture development in independent Ukraine using methods for decomposition of data sets to obtain structural components according to level of determination and tendencies without random fluctuation. The turning points in its development.
Winter wheat occupies a leading position in the crops of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The effectiveness of using a solution of urea with magnesium sulfate to improve the quality of grain. The quality indicators of fiber and protein have improved.
- 411. Ukraine's oil and fat industry investment opportunities: development, market analysis and forecasts
Prospects of the oil and fat industry in Ukraine. Basic indices of oil crop seed production and processing. Ukraine's place in the global market. Key problems of oil and fat industry development and growth of its production and export potential.
The depletion of soil cover as the main consequence of intensive cultivation of sunflower in Ukraine. The use of the forgo schemes of rotation of crops in order to maximize short-term profits - one of the specific features of the Ukrainian farmers.
The program of remote sensing of the normalized difference vegetation index. Prediction of humus content in soil using normalized vegetation difference index. Using artificial neural networks to predict the normalized vegetation difference index.
Application of method for evaluating and grouping test accessions according to their levels of drought tolerance (stress tolerance, if other stresses are detected) that is expedient to apply for preliminary description of different of breeding materials.
Determination of the influence of dietary characteristics on the concentration of urea in milk. Improving the efficiency of feed use for cows, increasing the content of edible raw protein. Minimization of nitrogen losses in the environment at dairy farms.
Experimental information about the regularity of hard metals migration and loading of movable form of cadmium, plumbum, mercury and zinc in the organisms dairy cows. Using of zeolite meal of small grinding of "Sokyrnytske field" as fodder addition.
The main aspects of the implementation of the monetary normative land assessment of settlements on the basis of geographical information systems. Methods of normative monetary estimation of lands, based on geographic information software ArcGIS 10.
Способность капельной системы обеспечить равномерность распределения воды между всеми растениями по площади поливаемого участка, подачи удобрений и других веществ с водой. Методика повышения эффективности использования капельной системы орошения.
- 419. Veterinary and sanitary evaluation of mutton after using biologically active feed additive "Yoddar"
Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the veterinary and sanitary assessment of mutton after using the biologically active additive "Yoddar". Analysis of the results of studies of the effect of the drug "Yoddar" on the quality of meat from small breeds.
Analysis of the frequency of detection of benign neoplasms in slaughter cattle. The manifestation of neoplasms in this species of animals. Comparative analysis of veterinary and sanitary assessment of the quality of cattle meat with and without tumors.