The process of modernization as a set of structured factors, aimed at improving the efficiency of financial and economic activity of the enterprises of the agricultural sector. The main directions of improvement of their material and technical base.
The identify the prevalence of diarrhea caused by rotavirus and coronavirus in newborn calves located in the North-West region of the republic using rapid testing. Detection rates of pathogens in animal manure samples and distribution by age groups.
- 303. Probiotic feed addition influence on slaughter qualities of broiler chickens grown in a cage battery
"Protecto-Active" feed addition with probiotic action positive influence on slaughter qualities of the broiler chickens grown in a cage battery is ascertained. The use of the probiotic feed addition of in the technological process of broiler chickens.
Research of technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops, prospects and ways of their improvement, reduction of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. Ways to compensate for negative changes in arable land, achieving a balance of organic matter.
Cereals as a source of carbohydrates, the main energy component of food. Surface treatment of wheat grain to improve final product quality. The use of peeling machines with rotary friction knives to remove shells during its preparation for grinding.
Determination of the efficiency of using silage from Echinochloa frumentacea in comparison with silage from 4-component mixture of spring legumes and fodder crops for fattening calves. Assessment of the impact on the average daily live weight gain.
Sunflower is the main oil crop in Ukraine. Searching for reserves increase the yield of it under the conditions of climate change, improve the quality of products and reduce the negative impact on soil fertility and the surrounding natural environment.
The studies on the influence of sowing dates on the grain productivity of various corn hybrids in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. Research has established that sowing dates affect the passage of phenological phases in corn.
Soy as an important high-protein oil crop. The influence of the variety on its cultivation. Review of optimal soybean sowing dates for varieties of the early ripening group in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest Steppe, impact on plant yield.
Study of the productivity of mechanically disturbed soils of zonal types in the Nizhny Novgorod region (sod-podzolic, light gray forest). Determination of the dependence of yields on some abiotic factors based on the Pearson correlation coefficient.
Influence of sowing terms and weather conditions in spring-summer period оп the productivity's formation of the winter wheat modern varieties in conditions of the South Steppe of Ukraine. Determination of the highest yield of winter wheat grain.
To determine the effect of method of irrigation and plant density on growth, development, and yield of seed lines of corn, which are the parental components of the innovative hybrids. The results of phenological, biometric yield data were processed.
The breeding by combinatorial breeding of new high-yield table grapes. Resistance of cuttings to fungal diseases. Comparison of morphological features of descriptor leaves of three varieties of grapes growing on testing sites, analysis of biometric data.
The use of plant raw materials in manufacturing food and medicinal products. The chemical composition of Echinacea Moench, its application in beekeeping and animal husbandry. Creation of new varieties for landscape design and environmental harmonization.
Clinical and radiological evaluation of reparative osteogenesis in rabbits and dogs when using biocomposite materials. The replacement of bone tissue defects. X-ray investigations in dogs. Course of reparative osteogenesis. Healing of fractures.
Study of pulmonary gas exchange in heifers, milk productivity of Simmental firstborns of the Prykarpattia breed, to the physiological and selection index developed by us. Assessment of milk productivity in wide-bodied and narrow-bodied first-born cows.
The issues of the importance of quality seeds by the sugar beets growing. Elements of the technology of hybrids seed growing based on the cytoplasmic male sterility. The synchronization of flowering and the pollination of the parental components.
Assessment of the state endocrine system of farm animals. Indicators of biological effectiveness of iodine in a dose dependent manner. An estimation of consequences of radiating defeat of sheep in the conditions of radioactive pollution of territory.
Analysis of the distribution of foci of erysipelas and leptospirosis on the territory of Ukraine, which cause significant economic harm. Viability of pathogens of these diseases Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and spirochete Leptospira interrogans.
The influence of fertilization system and precursor on the nutrient regime of gray forest soil under winter wheat and spring barley under short-rotational crop rotation conditions. Restoration of crop vegetation on unfertilized options in crop rotation.
Analyze the influence of replacement of soy with protein sunflower concentrate in the diets for broiler chickens and to evaluate the effect of this ingredient on the growth and development of poultry. Review of indicators of the meat productivity index.
Analysis of analytical expressions of regression dependences of the coefficient of rolling resistance of wheels of a wide-track agricultural implement on humidity, hardness and track density of a constant technological path. Construction of graphic maps.
The development of stock raising – the sector of agriculture can be successfully solved by enriching of natural fodder bases, increasing productivity. Composition of annual, biennial motley grass by families in lowland and mountainous forest regions.
Obtaining various breeding forms in the process of growing dogwood. Use of dogwood as a fruit, medicinal, technical and ornamental plant. The influence of unfavorable temperature fluctuations and frosts in April. Reduction of dogwood reserves in nature.
- 325. Retrospective review of risk factors associated with feline lower urinary tract diseases (FLUTD)
A review of a number of risk factors associated with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). Population changes affecting cat health. The frequency of clinical diseases of the lower urinary tract. Risk groups for the development of the disease.
Pyricularia as the most harmful fungal disease that affects rice. Characteristics of rice varieties that are genetically protected from piricularia and do not require chemical protection from this disease. Analysis of the non-pesticidal technology.
Analysis of the results of studies of rice cultivation under different irrigation regimes in the conditions of the southern zone of the Amur region. Study of rice irrigation regimes that combine differentiation of pre-irrigation moisture thresholds.
Значення робінії звичайної в лісоаграрних ландшафтах України як економічно важливої культури, що використовується для отримання ділової деревини і дров, біомаси для енергетичних потреб, для боротьби з ерозією. Принципи її контрольованого використання.
Improvement and substantiation of the elements of the system of protection against the main diseases of roses based on the establishment of the features of the formation of their complex. Research on the development of root rot in the treated areas.
Identification of the main causes and ways of the spread of diseases and pathogens of water protection pine plantations of the Dnieper and Desna. Development of recommendations for improving biological stability and the state of biotopes in the region.