Biochemical characteristics of chicken eggs after feeding with powder. Microflora of litter after feed additive application. Amino acid analysis of litter and powder samples. Feed additive was derived from poultry manure by microbiological synthesis.
Development of techniques and technologies for drip and subsurface irrigation, allowing to obtain the planned yields of vegetable crops with the general preservation of soil fertility and environmental safety in the conditions of the south of Russia.
The problem of amber confrontation, which arose in the north-western part of Ukrainian Polissya, led to significant changes in the structure and mineral composition of the soil layer of forest lands. Violation of the ecological balance of the forest.
Analysis of the preservation of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) during litter processing in bioreactors of chamber and drum type. Comparison of indicators of nutrient integrity and processing time for traditional and intensive technologies.
Створення сортів низькофітатного голозерного ячменю на основі LPA-мутацій. Поліпшення ефективності засвоєння (біодоступності) фосфору зерна ячменю людиною і тваринами й зниження шкідливого навантаження органічними фосфатами на навколишнє середовище.
The respiratory system of humans. The structural and functional unit of the lungs is the acini, which is formed by a set of alveoli. The structure of the vertebrate lungs became more complex as they specialized as air respiratory organs by increasing.
Clarification of biochemical characteristics of woody plant species that grow naturally on devastated lands. Analysis of the content of macronutrients (macronutrients) and heavy metals in tree leaves. Analysis of the content of nutrients and toxic metals.
Distribution of values of magnetic susceptibility of soils of agricultural land of the chernozem zone of the Left Bank of Ukraine, assessment of their informative value for soil organic carbon control at the regional level. Scheme of soil sampling points.
- 249. Magnetotropism of roots and structure of their statocytes exposed to high gradient magnetic field
The amyloplasts in higher plants play the important role in gravisensing cells, statocytes. Effect of high-gradient magnetic field on the roots leads to bends, as in a gravity stimulation. Induction of curvature by the HGMF in root of Pisum sativum.
Studies of the information content of immunological reactivity indicators in connection with changes in the state of sows during the prenatal period of gestation. Changes in the leukocyte profile reflecting immune restructuring were established.
Cross-breeding of four genetically different parental varieties of okra (Del, De2, Sh1 and Sh2) in all possible combinations using the semialdiallelic mating method. Getting hybrids according to a randomized full-block plan with three replications.
- 252. Methodological assessment framework of socioeconomic systems’ bioeconomic transformation management
Analysis of the impact of bioeconomic processes on the sustainable development of Ukraine. Formation of a methodological base for monitoring Ukrainian socio-economic systems. Introduction of a system of indicators for evaluating statistical information.
The forage production system of the Volga-Don interfluve. Description of the main crops on irrigated lands. The share of blue-hybrid alfalfa in the structure of sown areas. Methods of tillage in the cultivation of blue-hybrid alfalfa variety Talisman.
Study of the content of carotenoids, organic molecules and some nutrients contained in the grain of corn hybrids. Analysis of conformational and functional changes of photosynthetic pigments determined by the intensity of spectral band amplitudes.
The method of biological conservation and using of highly productive cows in feeding of wet grain of sorghum, which provides the long-term "aerobic stability" of canned feed by using the hay meal preservative ingredient flour of Galega oritalis L.
The quality of feed must meet the requirements of current regulations. Many countries adopt laws that allow for the establishment of uniform standards and testing of feed. The quality and safety of feed also affect the quality of agricultural products.
The algorithm for using a methodical approach to forecasting the purchase price of milk, taking into account the correlation between milk prices and prices for certain types of dairy products, which is produced and sold by agricultural producers.
Analysis of trends in the world mineral fertilizers market. Factors that correlate with fertilizer consumption. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of demand, supply, foreign trade, market factors and characteristics; forecast of its development.
Improve the model of very early ripening soybean variety and determine the peculiarities of the influence of the cultivation conditions on the formation of the major components of its productivity. Theoretical components of the modern variety model.
Review of the work of foreign researchers on the topic of modeling post-harvest grain processing, which will serve as the starting material for creating an improved post-harvest model. Determination of the quality of processing and purification of grain.
Influence of soil moisture content and climatic factors on water consumption of plum seedlings grown in a fruit nursery in the Nonchernozem zone. Evapotranspiration with increasing pre-irrigation threshold of humidity with low-volume drip irrigation.
Determination of the localization of the Gid1 gene on the chromosomes of Dasypyrum villosum. Conducting a phenotypic evaluation of soft wheat lines with substituted, translocated or supplemented Dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in their karyotype.
Dasypyrum villosum as an annual cereal that has established itself as a donor of economically valuable traits for wheat. Analysis of the features of comparison of partial DNA sequences of the C1d1 gene sequenced in two samples of Dasypyrum villosum.
- 264. Morphophysiological parameters of hard and soft wheat genotypes depending on different water supply
Amounting of pigments were determined to evaluate the level of the photosynthetic apparatus development, its physiological state, formation and accumulation potential of the product. Increasing drought tolerance and the quality of wheat varieties.
- 265. Motivational aspects of development of strategic network partnership in the agro-industrial complex
Determination of motivational factors of structural changes in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine. The ability of business entities to generate large value-added flows and improve efficiency through the development of strategic network partnerships.
An important role of veterinary medicine in people's lives. Basic functions of veterinary medicine. Features of the special education for veterinaries. The Course includes veterinary anatomy, physiology, histology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology.
Nanopolymer GluLa-DPG-PEG600-F can penetrate bovine sperm cells via binding membranes, deposit in the cite of injection in muscle tissues by binding proteins. Nanopolymer influences on sperm cells metabolic activity. Determination of their survival time.
Analysis of the results of immunological studies of samples of the collection of winter wheat and hybrid families. Study of the most common infectious diseases of this group of agricultural plants. Development of ways to combat them, their effectiveness.
Change in the paradigm of managing production in agribusiness. Instruments for restoring agribusiness in war and post war periods. The economic potential of growing niche crops. The main advantages and certain challenges of production of niche crops.
Нозематоз - поширене захворювання європейської медоносної бджоли, яке періодично викликає масову загибель бджолиних сімей на пасіках. Секвенування ділянки гена рибосомальної рибонуклеїнової кислоти - метод визначення видової належності мікроспоридій.