The method of biological conservation and using of highly productive cows in feeding of wet grain of sorghum, which provides the long-term "aerobic stability" of canned feed by using the hay meal preservative ingredient flour of Galega oritalis L.
The algorithm for using a methodical approach to forecasting the purchase price of milk, taking into account the correlation between milk prices and prices for certain types of dairy products, which is produced and sold by agricultural producers.
Analysis of trends in the world mineral fertilizers market. Factors that correlate with fertilizer consumption. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of demand, supply, foreign trade, market factors and characteristics; forecast of its development.
Review of the work of foreign researchers on the topic of modeling post-harvest grain processing, which will serve as the starting material for creating an improved post-harvest model. Determination of the quality of processing and purification of grain.
Influence of soil moisture content and climatic factors on water consumption of plum seedlings grown in a fruit nursery in the Nonchernozem zone. Evapotranspiration with increasing pre-irrigation threshold of humidity with low-volume drip irrigation.
Determination of the localization of the Gid1 gene on the chromosomes of Dasypyrum villosum. Conducting a phenotypic evaluation of soft wheat lines with substituted, translocated or supplemented Dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in their karyotype.
Dasypyrum villosum as an annual cereal that has established itself as a donor of economically valuable traits for wheat. Analysis of the features of comparison of partial DNA sequences of the C1d1 gene sequenced in two samples of Dasypyrum villosum.
- 218. Motivational aspects of development of strategic network partnership in the agro-industrial complex
Determination of motivational factors of structural changes in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine. The ability of business entities to generate large value-added flows and improve efficiency through the development of strategic network partnerships.
An important role of veterinary medicine in people's lives. Basic functions of veterinary medicine. Features of the special education for veterinaries. The Course includes veterinary anatomy, physiology, histology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology.
Nanopolymer GluLa-DPG-PEG600-F can penetrate bovine sperm cells via binding membranes, deposit in the cite of injection in muscle tissues by binding proteins. Nanopolymer influences on sperm cells metabolic activity. Determination of their survival time.
Analysis of the results of immunological studies of samples of the collection of winter wheat and hybrid families. Study of the most common infectious diseases of this group of agricultural plants. Development of ways to combat them, their effectiveness.
Change in the paradigm of managing production in agribusiness. Instruments for restoring agribusiness in war and post war periods. The economic potential of growing niche crops. The main advantages and certain challenges of production of niche crops.
Нозематоз - поширене захворювання європейської медоносної бджоли, яке періодично викликає масову загибель бджолиних сімей на пасіках. Секвенування ділянки гена рибосомальної рибонуклеїнової кислоти - метод визначення видової належності мікроспоридій.
Nymphaea alba L. – редкий, температно-меридиональный, европейский, индифферентный вид. Ареал распространения охватывает Кавказ, Атлантическую и Восточную Европу. Произрастает в эвтрофных пресноводных слабопроточных водоемах с илистыми донными отложениями.
Features of growing corn and sunflower in the steppe zone of chernozem soils of the Volgograd region. Increasing the yield of grain crops. Advantages of strip tillage technology. Calculation of the coefficient of water consumption for winter wheat.
Optimization with the use of mathematical planning of the nutrient medium for the development of shoots from the tips with leaf rudiments in the genotypes of grapes. Differences in genotypes according to the need for concentrations of macroelements.
The production and consumption of vegetable oil per capita in Ulyanovsk region. The forecast scenario of development of oil and fat subcomplex with taking into account the optimization of the primary areas of processing plants and the market trend.
Acquaintance with the features of optimizing the implementation of rural management in Indonesia. Analysis of the rules providing significant powers of rural self-government at the village level. General characteristics of rural policy in Indonesia.
Aspects of the organization of a farm economy for production of meat and milk products. Capital investments in fixed and circulating assets of agricultural production. The calculation of technical and economic indicators of the production program.
Сравнительное изучение индексов видового богатства для жуков семейства жужелиц разных территорий Восточного Кавказа. Системы управления базами данных. Зависимость индексов от методов сбора, объема выборки, локализации изучаемой территории и ее площади.
- 231. Parameterization of changes in soil organic carbon content depending on the fertilization system
Determination of parameters of changes in organic carbon content in typical chernozem. Peculiarities of long-term use of different fertilization systems of field crop rotation in the conditions of the High Forest Steppe of the Left Bank of Ukraine.
Feeding guidelines in rabbit production. Conditions for achievement a stable healthy gut flora (bacterial population). Particularities of functioning of the animal digestive system. The role of proteins, calcium, and phosphorus in the rabbit's diet.
The analysis of nucleotide sequences of isolates of a virus of a yellow mosaic of a string bean. The sequences of the gene region encoding the envelope protein and the design of the primers for identification. Development of a diagnostic test system.
Showed that using bishofite solutions in order to stimulate growth of spring barley plants. The influence of growth factors on the accumulation of solids in spring barley plants at different stages of organogenesis was established and characterized.
The essence of the concept of "pheromones" and their biological significance. Various uses of pheromones in agriculture to control insect pests. The use of pheromone traps in the protection of plants from pests in the fields of cotton, kenaf, maize.
Review of scientific articles and patents for inventions devoted to physical methods of processing potatoes. The reaction of potato tubers to this treatment. The prospects of this direction for both pre-planting and postharvest processing of potatoes.
This study to highlight the physical and physiological changes of different types of legumes and the variation of their mineral amount during the germination process, in order to establish the optimal germination period for their use in consumption.
Results physico-chemical parameters of different varieties of apples, as well as organoleptic and rheological properties of puree canned by different methods. The choice of good varieties and processing methods to improve the quality of Apple sauce.
Evaluator of varieties of winter wheat collection for drought resistance at the initial stages of seed germination in a sucrose solution corresponding to 16-atmospheric pressure and during grain pouring according, to the realization coefficient.
Study of mutual influence between cultivated and weedy plants. The main herbicidal effect on the presence of weeds and their harmfulness in agrophytocenoses of winter wheat. Fall application of Ellai Super herbicide compared to spring application.