The study of the expediency of using carrion siderates for indicators of the agro-ecological condition of the soil. The influence of carrion siderates on indicators of productivity, product quality and its ecological safety of corn and sunflower.
Determine the influence of fertilizers on the species composition of the microflora of the soil under mustard. Methods. The sowing of mustard seeds was carried out in a cardboard container with an area of 142 cm2, which was filled with typical chernozem.
Acquaintance with the process the development of fungal diseases of winter wheat in the phase of milk ripeness depending on varietal peculiarities. Research and characterization of results yield of winter wheat depending on the varietal peculiarities.
- 214. Influence of microelement fertilizers on weight change 1000 pcs. Seeds when feeding cotton leaf
A number of measures aimed at increasing the mass of cotton when grown in Uzbekistan. Study of the significance of changes in the mass of 1000 seeds due to the use of microfertilizer "Caflon" in the plant feeding system from leaves when caring for cotton.
Study of effective and inexpensive mineral nutrition of the main field crops adapted to climate change. The impact of zeolites and their combination with mineral fertilizers on the development of sunflower in agroecological conditions of Kazakhstan.
Study of the influence of the structure of the nest and the age of the queen bee on the flight-gathering activity in the preparation of protein feed. Analysis of the connection between the receipt of pollination in a bee colony and different brood ages.
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of productivity formation of soybean varieties of different maturity groups. According to the results of our research, on average for 2020-2021, we found that the biometric parameters of the plants.
- 218. Influence of predecessors on the formation of individual productivity of spring triticale varieties
Increasing demand in replanted significant winter areas through dynamic climate changes and unstable weather conditions in the autumn-winter and early spring periods. Development of agricultural crops, which form less expensive and competitive products.
- 219. Influence of salinity on vegetative growth and photosynthetic pigments of bitter almond rootstock
Bitter almonds as one of the most commonly used stone fruit varieties as a rootstock. Study of its sensitivity to salt stress. Impact of different levels of saline irrigation water on vegetative growth and photosynthetic pigments of bitter almonds.
Ensuring food security in Ukraine. Development of crop production, increasing crop yields. Selection of new grain varieties. Search for effective ways to sow spring barley in the southern steppe of Ukraine. Economic efficiency of the Helios variety.
The influence of complex fertilizers on the productivity of spring barley. Application of preparations for feeding in two phases of vegetation. Determination of indicators of the weight of raw above-ground mass of barley at the beginning of earing.
Influence of soil compaction on the coefficients of recovery of nutrition from the soil by spring barley under the conditions of its fertilization. The influence of agrophysical parameters of the arable soil layer on the productivity of barley varieties.
To study the influence of different systems of soil cultivation on the impurity species and the development of diseases of winter wheat in the area of Western Polissia. Determination of phenological phases of growth and development of diseases.
Establishing the influence of urban environment factors on the development and secondary metabolism of plants of the genus Cercis L. Plants growing in the city of Kyiv (Ukraine) in conditions of different air humidity were selected for research.
- 225. Influence of vitamin-mineral supplement on growth intensity and slaughter indicators of rabbits
Analysis of differences in pre-slaughter body weight, carcass weight of rabbits that consumed different doses of vitamin and mineral supplements. Study of massometric indicators of carcasses, internal organs of rabbits of different ages after slaughter.
The influence of weather conditions on the formation of the components of the chemical composition of cherry fruits. Determining the content of dry soluble substances, tannins and pigments in the fruits of cherry of varieties Alpha and Pamiat Artemenka.
The key financial and economic land value factors have been determined and classified. A robust land price system model that is part of a greater digital information system, with focus on urban and suburban land areas was researched and constructed.
The peculiarities of grain weight inheritance per plant in the F1 soft winter wheat hybrids. It has been found out that grain weight inheritance per plant in first generation hybrids in most combinations develops on the type of positive overdominance.
The way of inheritance type of the pea leaves. Bulgarian and foreign varieties and their hybrids with different quality and quantity traits. Their biological and agronomic characteristics. The pleiofila hybrids. Prerequisite for future selection work.
Health in cattle is largely determined by the condition of the hoof, since in order to ensure high productivity, the distal section of the cow's limb requires special attention in respect of compliance with anatomical norms and physiological parameters.
The stimulate innovation and knowledge in rural areas of the country. Strengthen links between agriculture, food production, forestry, and research and innovation. Stimulating the development of competitive and sustainable agriculture and forestry.
Detailed methodology for assessing the breeding value of the output material of agricultural plants. Improving the resistance of sheep and feed crops, current genotypes of hemp and linseed plant against the main phytophagous mosquitoes and viral diseases.
The impact of innovative activity of a business entity on the state of its competitiveness in the agro-industrial complex. The essence of the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises in the agro-industrial complex, its key differences are revealed.
The research of institutional support of small agricultural entrepreneurship in Ukraine, of its components. Problems of functioning and practical suggestions for improving the business environment in rural areas with of forecast parameters of entities.
Prevention of poisoning of farm animals by heavy metals. Monitoring of the contamination of the fodder base of poultry kept at home. Application of measures to control the presence of toxic metals in the feed and increase the safety of domestic products.
Protection of buckwheat crops from a complex of diseases in conditions of agrocenosis. Study of the effect of sodium humate, biological preparations "Vermisol" and "Vitazim" on the susceptibility of buckwheat to gray rot, peronosporosis and bacteriosis.
The current state of soils in Ukraine. Substantiation of measures of legislative, normative, scientific and information support of balanced land use for overcoming soil degradation with the use of international experience of soil protection and land use.
Technical implementation and production efficiency of bridge mechanization of the track system of agriculture in the technological processes of tillage and the introduction of technological materials (on the example of an agricultural tool for tillage).
Spatio-temporal aspects of land use change in Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan. Three classes of objects, their characteristics: agricultural land, wasteland, built-up area. The leading importance of urbanization is in changing the nature of land use.
- 240. Limits of normal indicators of the amount of formal elements in the blood of 3-month-old rabbits
Study of physiologically and biochemically important indicators of the number of formed elements in the blood of 3-month-old rabbits. Analysis of the main indicators of hypoxia and physical activity, initial changes in the blood and their dynamics.