Features of the functioning of the world economy in modern conditions. World financial crisis. The problematic aspects of the development of the economies of countries and the interrelations between them. Reforming the world financial architecture.
Characteristics of the phenomenon of mass bankruptcies of Russian banks in the period from 2013 to 2019. Features of identifying effective banking strategies that can positively affect its results. Consideration of the functions of credit institutions.
- 33. Banking business
A bank is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets. Examples of statutory definitions banking business. Since the advent of EFTPOS.
Peculiarities of improving the management of the bank lending process. Determination of strategic guidelines for ensuring its stability. Basic strategies for managing the lending process. Analysis of the intensification of banks' credit activity.
Consideration of the principles of implementation of risk-management in modern conditions. Features of the development scheme of risk management of the Bank. Analysis of the ways of transition of banks to the international financial reporting standards.
Restrictions of bank operations for the private sector, extension for the companies. An assessment of activity of the Russian banks in practice: theory and reality. Bank regulatory rules. Operations of placement of money of clients in bank on the deposit.
Analysis of problems, key tendencies and most significant news of the banking sector, concerning macroeconomic environment. Predictions about the consequences of latest events effecting performance of Chinese banking. Structure of Chinese banking sector.
Studing the theoretical aspects of the banking system. Consideration the current structure of the banking system of Russia. Analyzation the statistical data concerning the banking system. The main problems of functioning of a modern banking system.
The paper is dedicated to discussion the problem of Banking, Money and its function, banking system. The role of banks, their history, the money and the origin of the word. The central bank and the commercial and banking system in Russian Federation.
A study of the impact of the perception of bank distribution channel strategies on customer satisfaction. The irreplaceability of the human factor in the provision of banking services. Measures to win customers' trust in channels and all bank services.
The estimated coefficients of the U.S. banking sector. Ranking of multiples of projected financial indicators according to their effectiveness for a period of from 30 to 200 days. The account of influence of factors on the accuracy of the estimation.
Management of business activity and financial results of the bank. Assessment the financial stability of JSC CB "Privatbank". Analysis of bank profitability growth. Indicators of profitability of assets, capital and interest margin; development prospects.
The parameters business models of banks. The distinguished models of Ukrainian banks: retail, universal, corporate, corporate with retail financing. The method of ranking.The compare banks business models in terms of financial and risk indicators.
- 44. Commercial banks
Economic concepts in banking sector. Equilibrium in money market. Interest rate and it’s role in economy. The use of strategy Deposit multiplier. Methods to determine the ratio between reserves and deposits. The effects of changes in interest rates.
- 45. Comparative characteristics of the institutional structure of the banking sector in Russia and China
Institutional structure of the banking sector in Russia and China and comparing among themselves. Analysis of the structural and institutional similarities and differences between the Russian and Chinese banking sector from a typological point of view.
Transition from planned to market economy, aggravation of population - the reason for the reform of pension government system. Multi-tier old-age insurance system - method of balance the responsibilities of the government, enterprises and individuals.
Adaptation of the banking system to the new environment after the pandemic. Maintenance of stable rates of economic growth and support of economic policy by the National Bank. Lowering the standard of mandatory reserve of loan funds in foreign currency.
The study of the effect of export status on the options of Bank loans and lending, as well as the results of the analysis of these parameters carried out on data collected using a survey sample of Russian exporting and exportersa industrial enterprises.
Presented regulations for assessments of credit risks in financial institutions. To provide sufficient measures for filling in enlarging gap in valuation documents at national level. World economic outlook: a survey of the international monetary fund.
Понятие и специфика банковского маркетинга как предпринимательской деятельности банка. Управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами в банковской сфере. Анализ применения CRM-технологий для маркетингового анализа клиентской базы банка ОАО "Альфа-банк".
Рассмотрение принципов реализации CRM-технологий в деятельности банковских структур, их роли в построении взаимодействий и управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Удержание и привлечение клиентов посредством создания маркетинговых взаимодействий.
Attacks on the energy infrastructure and the suppression of the economy provoked by this as a source of risks for the financial stability of commercial banks and their investment activities. Review of passive investment portfolio management methods.
Рассматриваются такие нетрадиционные формы кредитования в условиях Кыргызской Республики, как лизинговые операции, возможности их совершенствования. Организация учета таких операций и внутренний контроль. Развитие сферы банковского лизинга в стране.
Значення страхування авіаційних ризиків на вітчизняному страховому ринку. Лідери ринку авіаційного страхування в Україні за розміром зібраних премій та здійсненим страховим відшкодуванням. Тенденції та перспективи розвитку діяльності страхових компаній.
Study of the functioning of the banking system of Ukraine in 2020-2023. Systematization of modern approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "deposit operation". Coverage of the dynamics of rates on deposits in terms of currencies and subjects.
Electronic banking, as an activity of financial-credit institutions providing complex services to customers with the help of computer technology. Characteristics of the main factors influencing the decision of clients to use this banking technology.
Theoretical principles and practical advice on the formation of reserves on active operations of banks, compensate for possible losses on credit operations. The differences between the National Bank Regulations providing for active transactions.
A bank in traditional market and a bank in digital market are two different products, antipodes. А new concept of BANK, a digital BANK that would never bankrupt. As the main capital, it has professional skills and the degree of activity of its customers.
The theoretical aspects of the development of digital banking in Ukraine's financial services market under conditions of digital transformation. Advantages, opportunities, disadvantages and possible threats associated with using digital banking.
Identification of the role of digital technologies and innovations in the financial sphere. Analysis the dynamics of bank lending in Ukraine. Growth of fintech companies and service institutions. Provision of loans in electronic form. Using payment cards.