Development of a scheme of stress testing in a commercial bank. Its main tasks, stages of the procedure and approaches to the assessment of individual risks. Use of the proposed approach in assessing potential risks in the conditions of Ukrainian banks.
Разработка стратегии по внедрению новых продуктов или услуг в коммерческом банке. Цели стратегического планирования и управления инновационной банковской деятельностью. Алгоритм методики SWOT-анализа. Причины неэффективной работы компании на рынке.
Визначення сутності страхування життя. Характеристика його основних видів та значення для соціально-економічного розвитку країни. Дослідження сучасного стану українського ринку страхування життя. З'ясування чинників, які стримують його розвиток.
Дослідження можливостей та загроз для ринку медичного страхування у зовнішньому середовищі, сильні та слабкі його внутрішні сторони. Механізм взаємодії суб’єктів ринку у формі комплексного обслуговування щодо надання послуги медичного страхування.
- 155. System of banking
Banking services and the banking system in England and Russia. The banking system is one of the most important instruments of the economy. Establishing a bank account. Structure of banking system. The responsibilities of the central bank in the UK.
Mobile banking as the Bank account management using tablet computer, smartphone or regular phone. Mobile banking development and its characteristics. Multinomial logit and probit regression results for the effect of ease of use on banking usefulness.
The advantages and disadvantages of issuing preferred and ordinary shares on the exchange, along with various circumstances in which the most suitable source of funding. A description of the basic rights to shares and the role of an investment banker.
- 158. The Banking System
The Banking System as a crucial component of the global economy. Provide Safety. Act as Payment Agents. Economic Concepts in Banking. Settle Payments. Credit Intermediation. Maturity Transformation. Money Creation. Wholesale Deposits. Buy/Hold Securities.
The history of banking business in Kazakhstan. Savings of individuals and entities. The procedure for issuing loans the commercial banks in Kazakhstan. Issue of their own bonds. Basic functions of banks. Banking organizations and their business.
The history of the banking in Germany. Exchange, credit and other banking transactions of the German companies. Berenberg Bank - the oldest bank in Germany. Euro is the official currency of Germany. The Deutsche Bundesbank - the central bank of the FRG.
Origins and features of money. Brief history of banking. The Modern banking system of the world. The Banking system of modern Russian Federation. Commercial banks: current problems and salvations. The gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russia.
The convention of monetary theory assume the central banking system as the starting point for achieving the stability and efficiency of the financial system. This paper stresses the stability-efficiency thesis based on the Austrian business cycle theory.
There exists a possibility to secure oneself against financially negative outcomes of those risks by becoming insured against fortuitous events. The activities of agents-entrepreneurs in the context of insurance company strategies effectiveness.
The impact of financial dollarization on the profitability of the banking system in Ukraine, to identify banks with higher level of credit and Deposit dollarization. Regression analysis to assess the impact of dollarization on banking activities.
The concept of implicit consolidation processes in the banking system and the development of a new approach to calculating the level of consolidation of banks. Influence of implicit consolidation of bank capital on risks in the banking system of Ukraine.
The main advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions in Ukraine, as well as factors activate the processes of reorganization and increasing the number of mergers and acquisitions in banking sector. Stimulating mergers of banking institutions.
Methodological aspects of payment systems research. Feauters of the development of payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Development rations card payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the modern condition of the market payment card.
A development of a country’s insurance industry. Prospects insurance market and recommending of potential ways to solve them based on current market situation and main indicators. The compulsory law, Driver’s compulsory third party liability insurance.
The formation of pension systems in different countries, depending on their specific economic, political and socio-cultural factors. Analysis of the risks of pension insurance in Ukraine. Accumulation of risks through insurance and amortization.
- 170. The Social Credit System of the People’s Republic of China through the Eyes of Foreign Researchers
Identification and analysis of ideas available in world science and practice among foreign researchers of the social credit system (SCS). The article analyzes the basic principles of SCS. Implementation in practice of the principle of the golden mean.
The role of collateral in the financial system is examined through the prism of the impact of changes in its value on banking risks, including the systemic risk of banks, financial; monetary stability and transmission. Its the macroeconomic functions.
Peculiarities of asset and liability management of Ukrainian banks in conditions of significant structural transformations of the resource base during the period of martial law. Problems and priorities in the management of bank assets and liabilities.
Analysis of the problems and factors that led to the long-term stagnation of the banking sector of the credit market and the cessation of certain types of bank lending. The trend of active growth of the share of loans issued in the non-banking sector.
The study of tendencies of market development of agricultural insurance. The analysis of market structure, participants, loss ratio, volumes. The assessment of solvency of the members of the Agrarian insurance pool in relation to the risks taken.
Transformation of the financial system of Ukraine. The formation of a new model of the insurance market. Investigation of factors of external and internal environment that increase investment risks. The objectives of the creation of extra-budgetary funds.
Basic equity crowdfunding mechanisms (EBCF). An analysis of innovative crowdfunding funding instruments: initial coin offering (ICO), initial exchange offerings (IEO). The main pros, cons of participating in the EBCF campaign on the cryptoasset exchange.
- 177. US - China trade war: reaction of stock exchanges to the transformation of the foreign policy agenda
Study of the confrontation between largest economies in the world. Aggravation of trade relations between the United States of America and China as reasons for changes in world markets. Dynamics of stock exchanges during the development of confrontation.
Історія розвитку й особливості поширення принципів Private Banking в Україні й за кордоном. Специфіка маркетингових підходів до організації діяльності комерційних банків в сучасних умовах. Способи формування та управління клієнтською базою в Укрсиббанку.
State regulation of bank liquidity in Ukraine. Improving financial sector sustainability. Attracting foreign investment in the country. Development of a deposit insurance program. Regulation of capital movements. Reducing the risk of cash transactions.
Trends in credit risk management in the modern banking system of Kazakhstan. The consequences of the crisis on the world financial markets and its impact on the emergence of new approaches to risk management. Ways to improve credit risk management.