Updates the problem of the functioning of the insurance market of Ukraine, which needs drastic changes. Special attention is given to analysis of changes in the insurance market of Ukraine, which are taking place against background of the pandemic.
The development of the innovative methods to assess the quality of the portfolio of banks. The analysis the dynamics of the credit activity of banks in Ukraine. Selection of the forecasting tools to allow reduce the risks of losses and increase profits.
The study of international funds and banks created to assist States in financing economic development and secure loan payments. Analysis of the activities of the International Bank for Reconstruction and development and International Finance Corporation.
Тhe history and practice of central banks and supervisory authorities in identifying systemically important financial institutions and measures on their regulation. New ways of preventing the systemic imbalances. The criteria for determining SIFI.
The generalization of the international experience and principles of functioning of the social insurance against occupational hazards. Advantages and disadvantages of the various models proposed areas of social security reform the national model.
Преимущества использования Internet-Banking – перспективной формы развития безналичных расчетов. Динамика изменения безналичного денежного оборота в РФ. Привлекательность технологий ведения электронных банковских услуг для кредитных организаций.
How investors make decisions in conditions of risk in the stock markets. Whether the participants in the stock market act rationally. Theory of rational choice and theory of prospects. The behavior of private and professional players in the market.
Огляд статей щодо IPO (публічне розміщення акцій на біржі) як одного з головних альтернативних фінансових інструментів на українському фондовому ринку: сутність поняття публічного розміщення цінних паперів, особливості, етапи та цілі його проведення.
The banking system and its impact on financial stability and strength of the state economy. The emergence, characteristics and development of Islamic financial system, a description of the main principles of its functioning. The essence of Islamic banking
Formation of a balanced loan portfolio is one of the directions in the activities of a commercial bank, which makes it possible to define the tactics and strategy of development of a commercial bank, to assess the possibilities of lending to customers.
Сучасний стан ринку злиттів та поглинань в банківському секторі. Політика НБУ щодо укрупнення банків та підвищенні вимог до капіталу. Рівень присутності іноземних банків в Україні. Російські банки як основні іноземні гравці на фінансовому ринку України.
Evaluation of the modern development of the automotive market in Russia. Characteristics of types of loans provided by JSC "Rosselkhozbank". The place of car loans in the total share of Bank loans. The profitability of the loans and state support.
Consideration of effective strategies for managing the financial stability of a commercial bank as a component of the development and competitiveness strategy. Methods of evaluating and adjusting strategies in accordance with changing economic conditions.
Elevating the discourse on mandatory credit allocation in the Philippines and other jurisdictions. State guarantee of the principal amount and risk-free interest of mandatory loan allocation. Mandatory credit distribution sectors in the Philippines.
The banking system is a key element of the financial system. Factors affecting the stability of the Russian banking system. The role of the probability of default in the process of risk management. The rating of banks based on their likelihood of default.
- 106. Method of express-analysis and forecasting of financial status of a borrower by a commercial bank
Development of the method of express-analysis of the organization's solvency. The adoption of a principled decision regarding the possibility of granting a loan to an organization in the conditions of economic transformation on the example of Kazakhstan.
Development of a risk assessment methodology in the context of information uncertainty. Application of methods for determining the level of risk of the bank in the lending market. The coordinate system of the relationship of the bank and its customers.
Mobile banking is a service provided by a bank or other financial institution that allows its customers to conduct financial transactions remotely using a mobile device. Transactions using mobile banking, transfers of funds from customer accounts.
Key monetary policy tools and objectives. The European Central Bank key policy tools and procedures. Ordered response models. Cross-nested ordered probit: econometric setup and performance evidence. The rotating schemes. Google data performance.
Analysis of the status quo of the responses of the central bank of Sweden - Riksbank. A study of the zero interest rate. The decision-making process, description and results of main researches. Data collection and construction the model specification.
The impact of the size of the unconditional deductible on the distribution of the value of the insured loss and the size of the net insurance rate in risk insurance. Characteristics of conditional and unconditional franchise in property insurance.
Розгляд можливостей та загроз, які виникають в результаті впровадження глобальним банківництвом нових цифрових технологій, зокрема open-банкінгу. Визначення напрямів співпраці між банками і сторонніми провайдерами в контексті відкритого банкінгу.
Analysis of key documents of Basel Committee which concern operational risk governance and identifies the interconnectedness between risk source, type of the event leading to losses. The comparative characteristic of the main operational risk governance.
Working out practical recommendations for the formation of bank liabilities, optimization of their structure and the use of credit resources in the Russian commercial bank to get maximum profit. Aspects of the optimization model in the management.
Insurance is an integral element of the financial system of any state. Ukraine's strategic course for integration into the European Union, and the world community are becoming a determining factor of organizational, legal transformations in the country.
Происхождение микрокредитования и его основные функции в финансовой системе. Выдача и получение займов физическими лицами напрямую, без привлечения банков. Востребованность P2P-кредитования в России. Привлекательные и доступные источники финансирования.
The structure of Payment system of Russia and special place of banks there. The basic participants of payment system of Bank of Russia and preferences of its using. The Realization of electronic calculations. The parity of the non-cash payments.
Analysis of forms and types of insurance of agricultural enterprises. Identification of problems of insurance of enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine. Determination of the main insurance products for agricultural enterprises.
Study the nature, structure, stages of formation of the credit system. Determination of the functioning of commercial banks and their impact on the development of a credit system of Ukraine in conditions of market transformation of the national economy.
Characteristics of the essence and stages of the formation of the credit system. Features of the functioning of commercial banks in a market transformation of the national economy. Structure of key indicators according to the groups of banks of Ukraine.