Increasing global competition for innovation and innovators. Problems accumulated in the R&D sphere. Creating a "shock of attractiveness” for the research professions. The new incentives for scientific and research activities. State support of cadres.
- 2. "Інноваційна спроможність" в Україні як політико-економічний показник конкурентоспроможності країни
Основні чинники формування конкурентоспроможної інноваційної діяльності на теренах України та поза її межами. Аналіз існуючих правових, податкових та економічних підходів щодо регулювання інноваційної спроможності та інноваційної діяльності в Україні.
Ideas of vanguard investigators about applying probability models and applications (stochastic processes and inference, distributions and characterizations, Bayesian inference, selection methods, regression methods) in health and economic research.
A method for obtaining nonlinear dependencies of type, which based on the use of the function of linearizing the numerical dependencies of spreadsheets. Approximation for the conversion degree of a chemical reaction as a function of 2-3 parameters.
The general mathematical model for probabilities of the infocommunication system states. Interrelation of dependencies of traditional parameters of system reliability with traditional parameters of queuing methods. The differential equation systems.
The technology of modelling and evaluation of economic security factors. Modelling the factors of economic security envisages the compliance of the development of relations within the enterprise system to the processes of changes of its economic status.
The tools application in the areas: quantitative measures of nonlinear dynamics, Monte-Carlo statistical hypothesis testing, nonlinear modeling. The method of surrogate data. Estimation of correlation dimension. Times series embedding and reconstruction.
The development of understanding the least squares and related statistical methods without becoming excessively mathematical. The review of key concepts in simple linear regression, matrix operations, and multiple regression. Geometric interpretations.
The formation of the decision support system in the field of regional development management have been considered. Different approaches in the framework of integration into the structure of adaptive simulation models of problem-oriented knowledge bases.
Analyze the efficiency and the overall performance of Turkish airports using the data envelopment analysis. Efficiency scores under constant returns to scale. Indentifying the most and least efficient airports in Turkey using data envelopment analysis.
Description of the modern state of problem of feed is in preschool educational establishments. Decision of task of optimization of ration, making an example of calculation of plans of feed. Development of software product for the decision of this task.
Порівняльний аналіз компенсаційних методів негативного впливу динамічного оточення на проект. Суть кожного з них. Порівняння методів компенсації негативного оточення, виявлення їх переваг та недоліків. Сутність методу стратегічного планування діяльності.
Business statistics, mathematics, probability, models, and the real world. The use of statistics in business. Two ways of being wrong. Three Types of Probability. Counting possible outcomes: the rule of insufficient reason for classical probability.
Review the simple climate–economic model based on the model of economic growth with the endogenous depreciation rate linear in temperature and on the exogenous climate scenario. The dynamics of mean value of normalized capital in case of uncertainty.
This study is intended the major issues of applying econometric and machine learning techniques to a daily demand prediction problem. The purpose of the paper is going to be achieved via the models’ predictive power comparison on bakery retail chain data.
Non-uniform distributions in hotelling model. Decision making under uncertainty and ambiguity in hotelling model. New markets and new products in Hotelling model. Formulation of the problem and motivation. Optima number of demo products.
Identification of substantial changes in autocorrelation of BRICs’ stock markets index returns after experiencing these failures of financial systems in Russia, Brazil and Chinese. Testing for structural breaks in an ARMA-GARCH-model on the crisis dates.
Characterization of the discussion of heuristics and bias (biases) considered by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Fast and economical heuristics proposed by Gerd Gigerenzer and colleagues. An interdisciplinary study of the analytical network method.
Cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio - one of the most valuable insights for a better measure of publicly held company's long-term financial performance. The forecasting model which based on the method to test predictors of the equity premium.
Principles of functioning of small oil and gas enterprises in Russia. The main characteristics and socio-economic tasks performed by small oil and gas enterprises. Forecast calculations of the dynamics of hydrocarbon raw materials for the planning period.
Determination of the specifics of economic and mathematical modeling of the processes of development of tourist, museum and hotel and restaurant enterprises. A visual visualization of the development processes of based on specific practical examples.
European options on several assets. The Black-Scholes-Merton model. Numerical method. Sparse grid combination technique. Applying the method to the option pricing problem. Solving the transformed equation. Monte Carlo simulations. Bermudan styles.
An empirical study of long-term interrelations and short-term adjustment mechanism when making consumer decisions by households in UA. The paper presents a statistical analysis of the dynamic properties of the series of consumption, income and inflation.
Comparison of the results of combining quality indicators presented in verbal-numerical scales (based on the matrix of correspondence between the classes of verbal and numerical equivalence), with the aim of obtaining the scale of complex quality index.
Justification of the importance of financial analysis of enterprises in the modern market economy. Estimating of the current financial condition of the enterprise using the constructed fuzzy model that implements Mamdani's fuzzy inference method.
Concept and economic essence of property rights. Justification and development of the business protection model against possible damage to business activities caused by the influence various external and internal market factors and economic conditions.
Determining the main reasons for the company's entry into the strategic alliance. Characteristics of the advantages of creating and developing strategic alliances in global and national economies. Consideration of partner programs in the IT industry.
The problem of studying the relationship of economic indicators in economic analysis. Construction of an econometric model of the ratio of the exchange rate of tenge to the ruble and the possibility of using it to forecast real economic processes.
Main trends in the development of local markets for crop products. Analysis of methodical approaches to the application of econometric methods to determine promising directions of development of these markets. Systematization of the factor indicators.
The significance of these results is the possibility of increasing the accuracy of the forecast of exchange rates on the Internet market by using advanced mathematical apparatus, based on the set of factors affecting the fluctuations of exchange rates.