Научно-техническая революция в Японии. Размещение мирового хозяйства в период НТР. Природно-ресурсный, транспортный и экологический факторы размещения. Экономико-географическое положение страны. Образовательный уровень населения. Исследования в науке.
Приведение рейтинга самых крупных компаний мира по данным финансовых изданий, составленного на основе рыночной стоимости акций на бирже. Описание сферы деятельности компаний, занимающих лидирующие позиции, таких как Apple, Microsoft, Google, Exxon Mobil.
Аналіз передумов, які викликали необхідність розробки концепції співпраці різних країн Балтійсько-Чорноморського регіону на початку ХХ ст. Аналіз основних ідей "Балтійсько-Понтійської федерації", викладені і розвинуті у низці праць Степана Рудницького.
Взаємодія Болгарії і США у сфері безпеки. Посилення військової присутності США в РБ у зв’язку з агресією РФ проти України. Негативні наслідки російсько-українська війни для РБ, що позначилися на енергетиці. Поглиблення і розширення співпраці з НАТО.
Японо-американский диалог в период пребывания Дз. Коидзуми на посту премьер-министра Японии. Утверждение новых "Основных направлений программы национальной обороны". Перевод японо-американского военно-политического сотрудничества в глобальное измерение.
Study of international languages in the field of international relations and diplomacy in chronological order. Diplomatic language as the art of speaking, writing and solving issues. Hierarchical structure of the global map of language influence.
The history of the development and implementation of Iran's nuclear program. Circumstances of the agreement, consensus as a "sigh of relief" for the world. The attitude of Saudi Arabia and Israel to the agreement as a threat from the nuclear program.
Internal and external incentives to cooperate. Methods for estimation company's tendency to cooperate. Classification of companies from survey sample by cooperation. Model including manufacturing, energy & chemical and construction & real estate.
Recommendations of the IOC on the participation of Russian sports subjects after the announcement of the Russian special military operation. Types of "measures" against Russian athletes in line with the "protective" doctrine proposed by the IOC.
Peculiarities of information-psychological influence mentality of people during implementing of information-psychological warfare operations. Comparative analysis of trends of carrying out hyper terrorism from the position of the Soviet Union, USA, islam.
Analysis of risks of multinational corporations that affect their capitalization, methods of their reducing. Assessment of their level in companies working in the field of ferrous metallurgy. Opportunities for capturing new niches and active expansion.
The information support of UN peacekeeping operations. The evolution of the UN activities in the field of information support for peacekeeping. The protection of the entire population and specific people from the violence generated within the state.
Administrative and legal bases of national security cooperation of the USA with the countries of Southeast Asia under the Obama administration. Areas of US leadership in Asia and the Pacific region. US military cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.
Critique and expose the past and current crimes against humanity that are occurring in Africa. The contributions of the ideas that emerged out of the anti-apartheid struggles and the struggles for reparative justice. Struggles from the Global South.
Study of African peacekeeping and peacebuilding. An analysis of African integration with a focus on the final phase of the creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. The essence of the ability danger of foreign military bases on the continent.
Research of the state of the agro-industrial complex of the Primorye Territory in the context of the socio-economic development of the Asia-Pacific region. Substantiation of efficiency and future prospects of joint ventures and infrastructure development.
Analysis of the domestic and foreign policy of Croatia in the XXI century. Study of the development of the largest Croatian conglomerate Agrokor. The role of Sberbank and VTB in financing the company. Causes of the Croatian Economic Crisis in 2017.
The discussion of Ukraine's accession to the European Union. Analysis of the process of accession of Albania to the European Union. Difficulties and time frames on the way to the EU. Study of the chronological process of the accession of Albania.
Analysis of the Algerian-Russian partnership as a strategic one. The concept of "strategic partnership" as a mechanism of modern international cooperation. Assessment of the elements of strategic partnership in relation to Russian-Algerian relations.
The rationale for the creation of training American courses, modules for universities in Belarus. Determination of the main features of the cultural perception of United States development and the development trend of American studies in modern Belarus.
Use of trade intensity and complementarity indices, extended trade gravity for analyze of Sino-Russian trade. Analysis of influencing factors on bilateral trade flows and trade potential under the circumstances of invariable and improved terms of trade.
Studying the export of Ukrainian agricultural products to the EU. Identification of trends specific to individual countries and the EU market as a whole. Assessing the opportunities and prospects of niche markets, expanding the range of export products.
Classification of general factors of labor migration. Net cash returns to Ukraine by recipient countries. Labour migration from Ukraine: changing destinations, growing macroeconomic impact. Determinants of net interstate migration in modern times.
Analysis of modern strategies of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the Russian Federation. Indicators that have a direct impact on the activities of TNCs in the iron and steel industry. The role of metallurgical companies in international trade.
Study of the content and main reasons for the existence of the food problem on the planet. Comprehensive study of the activities of international organizations in resolving the global food crisis, opportunities and prospects for Ukraine's participation.
Analysis of the causes of modern processes of disintegration and integration. The essence of globalization. The problems of the EU countries in the process of further integration. Regionalism and Nation-State Effect. The sovereignty of the modern state.
The impact of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, quarantine measures on the economic, political situation in the world. Methods of preventing consequences for the economy, providing social guarantees for the population. Forecasts of economic development.
Neoliberalism - a self-avowed theory about the social structures that form a mutually constitutive relationship with agents. The main international political factors that influenced the construction of constructive relations between Russia and Iran.
- 149. Analysis of the Sino-Russian Trade: Economic Relations under a Framework of a Strategic Partnership
Imbalance in the strategic relations of trade relations between China and Russia. A descriptive and empirical analysis of Sino-Russian trade. Indices of intensity, turnover and structure of international trade. State regulation of commodity circulation.
Analysis of the work of the two major international human rights organizations - Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The implementation of the human rights. Practice work of AI and HRW in the area of HIV-infected people and AIDS patients.