The use of the differential principle for the lexicographic description of dialectal formations with a complete scientific definition of speech. Presentation of the study of the linguarie of the locality, the semantic relationships of its elements.
Consideration of the issue of the commodification of the Russian language in Finland, where the number of the Russian-speaking population has sharply increased in recent decades. The use of the Russian language in the fields of tourism, education.
The linguistic characteristics of academic English are considered. The vocabulary and genres of academic English are addressed. The types of dictionaries currently available to university students are defined. The analysis of the respective dictionaries.
Conducting an aspect analysis of verbs of the class of semelfaktivs and verbal constructions. The study of stable verbal-noun phrases in terms of the limit of predicates as the main parameter that determines the aspect value of the unit under study.
- 485. Assimilation of borrowings in Slavic languages (in the aspect of Russian-Czech-Slovak comparison)
Subversive processes due to the active influence of the English language in all Slavic languages. Direct borrowing, lexical, phraseological and semantic tracing papers from English sources. Import of ways of conceptualizing word-formation reality.
Analysis of an associative experiment with native speakers of the Polish language. Comparison of different reactions to bird stimuli in Russian and Ukrainian language cultures. Differences and similarities in perception by native speakers are shown.
The article is devoted to viewing approaches to the use of associative experiments in the study of linguistic problems and analysis of concepts with their linguistic culture. General patterns in the associative process, the procedure of conducting.
Consideration of the problem of adequate translation of sedentary technical terms in the field of automotive industry. Research of specifics of translation of three-component technical terms which make difficulties at translation of technical texts.
Problems of reducing the probability of the speaker in the discourse and the disclosure of its means of expression. Research of objective statements in different registers of discourse using the linguistic category of modality. Discourse hedging strategy.
- 490. Audience involved: a participatory model of speech production when delivering technical information
Concentration and research on the characteristics of audience as an actual living and influential figure in the discourse production. Aspects of the processes of speech production and speech perception in the process of technical information transfer.
Analysis of the concept of audiomedial text and its peculiarities in the aspect of modern linguistics. The comparison of the approaches for defining the concept of audiomedial text, the analyses of the components included in the audiomedial text.
Finding ways to improve the quality of translation services in Ukraine. Increasing the volume of audiovisual production, the problems of its presentation into various languages. Identifying the trends to voicing the content of the series "Doctor Who".
The dominance of English terms is monitored regardless of the media focus, starting with a search on Google and ending with the presentation of content on the business websites of various audit companies that are engaged in outstaffing and outsourcing.
Analysis of the background of the formation of the English language in Australia, Canada. The influence of extralingual factors on the development of English in countries, the universalization of vocabulary, grammar, phonetic structure of the language.
The creative activity of the future regular of artistic direction as the basis of its expression and self-actualization. The pedagogical concept of the formation of the ability for creative self-realization of students of art specialties in universities.
Timelines of the Dendera autobiographic tradition and general outlines. Dendera autobiographies and transfiguration of the structure of autobiography during the first intermediate period. Phraseology of ideal autobiography in Dendera inscriptions.
Languages and codes. Regular languages. Semiretracts and lattices. Deterministic and nondeterministic automata. Minimal deterministic automata and syntactic monoids. Formal grammars. Chomsky and Greibach normal form. The Pumping Lemma and decidability.
Analysis of discourse coherence in a set of spoken narratives by people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and by neurotypical speakers of Russian. Approximating cluster number and positioning. Key formulae for the cohrence metrics.
Technologies for computer learning of the English language. Development of a system for detecting and correcting errors, capable of simultaneously processing them and creating coherent text. Solving problems of language processing related to the context.
Analysis of methods for extracting infinitives and syntactic parsing of sentences for distinguishing hyper-hyponymic verb pairs from dictionary definitions in the Russian language. Development of automated translation systems for lexicographic resources.
Development of a system for automated verification of student papers. Characterization of the need for detailed comments to improve lexical skills. Conducting an academic building that includes numerous samples of student works in a variety of genres.
Equity research meaning of the word, Russian designs. The semantic structure of nominalization. Development tools for the automatic removal of the construction of the lemma of annotated according Treebank Russian texts, and their classification.
Learning inventory in sign languages. Assay of the inventory of the shape of the hands and its interaction with the hands. Phonemic inventory of hand forms. Formation of a phonemic inventory for the Russian sign language. Location cash setting feature.
The goal is to highlight the essence of communicative teaching methods, according to which the learning process is a harmonious model of the communication process; to achieve the communicative activity of students by substantiating its dominant laws.
A considerable part of aviation lexis is comprised by professional vocabulary and professional terms. Their structure and semantics, the aspects of term classification, problems of translation. The usage of abbreviations and acronyms in Aviation English.
- 506. Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) as a medieval Persian scientist, philosopher and physician, a representative of the Eastern Aristotelian. The spread of influence in medieval Europe through the translation of works. Mysticism, Eastern philosophy and epistemology.
Identification of axiological features of non-verbal semiotics of the Muslim East. Consideration of the main elements of the value system of Arab countries. Determination of the mnemonic method of classification of letters of the Arabic alphabet Abjad.
Determination of the role of associations in the presentation of values in a linguistic phrasemic with a projection on somatic, biomorphic, natural, colorative, quantitative, gastronomic codes of culture. Specificity of the components of the phrases.
Socio-political conditions that affected the content of the mesnev literature of Northern and Southern Azerbaijan of the 19th century, written in their native language. Consideration of their thematic diversity, ideological and artistic features.
- 510. Banff National Park
Glacial Moraine is one of the gems Banff National Park. Characteristics of visiting the Canadian Rockies. Analysis of the prevalence of a large cave system, glaciers and lakes in the Canadian Reserve. It features pristine ecosystems in the world.