• Particular qualities and rules of business writing. Pronouns and active versus passive voice in letters and memos. Identify qualifications, attributes and objectives in writing. Application and cover letter checklist. Samples of application letter.

    реферат (14,3 K)
  • The formal paper communications between businesses. A sending a professional correspondence through the Post Office or by courier. Consideration of the basic rules of writing a business letter. The studying examples of senders and recipients in English.

    реферат (16,4 K)
  • Изучение французских прецедентных онимов со значением "катастрофическая неудача". Наиболее частое использование слова Bеrеzina в сравнении с другими членами синонимического ряда в разных областях культуры. Противопоставление онимов Waterloo и Bеrеzina.

    статья (35,6 K)
  • Analysis of the study of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties of rosmarinic acid. Characteristics of the parameters of optimal extraction of biologically active compounds of grass of four species of thyme of the European flora.

    статья (356,1 K)
  • A feature of the use of filar and stage micrometers for determining the rate and scale in biological cells and tissues. The characteristic of measuring the size of cells in a microscopic slide using the universal instrument of the ophthalmic eyepiece.

    лабораторная работа (11,4 K)
  • Astana and Almaty as the biggest cities of Kazakhstan. Astana as the second coldest capital in the world, the average annual temperature. Bayterek as the most famous landmark in Astana. The legend behind this tower. Astana International Airport.

    доклад (17,2 K)
  • Особливості французьких та канадських текстів патентів на винахід. Аналіз поглядів науковців щодо композиційної структури, лінгвістичних і прагматичних характеристик письмової технічної інформації. Підготовка фахівців у галузі професійного перекладу.

    статья (84,7 K)
  • Increase of the duty on carbon emissions for enterprises due to reduction of the profit tax. The peculiarity of using a correction factor. Creation of a mechanism for the redistribution of budget revenues to recover damage from the carbon footprint.

    статья (29,0 K)
  • This paper addresses the issues of the so called cargo cult science or pseudoscience. Based on many previous research, as well as on our own findings, linguistic devices that signal pseudoscientific claims in modern English were singled out and analyzed.

    статья (99,3 K)
  • Characteristics of homonymous sentences, their grammatical structure. The role of syntactic means in the emergence of homonymy sentences. Classification of random examples of semantic diversity. Analysis of selected examples from Azerbaijani literature.

    статья (23,7 K)
  • Formation of Catalan identity in the public speeches of K. Puchdemont in 2016-2018. Involvement of a set of diverse tools (achievements in the field of critical discourse analysis, linguistics, historical science, political science and sociology).

    статья (32,7 K)
  • The essence of categoricalness as a communicative category. Features of its relationship with the categories of politeness, authority, confidence, subjectivity, emotionality. Ways to neutralize categoricalness on the example of scientific discourse.

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Systematization of knowledge about the world around. Study of the properties and features of the conceptualization of languages of different ethnic groups. Classification of linguistic concepts. Methods for collecting, processing and storing information.

    статья (36,8 K)
  • Research of a shallow linguistic picture of the world in the system of human thinking. Involvement of deep extracurricular knowledge. Differences between type 1 and 2 categorization in the evaluation of language data obtained from native speakers.

    статья (22,6 K)
  • Study of the culture of the ancient Celts by analyzing toponyms of Celtic origin in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, in the Irish diaspora. Cultural component of semantics of language units, the role of toponyms in different parts of the island.

    статья (116,6 K)
  • Характеристика специфіки семантичних підтипів напівфразеологізованих речень зі значенням іронічного заперечення як психолінгвістичних одиниць. Аналіз засобів експліцитного вираження іронічного заперечення, механізм структурування компонентів фразеосхеми.

    статья (35,9 K)
  • Teaching english as a foreign language is a challenging task in developing countries in general and in our country. Its acquisition can guarantee the availability of opportunities to employment, traveling, higher education, and even better life.

    статья (17,8 K)
  • A study of the translation of a cinematic text, highlighting the unique challenges and peculiarities that arise in the process of translation into Ukrainian. Preserve cultural authenticity while ensuring simultaneous understanding by a foreign audience.

    статья (22,7 K)
  • Translation of phraseological units. Lexical combinations, the meaning of which is defined by the whole expression. The emotional expressiveness and conciseness. Reflection using phraseologisms the culture and national mentality of a particular nation.

    материалы конференции (1,2 M)
  • Characteristic features of phraseological units, especially their translation from English into Russian. Tasks phraseology as a linguistic discipline. Full and partial phraseological equivalents. Introduction to the idiomatic expression of new components.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Аnalyse the changes in concept of leadership in Russian culture through generations in order to understand the appropriate type of leader for Russian community. Determining roots of existing leadership system and proposing the best leader style.

    дипломная работа (1,2 M)
  • Investigation of transitions in the semantics of geographical names of places. Consideration of the main role of oikonim in the modern tourist advertising discourse. Influence of advertising on the positive perspective of geographical names of places.

    статья (42,0 K)
  • The main theoretical issues of interpretation and belonging of language installations. The language attitudes as the influential subjective factor that directs verbal, cognitive activity at the preverbal stage of thought formation, speech planning.

    статья (28,2 K)
  • Consideration of the topic of aging in the linguistic aspect. Recognition and differentiation of euphemisms and dysphemisms. Avoidance from application derogatory or critical expressions against elderly. Search for terminology based on courtesy standards.

    статья (22,0 K)
  • The main characteristic of acute infectious disease of the liver caused by a virus of hepatitis A. Feature risk of symptomatic contagion. Head analysis of the signs and symptoms of jaundice. The essence of vaccination, good hygiene and sanitation.

    презентация (2,3 M)
  • The lack of face-to-face dialogue - the process that forced people to transfer their communication to the Internet. The priority of emoticons over other images - one of the main characteristic feature of the Ukrainian culture of online communication.

    статья (17,0 K)
  • The currency market, as the largest financial mart in the world. The main characteristics of the global electronic network of banks. Basic dealer centers and time zones. Factors affecting demand and supply. Stakeholder analysis of the Forex emporium.

    презентация (253,6 K)
  • Approval of the National Coat of Arms of Canada in 1994. The peculiarity of the maple leaf as a Canadian symbol. Characteristics of the provincial and territorial tartans. The use of large print in all public documents. The main parliament building.

    презентация (782,1 K)
  • Analysis of the concept of English speech etiquette. Study of English interrogative sentences as a means of implementing speech etiquette. Formulas of speech etiquette of English styles of business communication based on business correspondence.

    статья (14,6 K)
  • Research of characteristics of nonmetallic inclusions to reduce their harmful effects on the properties of the steel. Using thermodynamic software to simulate the conditions under which switching occurs. Formation of a low melting point impurities.

    статья (697,5 K)