Міцне здоров’я, гарне самопочуття і привабливий зовнішній вигляд - фактори, що дають людині відчуття себе особистістю. Здоровий спосіб життя з грамотним застосуванням біологічно активних добавок - умова формування здоров'я підростаючого покоління.
- 2. "Аналіз ризику впливу вражаючих факторів та розрахунок сил для аварійно-відновлювальних робіт у НС"
Визначення впливу вражаючих факторів при аварії з викидом радіоактивно небезпечних речовин. Прогнозування дози опромінення при перебуванні в ЗРЗ. Визначення тяжкості уражень та можливих радіаційних втрат людей. Залежність тяжкості променевої хвороби.
Оценка химической обстановки при аварии на химически опасном объекте и построение ситуационного плана аварии. Продолжительность поражающего действия, глубина зоны химического заражения, площади зон возможного и фактического химического заражения.
Краткая характеристика официальных причин чернобыльской катастрофы. Хронология событий на атомной станции, предшествующих аварии. Радиоэкологическая ситуация в Республике Беларусь, последствия излучений для экосистем. Память о чернобыльской катастрофе.
Description of air conditioning parameters as a process regulating temperature, humidity, dust content and air consumption. Filtration of odors in air conditioning in domestic and industrial systems. The process of humidification and forced ventilation.
- 6. Analysis of accidents and incidents occurring during transportation of dangerous goods by railway
Accidents and incidents during the carriage of dangerous goods by rail. The losses of enterprises in accidents and loss arising from other factors. Measures to reduce incidents and reduce accidents on the railway transport for the carriage of goods.
Study of the dispersed composition of the dust of the machining shops of aircraft manufacturing. Determination of the geometric form of dust sludge and assessment of the correctness of dust classification as characteristics of workers' workplaces.
The definition of terrorism, its classification and the reasons. Description of terrorist acts that occurred in different countries of the world. Methods to prevent terrorism, the coordination of activities of bodies engaged in averting terrorism.
Study of the psychophysiological characteristics of workers as causes affecting productivity and labor protection. Types and description of harmful and hazardous production factors, taking into account their features. Labor activity optimization measures.
Рассмотрение понятия охраны труда в трудовом праве. Государственное управление в области охраны труда в Республике Узбекистан. Учет и расследование несчастных случаев на производстве. Специальные нормы по охране труда женщин и несовершеннолетних.
Метеорологические условия как один из главных факторов вероятности пожаров в природе. Анализ показателей пожарной опасности по территории Новосибирской области. Модифицированный индекс Нестерова. Метод среднесрочного прогноза класса пожарной опасности.
Consideration of the main directions of implementation of the experience of developed countries of the world on information support of the fire safety system in Ukraine. Familiarity with the shortcomings in the work of public authorities at all levels.
- 13. Fast food
Basic nutritional preferences of today's youth. There are many reasons for the popularity of fast food. The change in lifestyle people. Serious health and social effects. The main implications of nutrition fast food for health. The threat of obesity.
Review of fire statistics, post-fire activities and restoration technologies. Research of regulatory documents and analysis of technologies existing in Russia for the restoration of burnt buildings. Generalization of structural damage after fire.
- 15. Fire safety
The link between performance based fire safety design and risk assessment is outlined. Present risk assessment methods in areas outside fire safety engineering as well as some of the more important existing risk assessment studies of building fires.
The definition of flooding. Characteristics of its main causes: rain, melting snow, wind setting the water on the coast, increasing water levels in the river. The history of flooding of the States in America. The government's actions in case of flooding.
Effect of health on labour force participation. The relationship between health and labour force participation of the Russian population. Positive influence health lag proved on labour force participation. Effect of labour force participation on health.
Substances emitted during the use of e-cigarettes as a potential health hazard. The effect of systematic use of electrically heated tobacco products on the content of toxic metals in the saliva of young people who smoke electronic cigarettes.
Planning financing of labor protection. Distribution functions of the objectives of SUOP between structural units and services company. Kinds of electromagnetic radiation over a frequency spectrum. Effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
Study of the lifestyle of students enrolled in the specialty "Nursing". Analysis of motor activity during the educational process and outside the classroom, the presence of bad habits. Factors and disadvantages of forming a value attitude to health.
Nanotechnology is a strategic area of investment. The impact of industry development on the workforce. Risks associated with nanoparticles, the potential to transform the structure of work. Ways to overcome the destructive consequences of nanotechnology.
Причины постоянного выделения формальдегида из древесно-плитных материалов. Метанол — яд, действующий на нервную и сосудистую системы. Добавление соли борной кислоты - механизм увеличения защитных свойств плиты с ориентированной плоской стружкой.
Ensuring the protection of the population, territories and the environment in emergency situations. Requirements for the professional qualities of employees of the civil protection service. Features of communicative training of future officers of Ukraine.
- 24. Perspectives on organizational accidents and resilient organizations: the Deepwater Horizon accident
Description of the Deepwater Horizon accident. Theoretical framework the part of the process and causes. Analysis of information distribution within BP and contractors. Analysis from different perspectives, its approaches and evaluation. IRGC model.
Study categories of professional risks. Analysis the problem of occupational safety. Investigating the causal relationships of professional risks, the cost of injury risk at work, the model for coordination of professional and social risks criteria.
Basic classification of respiratory protection, as well as advice to the selection filters. Studied properties of materials that are used in the manufacture of filters for the protection of the human respiratory, depending on the mode of exploitation.
Analysis of natural disasters in the politically polarized space of social networks on the example of discussions about fires in the Cathedrals of Notre Dame and Peter and Paul in Nantes. Using the Netlytic program on French and Russian Twitter.
Analysis of the study of disaster management and their consequences. Classification of deficiencies in the disaster management in the European Union. The formation of a new culture of safety in the world, given the situations leading to social crises.
The health risks connected to smoking: lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema. Ways to give up of smoking (chewing gum that releases nicotine and patches). The main reasons why people start using drugs and drinking alcohol. Categories of drugs.
The key legislation in Bulgaria concerning the general population’s preparation and training for reaction in cases of emergency. The main institutions in the country, which are responsible for or connected with the state policy for civil protection.