- 1531. Popular scientific literature as a means of scientific knowledge popularization: linguistic aspects
Scientific literature is a unique phenomenon that contributes to enhancing the scientific potential of society. One of the main goals of popular science publications is the formation of a scientific outlook in the reader. Popular scientific editions.
Genre-style etymology of journalistic texts (essays, essays and critical notes) of a representative of the Russian diaspora of the 20th century. B. Zaitseva. Style-forming means of expressiveness in the context of his ethical and philosophical principles.
The creative existence of the poetic word in Hungary. Features of the complex existence of an individual. Analysis of poetic texts published by the poet in Hungarian, indicating complex poetic impulses, themes, motives and expressive means of Fula.
Description of the state of modern postcolonial literature associated with the names of V. Naipaul, Theodore Harris, A. Tutuola, Grace Nichols, Amril Johnson, Fred d'aguyard. The main trends in the development of postcolonial theories of literature.
- 1535. Post-traumatic existentiells in a literary text: the example of one short story by J.D. Salinger
The article outlines the specifics of post-traumatic existences of war through the prism of Jerome David Salinger’s war and writing experience in the collection "Nine Stories", in particular, in the short story "For Esme - with Love and Squalor" (1950).
Розгляд основних post-постмодерністських аспектів поетики роману "Мушка" сербського письменника М. Павича. Дослідження автобіографічних моментів в романі, специфіки оповідної структури, її симетричності та варіативності, концепту автоцитування.
The article considers the novel "My Father’s book" written by a Swiss German-speaking author Urs Widmer with the focus on the particularities of postmodern biography. As the basis of the analysis definite features of postmodern writing were chosen.
Comprehensive analysis of the story of the postmodern novel Paul Auster's New York Trilogy. The principles of classical, modernist and postmodernist narration. Directions of development of the literary and artistic process in public literary speculation.
Theoretical Framework of Trauma and Postraumatic Prose. The Concept of Trauma: Individual, Collective, Cultural. American Novel of the XX-XXI Centuries in the Context of Posttraumatic Prose. The Narration in the Form of Monologue: a Lifelong Tragedy.
A comprehensive study of various witnesses to the text of "Povest vremennyh let" of the chronicle, which convey its composition at different stages of formation. The list of episodes of the chronicle up to the 1070s at various stages of its formation.
Definition of pragmatic functions of verbalized movements of objects in creating an atmosphere of horror. The study of the genre text of the creation of horror literature and the step of constructing a pragmatic model of the language tools of this genre.
Revealing syntactic and pragmatic properties of author’s digression in English literary prose of the XIX-XX centuries. Ensuring of semantic relationship of different elements of the text. Explicit means in defining the author’s and reader’s images.
The roles and functions of the phenomenon of humour. Theories of humour, of its multimodality. Determination, explaining and systemizing verbalization of humour and ways and means of its reproduction. Humour as a certain kind of potential to be funny.
W. Shakespeare is the greatest playwright of all times, an English poet and actor of the Renaissance. He was an important member of the King's Men theater company from 1594. Shakespeare's works cover the entire spectrum of human emotions and conflicts.
The idea of the possibility of a love affair between a person and a demonic being - a dead lover. Artistic interpretation of folk beliefs about the meeting of a woman with a deceased man in the story of P. Kulish. Folk beliefs about demonic lovers.
The influence of socio-political events in Azerbaijan on new literary examples, types of psychological heroes in prose. Analysis of the works of Ahmadli, Abbas. They reflect independence, the horrors of the January 20 tragedy, and the Karabakh conflict.
The psychological portraits of Anna Karenina and Katyusha Maslova, the protagonists of L.N. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" and "Resurrection". In these novels, the psychology of both the main characters of the novels and other female characters is important.
The formation and development of psychology as a creative artistic method of depicting a person. The development of psychologism in world literature in interaction. The special nature of the psychologism of the reproduction of realities in Chekhov's work.
Автобиографическое начало в произведениях Лескова. Мотив перепутывания как "подмен виновных". Литературная полемика с Тургеневым. Присутствие в произведениях Лескова автобиографического и металитературного уровней. Мотив рассказа "Колыванский муж".
The article is devoted to the topic of consideration of the returned and world-famous literary works of R. Kipling, their review from the point of view of literary studies and the effectiveness of the implementation of new versions of their translation.
Literary works by Robert Waller, American novelist, publicist, musician and photographer. Their popularity in his home country and among English-speaking readers abroad. RJ Waller's novel "Bridges to Madison County", its fame after the film adaptation.
Механизм аттенциональной конвергенции, способствующий такой организации художественного текста, при которой в фокусе внимания читателей - тема конструирования женской идентичности. Ее представление как культурно и исторически обусловленного феномена.
Ways to recreate realities in Stephen King's novel "The Outsider". Translation activity as an important aspect of human life and intercultural activity. Translation of interlingual realities as one of the most difficult sections of translation studies.
The article uses modern digital methods of text analysis to analyze the functioning of realities in the novel "The Beehive" by Camilo Jose Sela and their transmission into Ukrainian in two translations. The authors review previous linguistic research.
- 1555. Realism vs postmodernism
Exploring an explanation of a theory that reveals the concept of postmodernism. The essence of realism and romanticism, their transformation in the process of creating postmodernism. A combination of romantic and realistic styles that change over time.
This research endeavours to explore the peculiarities of representing reality and identity in Zoe Heller’s novel "What Was She Thinking?: Notes on a Scandal". One of the aspects touched upon is post-postmodernism which is helpful in disclosing the topic.
- 1557. Reflection of socio-historical and literary-cultural environment in Azerbaijani memoir literature
Study of works of the memoir genre of Azerbaijani writers. Analysis of elements reflecting the socio-historical and literary-cultural environment in the authors' memoirs. Reflection of memory as a practical activity and creativity of the memoirist.
The concept "memory" and stylistic devices as the objects of linguistic research. Memory and causal connectedness. Realization of the concept "memory" and peculiarities of use of lexical stylistic devices in the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.
The influence of the Russian occupation of Northern Azerbaijan on the appearance of new features in the development of the region. Reflection of new features of the country's economic life in the work of the outstanding writer Abdurrahim bey Akhverdiyev.
Research of ideological pressure on Azerbaijani literature during the Second World War. Consideration of the impact on literary thought of mass repressions and processes of deportation of peoples. Criticism of the works of Samed Vurgun and Sabit Rahman.