Analysis of the work of Turkish writers in the context of ensuring rights of women in human life and activity. The image of the heroine from the point of view of the associative-figurative, metaphorical meaning of prototypes. Causes of gender inequality.
Комп’ютерні ігри з літературними сюжетами як зразок взаємодії класики та масової культури. Відеогра "Regency Love" за мотивами романів Д. Остін як літературна основа сюжету комп’ютерної гри. Синтез жанра пригодницької рольової гри і "візуального роману".
"Journey to the West" as a great Chinese work of fiction written by Wu Cheng-en in the 16th century, about the pilgrimage from China to India of a Buddhist monk and his supernatural disciples. Ideas and concepts of the main religious schools in the work.
Derrida's deconstruction of Levi-Strauss in his "Structure, Sign and Play in the History of Human Sciences". His suspicion and injunction against reminiscence are comparable in the myth of Orpheus. In structuralist linguistics the meaning of the sign.
A concise overview of modern research papers is presented on the difficulties of defining the notion of "style" (by G. Leech and M. Short). Interpretation of a number of characters’ proper names, their translation in Ukrainian variant of the novel.
Understanding of context and circumstances of a particular work and the general scheme of analysis of the original and translation of texts. Figuration of out the most critical symptoms regarding the alienation and find these states in the original text.
The article investigates the notion of alienation in Sylvia Plath’s only novel, "The Bell Jar", and juxtaposes the original with the translation of the novel into the Ukrainian language. General scheme of analysis of the original and translation of texts.
A review of I. Tapdig's skillful use of repetition in children's poetry in various forms. Artistic analysis of stylistic features of sound repetitions in Tapdig's children's poems. Conditions of the semantic connection between the components of the poem.
The peculiarities of imagery representation of spatial, natural concepts in poetic discourse of Percy Bysshe Shelley through the analysis of author’s individual stylistic preferences, manner and regularities of patterns, compositional lines development.
The rhizomatic principles which form the literary postmodern paradigm. Comparative analysis of rhizomatic and hierarchical approaches to the structure and content of the artistic texts. A means of verbal presentation of the rhizomatic features.
Richard Wright's contribution to the American literature. Afro-American literature. Harlem Renaissance. Richard Wright's life, career and his best works. Social aspects of Richard Wright's works. Social problems reflected in the "Uncle Tom's children".
The study of verbal magical actions involving harmful effects on people and animals. Representation of sorcerers and otherworldly forces in Romanian ritual and musical-verbal folklore. Analysis of samples of ethnological findings related to harmful magic.
Study of the poem "Haidamaki" as a lyric-epic poem, built on the principles of romantic discourse. Interrelation with the genre of the heroic epic, features of the narrative distance between the narrator and the events represented by the events.
Аналіз античного дискурсу. Побудова античної схеми трьох стилів в контексті питання Rota Virgilii. Роль та значення єдиного образу у структурі всього масиву авторських текстів Вергілія. Стильова конотація "Георгік". Бджолині мотиви шостої книги Енеїди.
Analysis of the stories of Russian writers who lived during the turbulent period between 1894–1917 years. Biographical data, themes of creativity and the basis of literary works of Nikolai Volkov-Muromtsev, Mark Vishniak and Konstantin Paustovskii.
Analyzes of the russian soviet literature of both the "thaw" and "stagnation" periods in order to reassess the existing paradigm in its critical reception provided from the gender perspective. Alternative interpretation of literary works of this period.
Study of motifs of A. Abdullazade's verses and novels. Analysis of women's destiny in the writer's work. Description of the mother's national and spiritual qualities in the poem "Ulu Gorgud". Ideological and semantic load of the play "Evenings of Huts".
Literary and educational activities of Amin Abid Gultekin Aliabbas. Changes in views from romanticism to realism, protest against tyranny. The role of the writer's satirical poetry in shaping the way of thinking. The educational value of the poet's works.
Analysis of Seyid Azim's satirical poems, their critique of the possibilities and limitations of human perception. Philosophical views that have developed in different directions. Seyid Azim as one of the rare poets who carries the true of Sufi fiction.
Science communication and visualization of visual narratives, like a comic book, for the enlightenment of the presentation of scientific works Propose a three-river characteristic of the interplay of comic book culture and science in a diachronic aspect.
Results of a study on the use of the Scots language in contemporary prose and poetry. Revealing the functions of text fragments written in English. Critical reviews and reader comments on social media. Awakening of national identity of the population.
An attempt at narrative analysis of T. Shevchenko's story "The Artist" is presented to trace how the narrative strategy of the text contributes to the realization of the phenomenon of the writer's alienation from - the colonized "I" in the work.
The stages of the development of anthroponyms in the history of the English people are mentioned. The main functions of characters' names in detective story are characterized, the significance of which is proved by the examples from novel by A. Christie.
The role of semiotics in research, interpretation and explanation of literary works. Contribution of Ferdinand de Saussure to the method of semiotic analysis. Analysis of Orhan Veli's poems from the point of view of "Deep Structure", "Surface Structure".
The semiotic analysis of poems "Bir Roman Kahramani", "Istanbul Turkusu" and "Giderayak" written by Orhan Veli Kanik. These poems are analysed in terms of "Deep Structure" and "Surface Structure". The symbols and sub-meanings in the poems were determined.
Research work under consideration is devoted to the actual topic in modern society, which is investigated through the scope of Ukrainian and English intellectual novels "Misto" by Valerian Pidmohylnyi and "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.
- 1587. Sentiment analysis of the image of the Franks (Ifranj) in the Arabic folk epic Slrat Dat al-Himma
The role of the sentiment analysis method for studying the problems of the image of another. Features of the narratives of Arab folk novels, combining ancient Arab tribal folklore, fairy-tale and legendary plots of ancient Semitic and Persian origin.
Seriality as the specific feature of mass culture, which is manifested in different aspects of human life. Detective, which has a tendency to multi-series, repeatability and variability - one of the central artistic genres in the modern literature.
The basic concepts of Gothicism such as crypt, fear, sublime, Gothic pedagogy and the forms of their identification in the plays of Shakespeare and the novels by G. Walpole and M. Shelley. Shakespeare's canon as a source of English literary gothic.
The specificity of the intertextual strategy of B. Akunin in the novels about E. Fandorin. The multivalued role of Conan Doyle receptions, performing the detective function of plot-semantic coding, the function of a transtextual riddle and of a parody.