• Comparison of the model of professional training of managers of foreign economic profile in Western Europe and the USA, with the model of training of foreign trade managers in Ukraine. General and differences in the construction of the learning process.

    статья (12,6 K)
  • Conditions and problems of formation of professionally significant qualities in the process of professional training of future managers of foreign economic activity. Ofprofessional training offoreign specialists, the set of competences offuture managers.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • The importance of corporate culture, its formation and implementation, also deals with the research made on a Slovak transport company. A new model for corporate culture. Corporate culture is affected by permanent confrontation with business priorities.

    статья (74,9 K)
  • The essence of corporate culture, its influence of development of the social relations. The scheme which reflects a place of culture in the system of labor relations of the enterprises. The results of sociological research, formation of social capital.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Theoretical justification of the applicability and moderating potential of the corporate culture of compliance. Specific features and importance of corporate culture in commercial banks. Formation of the corporate culture of compliance in Russia.

    дипломная работа (755,7 K)
  • Exploring of the theoretical relationship, independent and joint effect of leverage, institutes and overall corporate governance on company’s performance during the global crisis. Construction of the model, which quantitatively estimates the effect.

    магистерская работа (106,9 K)
  • Alternative corporate governance systems. The evidence of performance of different corporate governance systems. Analysis of the effect of different corporate governance systems on firm performance by examining of industrial companies over 2018-2021.

    статья (48,8 K)
  • The study explores the corporate practices and procedures to deploy user-driven innovations. Presented study also discusses key terms of the user-driven innovation approach based on the strong analysis of research papers and various concepts comparison.

    дипломная работа (867,0 K)
  • Organizational communications, their connection to CSR and crisis communications. Corporate social responsibility, its perceived sincerity and brand reputation. Crisis and emergency risk communication theory implementation. Artificial case study design.

    дипломная работа (552,7 K)
  • Experience of corporate social responsibility, its nature, connection with historical conditions of development and mentality of the country. Study of directions of its development of corporate social responsibility of foreign banking institutions.

    статья (23,7 K)
  • Employees of Latin America as the least protected layer in terms of working conditions, wage levels, social guarantees. An overview of companies that have a positive impact on CSR, on jobs. Elimination of the negative trends in labor legislation.

    статья (17,9 K)
  • Describe basic principles of corporate social responsibility and its historical development and to analyze pros and cons of different approaches and discuss the perspectives of it is implementation into Ukrainian economy using Polish experience.

    статья (53,0 K)
  • Study of the fundamental questions on the formation of the cost-oriented strategy of the enterprise and the justification of the sequence of the factors of value creation. Advantages and disadvantages of the system of cost-oriented controlling.

    статья (70,6 K)
  • Місце тa рoль coціaльнoгo пакету як нaйвaжливішoгo eлeмeнтa cиcтeми cтимулювaння прaцi пeрcoнaлу cучacних сільськогосподарських підприємств. Анaлiз зaвдaння coцiaльнoгo пакету, рoль для рoбoтoдaвця і для nрaцiвникiв, характеристика його структури.

    статья (14,7 K)
  • This practical project is aimed at launching a new business direction of ASK LLC - video production studio in St. Petersburg, Russia. The paper describes the history of the company and the reasons for the need to open a studio. Video production analysis.

    дипломная работа (17,2 M)
  • Development of recommendations on the creation and development of a marketing department for Kerama-Sochi LLC. Methodology for conducting SWOT-, PESTEL-analysis and expert assessment. Analysis of the main financial indicators of the branch in Sochi.

    дипломная работа (1,9 M)
  • Customer preferences in telecommunication service. Tariff plan creation and pricing policy in telecommunications. Main competitors in Russian market and their strategies. General trends in telecommunication in 2019-2020. Tele2 and the need of project.

    дипломная работа (4,5 M)
  • The status of crisis management in a comprehensive management system organizational unit. Principles to solve critical situations, system of response management to critical situations. The contents of operational crisis plan of the selected municipality.

    статья (335,9 K)
  • Определение CRM-системы, назначением которой является автоматизация бизнес-процессов компании, обеспечивающих взаимодействие всех ее подразделений с клиентами на уровне, определяемом CRM-идеологией. Инструменты, которые включает в себя технология.

    реферат (26,9 K)
  • Изучение понятия Customer Relationship Management, стратегии поведения компании, позволяющей управлять жизненным циклом клиента в организации. Анализ типов классификации CRM-систем. Характеристика проблем, возникающих при отсутствии единой системы CRM.

    реферат (20,1 K)
  • Система управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами: понятие, функции, цели, элементы (продажи, маркетинг, поддержка потребителей). Понятие клиентской базы. Классификации CRM-систем (операционная, аналитическая, коллаборативная). Центры "горячей линии".

    реферат (15,0 K)
  • Информационные системы в менеджменте. Главные задачи CRM-систем. Использование ИС управления для сбора, хранения и оперативного доступа к учетной информации. Анализ, диагностика и оптимизация бизнес-процессов, обеспечение роста производительности труда.

    контрольная работа (283,2 K)
  • Рассмотрение преимуществ использования CRM-систем в управлении взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Определение основных функциональных блоков CRM-систем. Определение основных свойств, на которых базируется качество функционала обслуживания клиентов.

    статья (169,8 K)
  • Analysis of projects at crowdfunding venues in different countries. Methods to attract interest from potential sponsor. Managerial factors affecting the increased likelihood of a successful start-up project. Overview of the Russian crowdfunding platform.

    дипломная работа (5,2 M)
  • The current state of the cruise tourism market and its development prospects. Advantages of cruises compared to other types of recreation. The impact of cruise tourism on the economy of countries. Development of maritime tourism in the Black Sea region.

    статья (24,9 K)
  • The sustainable development paradigm. The need to reconsider the basic principles of responsible management. Economic, social, ecological and institutional changes which have to be harmonized with the basic values of society. Welfare of the employees.

    статья (81,3 K)
  • Analysis of some key elements of the transition process in the organizational culture due to a change of ownership on the example of a large transnational telecommunications company. Acquaintance with the main features of organizational culture.

    статья (2,7 M)
  • Defining the parameters of inventory management of an enterprise using neural networks. Algorithm for choosing a strategy of inventory management. Ensuring the stability of the parameters of the communication equations by means of neuroprogramming.

    статья (378,0 K)
  • The influence of migration on the national security of Ukraine. The main problems of migration sphere in Ukraine. Religious extremism and fundamentalism. Four stages of interconnection between migration and ethnocultural security by G. Vitkovska.

    статья (24,8 K)
  • The modern stage of logistics development in Ukraine. Social and economic processes of creating an efficient market economy. Radical changes in economic policy. The implementation of market reforms in agricultural sectors of the economy in Ukraine.

    статья (14,6 K)