Теоретические основы MICE-индустрии как направления развития туризма. Международные организации в сфере делового туризма. Субъекты деятельности в сфере делового туризма Вологодской области. Программа развития MICE-индустрии в Вологодской области.
Понятие и основные виды делового туризма. Цель и задачи индустрии MICE-туризма. Особенности MICE-туризма в России. Перечень услуг, входящих в корпоративный туризм. Конгрессный туризм, его отличительные особенности и отличия от выставочного туризма.
- 723. Michael Jordan
Biography of Michael Jordan who was the very famous American basketball player and NBA player. Michael Jordan's the shooting guard position. Start of Jordan's career in the team at the University of North Carolina. A promotional contract with Nike.
The concept of doing business as a combination of key principles of business process organization, relations with stakeholders. Micro- and macro-approaches in the development of the business concept. Strengthening the competitive positions of companies.
Analysis of microacceleration as an integral factor of near-Earth space. Classification and features of microaccelerations as an object of study. Selection of the microacceleration component, which can be controlled by optimizing the construction scheme.
- 726. Microbial a-l-rhamnosidases: classification, distribution, properties and practical application
Application of microbial enzymes for the destruction of hard-to-dissolve compounds and the synthesis of new drugs. Classification of glycosidases, its chemical, catalytic and kinetic properties. Use of a-l-rhamnosidases in the food industry and medicine.
Inter-appointment flare-up is characterized by the development of pain, swelling or both, following endodontic intervention. The causative factors of flare-ups encompass mechanical, chemical and/or microbial injury to the pulp or periradicular tissues.
The evidence relating microbial microleakage and pulpa inflammation is reviewed. The experiments show that all dental materials permit fluid microleakage at the material cavity wall interface. Further research should be aimed at eliminating microleakage.
Microbiological and molecular methods used to study the microorganisms associated with endodontic infections. Endodontic infections are polymicrobial with usually from 3–12 species cultivable from either infected root canals or periradicular abscesses.
- 730. Microbiological basis for endodontic treatment: can a maximal outcome be achieved in one visit?
With the obvious advantages of one-visit endodontics and the short-term outcomes favoring its use, that this treatment mode has become prevalent. Mechanisms of bacterial action in endodontic infections. Endodontic procedures and their effectiveness.
Study of the microbial composition of homemade yogurt samples and selection of bacterial cultures for further development of a standardized starter culture. Assay of the production of exopolysaccharides and bacteriocins. Definition of lysogenic strains.
The quality of feed must meet the requirements of current regulations. Many countries adopt laws that allow for the establishment of uniform standards and testing of feed. The quality and safety of feed also affect the quality of agricultural products.
The preparation, packaging, storage and use of medicines. The efficacy of the preservative. Drugs with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect for correction of immunity parameters. Intravenous, oral, external (ointments, suppositories).
As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. Each PreTest Self-Assessment and Review allows medical students to comprehensively assess and review their knowledge of a microbiology.
Іn this paper we present the microcontroller system for the diagnostics and evaluation of the Stirling engine performance. For this purpose the analysis model for the prototype engine has been developed to present the engine’s improved benchmarking result
Empowering women through financial inclusion. Assessment of the impact of microcredit on the economic wellbeing and the degree of multidimensional poverty of women in Algeria. Difference between the impacts generated by microcredit on both genders.
Features of plastic forming (micro creep) of a wide class of fresh-quenched metallic glass (mg) at room temperature and under the action of tensile stresses. The increase in the volume fraction of crystallization centers in the amorphous matrix.
State of Gender Inequality in China. What is Microfinance. Why Target Women. Benefits to Women. Overview of Microfinance in China. The Government's Role. Regional Credit Cooperatives. Microfinance and Women. International Donors, Negative Effects.
The concept of the philosophy of microfinance, taking into account legal features. Investigation of the microfinance system as an economic lever for improving microfinance resources at the regional level. Formation of legislation on credit unions.
- 740. Microgroup theory
Informal subgroup as a collective subject of group activity. Motivation and socio-perceptual processes in forming informal subgroup. Integration and disintegration processes. Contributions of psychodynamic theories to understanding small groups.
How are nodules formed on the roots of legumes. Affects of soil micro-organisms on plant health and nutrition. Soil micro-organisms are responsible for. Organic matter. Fungi vs bacteria: their different roles in the decomposition of organic matter.
Структура ремонтно-строительной компании. Анализ необходимости внедрения автоматизированной системы. Функциональные возможности системы и инфологическая модель БД. Построение датологической модели. Общая структура организации работ по проектированию ПП.
Специфика доступа к средствам в нужное время и удобное создание баз данных. Создание эффективных форм и отчетов. Интуитивно понятное добавление автоматизации и сложных выражений. Централизованная площадка для работы с данными. Методы работы с таблицами.
Актуальність впровадження хмарних обчислень публічними користувачами в специфічних умовах воєнного стану в Україні. Важливість взаємодії між посадовими особами публічних користувачів хмарних послуг для розробки ефективних механізмів контролю.
Distance learning using spreadsheets. The introduction of Excel-documents in electronic educational resources. Access to information resources of various types using the "cloud" services. Design and implementation of the "ExcelReader" software module.
- 746. Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel как широко распространенная компьютерная программа. Порядок открытия Excel, версия программы 2003 и 2010. Характеристика основных кнопок. Особенности работы со строчками и столбцами. Порядок сохранения таблицы Excel, работа с формулами.
- 747. Microsoft Excel
Можливості, способи запуску, основні елементи вікна, структура електронних таблиць Microsoft Excel. Аналіз даних в MS Excel, помилки при використанні функцій у формулах. Побудова діаграм на прикладі розрахунків внутрішньої швидкості обороту інвестицій.
- 748. Microsoft Excel
Что такое Microsoft Excel. Тип документа, используемый для хранения и манипулирования данными. Что такое ячейка, рабочая книга и рабочий лист. Абсолютные и относительные ссылки в Excel. Обработка данных при помощи мощного аппарата формул и функций.
- 749. Microsoft Excel
Функциональные возможности электронных таблиц Excel. Описание главного и контекстного меню, панели инструментов, строк формул и состояния, полос прокрутки. Настройка меню и панели инструментов. Перемещение по рабочей таблице. Операции с рабочими книгами.
Рассмотрение основ представления чисел в компьютере. Общая характеристика и история создания электронной таблицы. Ознакомление с версиями Excel для Windows и Windows NT. Типы и форматы данных в программе; ввод формулы, ссылки, функции и диаграммы.