- 691. Microsoft Word 2007
Основные характеристики текстового редактора Microsoft Word 2007. Форматирование документа: шрифта, абзацев. Создание рамок и фона страниц. Вставка рисунков и клипов из файлов. Выполнение расчетов в таблицах. Фильтрация записей в источнике данных.
Запуск и структура окна MS Word. Открытие документа через программу MS Word. Приемы работы с текстом. Проверка правописания и форматирование. Границы и заливка, виды списков. Работа с клавишами, нумерация страниц. Панель инструментов "Стандартная".
Режимы представления документов в текстовом процессе Microsoft Word: режим структуры, электронного документа, разметки и обычный. Их краткая характеристика и особенности интерфейса. Основные условия применения различных режимов в Microsoft Word.
Superconducting homopolar motors for ship. Niobium-titanium alloy superconductors. The role by microstructure in determining superconducting properties. Structural aspects of conductivity. Influence by low critical temperature by a superconductors.
A new hydrodynamic theory. The structure formation in deformed materials. Self-consistent non-local formulation of the boundary-value problem for a high-strain-rate process. A penetration for a flat rigid plate into a viscous elastic medium.
Research microstructure Rodent dental alloy based on Ni-Cr-Mo after casting in a vacuum furnace. Chemical analysis of crystallographic orientation and topography. Bold molybdenum carbides, eutectic-P and particles of aluminum oxide within dendrites.
In this study, porous Ti-Nb-Zr biomaterial which is not included poison elements was successfully fabricated by powder metallurgy using space holder of NH4HCO3 and foaming agent of TiH2. Biocompatibility of porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloys is similar to Ti-6Al-4V.
The advantages of ultrasonic or sonic root-end preparation compared to conventional bur preparation: a deeper root-end preparation, alignment in the original path of the root canal, a reduced risk of lingual perforation. A debridement of gutta-percha.
The first microtransaction and types of in-game purchases in DOTA 2. The encouragement of players for microtransactions in DOTA 2 and Counter Strike. How microtransactions are processing in DOTA 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Data description.
Russian experience in the field of non-traditional microwave electronics based on electron beam transverse waves using is discussed in a form of short review. Strictest requirements are placed on a powerful output amplifier and a low-noise input device.
Heterocycles with one, two, three and four heteroatoms. Fused heterocycles incorporating pyridine rings. Quinolines, isoquinolines, and their fused rings. Spiroheterocycles and a solvent-free one-pot reaction of a mixture of meldrum’s or barbituric acid.
Synthesis and reactions of heterocyclic compounds in chemistry. Three- and four-membered heterocycles: heterocycles with one heteroatom (oxiranes, thiiranes, aziridines). Five-membered heterocycles: heterocycles with one, two, three and four heteroatom.
- 703. Midnight's children
Introduction to the tragicomic destiny and adventure Salem Sinai, born at midnight Indian independence, which becomes an allegory of one of the most ancient and mysterious civilizations of the world. The study and analysis of the novel Salman Rushdie.
Исследование процесса совершенствования правовых основ единого европейского рынка финансовых услуг. Расширение единого правового пространства Европейского союза проходит благодаря внедрению новых форм торговли в финансовую сферу, норм MiFID II и MiFIR.
Issue of the Balkan Migration Corridor. Analysis of the migration processes in the Balkans and its impact on the EU and European countries. The countries that show the greatest and least commitment to migrants. Attitude of EU countries towards migrants.
Determining the content, goals, priorities of state human development policy in conditions of high migration activity of the population. Recommendations for the implementation of such a policy for migration-active Ukrainian society have been formulated.
Climate disasters, wars, famine as the root causes of migration history as the problem of finding a suitable territory for people to live in. Analysis of the current state of migration in different countries. Reasons for migration to European countries.
Distribution of the foreign-born population across England’s government office regions, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The main factors of change age, and national composition of the UK population. Value migration and emigration in the country.
Problems connected with the migration of food, migration policy in the political discourse of Ukrainian suspension in globalization. Reacting on a regular basis with national and regional interests of the old leaders of the international policy.
- 710. Migration of workers
Human resource management. Human Resources in the Health Sectors. Concepts of motivation. An overview of migration and its impact on healthcare. Motivation indicators, migration in the Ghana health sector. Pull and push factors. Features of methodology.
The article examines the political consequences of the 2015-2018 migration crisis for EU member states, which was caused by the massive influx of migrants to Europe from the war-torn countries of Africa and the Middle East. Its consequences and threat.
The ancient history of Central Asia features migrations, assimilation processes and cultural interactions between different tribes. This article elaborates on migrations and ethnocultural processes in the middle of the Eneolithic and Bronze Ages.
Investigation and analysis of Mikayil Mushfig’s short life traces with a lot of rumors on his repression and execution. Contribution of M. Mushfig to Azerbaijani literature during Stalin’s ruling years. The terrible Stalin repressions in Azerbaijan.
Problems and difficulties faced by owners of small businesses. Miles & Snow typology of strategies. Empirical applications of Miles & Snow's generic strategies. Research method. Competitive Strategies By Business Sector. Strategy and performance.
Восприятие современниками миссии крестоносца как miles Dei сквозь призму ценностной ориентации рыцарства эпохи Первого крестового похода. Выражения специфики оценочного восприятия действительности в соответствии с этическими стереотипами того времени.
Familiarity with the features of military collaborations of citizens of the peoples of the former Soviet Union during the Second World War. An analysis of the causes and motives that influenced their participation in the Wehrmacht military units.
The structure of the fund of military museums in Ukraine. Shows the quantitative of military personnel visiting museums (museum formations) in 2012. The number of excursions. Formation of a positive image of these museums, the growth of their popularity.
The reasons for the Great Britain entry into the Second World War, the joint struggle against fascism. Making allies of humanitarian and military supplies to the Soviet Union on the lend-lease. Shipping history convoy PQ 17 and its tragic consequences.
This article aims to establish an answer for the long-standing debate of whether humanitarian action and protection of human rights are the greater factor influencing military intervention or whether the intervening state’s national interests prevail.
- 720. Military Psychology
Design and application of psychological theories and empirical data towards understanding, predicting and countering behaviors either in friendly or enemy forces or civilian population. History and intelligence testing in the United States military.