• Consideration of the process of evolution and prospects of mathematical methods and models in economic research. Characterization of advantages and identification of disadvantages of mathematical formalization in the conditions of a new economic paradigm.

    статья (30,4 K)
  • Сonsidered and characteristic the process of evolution and prospects of mathematical methods and models in economic research. The prospects of the synergetic direction as a basic direction in modern economic and mathematical modeling are revealed.

    статья (31,1 K)
  • The interdisciplinary marriage of Mathematics with Theology offers a insight into both inconceivable numerical truths (such as infinity) that God’s personal relation helps us realise and unknown nature that is depicted schematically within His creation.

    статья (417,8 K)
  • MatLab (Matrix Labotary) и ее роль в обработке массивов данных (матриц и векторов). Понятие Simulink как пакета моделирования динамических систем. Дополнительные пакеты прикладных программ и характеристика проблем проектирования энергетических систем.

    контрольная работа (833,1 K)
  • Пример численного решения задачи в системе MatLab. Методы решения систем дифференциальных уравнений. Одношаговые явные методы Рунге-Кутта 4-го и 5-го порядка. Движение заряженной частицы. Закон Кулона. Траектория движения пули под действием силы тяжести.

    лекция (895,3 K)
  • Features of work a matrix-using frequency converter with an electric induction motor, comparing with a bridge frequency converter. Determining the exact position of the rotor. Benefits of matrix-using frequency converter during the work with correction.

    статья (275,1 K)
  • Fundamentals of the method of least squares for the case of vector and matrix of observations. Advantages of MNCs to predict performance in the telemedia business. MNCs use algorithm for the matrix of observations with the ability to scale the data.

    статья (199,1 K)
  • Unpublished discoveries about the work of M. Bel and V.N. Tatishchev. Analysis of Bel’s letters has revealed many interesting facts about his life as a Baroque scholar. The sphere of his collaborations with various colleagues domestic and foreign ones.

    статья (31,3 K)
  • The goal is to find out the role and participation of M. Stakhiv in attempts to translate and publish in English "History of Ukraine-Rus" by M. Hrushevskyi. Analysis of the initiatives of representatives of scientific centers of the Ukrainian diaspora.

    статья (24,3 K)
  • Analysis of the benefits of combined and isolated training in the preparation of runners and athletes. Using plyometric resistance training to improve muscle strength, power and athletic performance. The phenomenon of post-activation potentiation.

    статья (15,4 K)
  • Development of tools aimed at maximising the efficiency of the competition of Kaggle. Approbation of a new modified knn algorithm, which allows to obtain more accurate results for classification problems, to participants Of kaggle competitions.

    дипломная работа (611,7 K)
  • Technologies for voltage control of self-excited induction generators. An approach for maximizing the power extracted from self-excited induction generators in specific applications without strict restrictions on the generated frequency and voltage.

    статья (1,8 M)
  • The house in Mayakovsky Lane is the house in which Vladimir Mayakovsky, Lille and Osip Brik lived from 1926 to 1930. Developing a redevelopment plan for an apartment. Preparation for the opening of the museum. Improvement of the primuzneyny territory.

    статья (17,8 K)
  • Индикатор типов личности Майерс-Бриггс (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI). Основные шкалы предрасположенностей. Концепция типов личности и взаимоотношений между ними, основанная на типологии Юнга и теории информационного метаболизма А. Кемпинского.

    реферат (36,1 K)
  • Достоинства системы Pro/ENGINEER. Основные возможности. Создание и редактирование кривых. Разработка, редактирование и оценка качества поверхностей. Визуализация, создание рабочих чертежей на основе трехмерных моделей. Создание фотореалистичных образов.

    отчет по практике (1,7 M)
  • Рассмотрение общих сведений о разработчике антивирусного программного обеспечения. Исследование истории создания компании и марки. Характеристика её основных продуктов, их назначения, принципа и механизма действия, а также способов применения программ.

    презентация (2,0 M)
  • McDonald's - the world's largest fast-food chain, known for its burgers and fries. Brand McDonald's mission is "to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat". Promotions: Ronald McDonald House Charities, World Children's Day, Mother knows best.

    презентация (1,8 M)
  • The methods developed by Hamilton 1989 and Chib 1996 to identied multiple-equation models. It details Bayesian estimation and inference for a class of models with different degrees of time variation and discuss analytical and computational difculties.

    статья (101,7 K)
  • Розгляд дискримінантних моделей при вивченні фінансового стану підприємства, його платоспроможності. Системи раннього запобігання й прогнозування банкрутства компаній. Дискримінантний аналіз моделей оцінки неспроможності, фінансового потенціалу фірми.

    статья (62,7 K)
  • Characterization of the peculiarities of music-pedagogical training of teachers at different stages of the development of the education system in Ukraine and Poland. Initial conditions and stages of musical education of teachers in these countries.

    статья (24,4 K)
  • The peculiarity of the intersection of lexicography and pragmatics, which can help clarify the list of illocutionary verbs. A formal method for expressing the meaning and functions of formulas. Characteristics of the study of the theory "Meaning - Text".

    статья (249,4 K)
  • Consideration of the emergence of auxiliary parts of speech associated with the emergence of abstractions, greater motivation of language material in the further development of language, where auxiliary parts of speech act form grammatical meanings.

    статья (22,0 K)
  • Semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups. The individual terms are called hyponyms, they contain the meanings which distinguish them from each other. Antonyms and synonyms: general concept and specific classification. Synonymy viewed diachronically.

    реферат (18,2 K)
  • The article deals with a story in the genre of nanofantasy "The Final Cup of Wine" written by D. Laputina and published on M. Moshkov's Samizdat platform as part of the 2021 contest conducted by the Chemistry and Life journal for several years in a row.

    статья (18,7 K)
  • Studying the problem of linguistic and paralinguistic means of creating some psychological techniques in marketing communication. Consideration of the advertising text as a complex linguo-visual phenomenon, represented by verbal and non-verbal parts.

    статья (43,1 K)
  • Discusses the importance of developing creative thinking in foreign literature lessons. Paid to substantiating the practical aspects of using modern forms and methods of teaching in foreign literature lessons to activate student' cognitive activity.

    статья (16,7 K)
  • Research of types of electronic communication tools as tools of Russian anti-Ukrainian propaganda. Analysis of methods and strategies of using social networks, websites, messengers and other electronic platforms to spread misinformation and manipulation.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • A study of ways to express linguistic identity in the poetry of Ann Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Rich. Review of contemporary works of feminist studios and developments in the field of Gender Research. Features of women's experience in a poetic text.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • Review of Theoretical and Practical Studying of Modality in English. The Notion of Modality. The Category of Modality. Modal Words as Means of Expressing the Truth. Syntactic Functions of Modal Words. Comparison and General Characteristics of Modal Words.

    курсовая работа (32,7 K)
  • The essence of modality as a category of linguistic meaning, its objective and subjective types. The concept of Sh. Ballie for modality in the West-European linguistics. Modal values having different means of expression according to the A.V. Bondarko.

    доклад (15,7 K)