- 241. Mastering test-taking reading skills with contextual guessing: the case of unified entrance exam
An evaluation of the use of a contextual guessing strategy as a way to improve students' test performance on a single entrance examination. Effects of word formation as a component of a contextual guessing strategy and an online dictionary platform.
Визначення й аналіз ролі лейблу "Masterskaya" Івана Дорна. Дослідження особливостей роботи лейблу, де здійснюється системна робота щодо створення якісної продукції, запису музики, просування артистів. Характеристика специфіки продюсерської роботи.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition characterized by the appearance of myofascial trigger points in the muscles. Development factors of this disease. The manifestation against the background of a transferred SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Cultural and political economic research of orientalists and dialectical logic. Analysis of the ethical attitude to desire in ancient Chinese and ancient Indian societies. The meaning and material origins of transcendental law in Eastern philosophy.
The factors affecting the effectiveness of foreign language learning. Principles of its improvement in the conditions of the modern system. The influence of authentic and non-authentic materials on learning English for special purposes, for medicine.
- 246. Mathcad
Изучение методов обработки информации при помощи Mathcad, возможных алгоритмов написания программ и способов отображения информации. Построение графиков функций. Расчет количества информации при кодировании равномерным и неравномерным двоичным кодом.
Семь особенностей Mathcad. Основные нововведения Mathcad Prime. Линованная тетрадка по математике, новая технология работы с матрицами, обозначения переменных и функций. Различные размерности в массивах. Excel-компонент, символьная математика и пр.
- 248. Mathematical and statistical measures in the mechanism of enterprises adaptation to the changes
Application of mathematical and statistical means for adaptation of the enterprise to changes. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of mathematical and statistical methods, models and tools of this process. Evaluation of its effectiveness.
The mathematical principles of the operation of cryptocurrencies. Mathematical formulas for calculating the public key from the private key. Properties of elliptic curves and the principle of their application during the creation of cryptocurrency.
- 250. Mathematical Biology
Insect outbreak model: spruce budworm. Harvesting a single natural population. population model with age distribution. Ecological implications andcaveats. Discrete growth models for interacting populations. Multiple steady states, mushrooms and isolas.
Features a combination of different approaches to work with sets of objects, their classes to the design and development of artificial intelligence systems to analyze information using object-oriented programming. Determining properties of object class.
One Useful Logic That Defines Its Own Truth. On Synchronous and Asynchronous Interaction in Distributed Systems. A Robust Class of Regular Languages. Deterministic Models of Communication Faults. The Maximum Independent Set Problem in Planar Graphs.
The use of mathematical methods in economic analysis is the most important direction for improving management systems. Mathematical methods speed up economic analysis, increase the accuracy of calculations and take into account the impact on productivity.
The method and algorithm for realization of arithmetic operations in the system of remainder classes. The principal advantage of the suggested method. The algorithms for realization of arithmetic operations of summation, deduction and multiplication.
Characteristics of mathematical model of dynamic processes that occur in frictional hardening of flat surfaces of machine parts with use of the tool with the cut transverse grooves on its working parts. Cyclic circuit of the machine’s oscillations.
Mathematical model of electrode processes in systems with amalgam electrodes of limited volume. The influence of the concentration values of the supporting electrolyte solution on the peak height of dissolution is researched. Characteristics of amalgam.
Software technology transfer fuzzy information through a quantum communication channel with quantum teleportation. Description of membership functions of quantum information, the fuzzy variables and the tensor of the multiplication of unitary operators.
Consideration of mathematical modeling of the immune system in the process of disease with the immunodeficiency virus without treatment. Investigation of the dynamics of infection. Evaluation of the rate of reproduction of the virus in the blood.
Determination of a fire area during the time of its unobstructed development, the amount of the devices for the fire extinguishing agent supply. Consideration features of its mathematical model of the optimization in the woodworking enterprises workshops.
The production of biogas from algae. The Optimization the synthesis process of biogas using the results of the mathematical models of stimulation of this process. The scheme of the reactor for processing suspension of cyanobacteria with ultrasound.
The study of methods of improving the automated systems of railway transport. Turnouts as one of the most important and crucial components. Monitoring and management of objects of railway automatics in real time using the automated process of diagnosis.
Mathematical model of dynamics of tensions of respiratory gases taking into account hypometaboliс, that develops in the organism of man on a highland. Character of changes of the modes of functioning of organism at transients and in steady-states.
Research of mathematical model of the process intrusion forming polymer products. Establishing a dependency on the angle of melt costs lifting screw injection unit in the material cylinder based on the geometric parameters of extrusion head and mold.
The impact of globalization and the expansion of international trade in the LDCs. The definitions of the mechanism by which these factors lead to a weakening of LDC institutions with a low level of technology, which can not absorb the advanced technology.
The mathematical model of free market of three goods in the conditions of supply lag in the interval of discrete time with market parameters, demand vector and initial conditions is considered. The dynamics of allowable profit of the seller is obtained.
Consideration the mathematical model of process of pressing of seamless pipes. Effect on various forms of rolling shaping matrix. The nature of the formation of the deformation zone. Development of direct compression on a cylindrical mandrel pipe.
Mathematical model of transformation of stochastic and fuzzy information in quantum information in the form of multiplication of unitary operators from not commutative von Neumann group. Theoretical basis of information technologies of quantum-logic.
Dynamic Modeling with Difference Equations. Linear Models of Structured Populations. Nonlinear Models of Interactions. Modeling Molecular Evolution. Constructing Phylogenetic Trees. Infectious Disease Modeling. Curve Fitting and Biological Modeling.
Theory of condensation growth of aerosol particles under saturation conditions. Mathematical description of heat and mass transfer processes. The structure of mathematical models and the algorithm of pollution dynamics modeling in "clean rooms".
Characteristics of laminar and turbulent fluid flows. Analysis of the relationship between the Reynolds number and turbulence. Solution of the Navier-Stokes hydrodynamic equations. Investigation of the structure and inhomogeneities of a cellular flame.