Вивчення змін активності окремих ізоформ NO-синтази лейкоцитів крові осіб з acne vulgaris за участі біоплівкових і планктонних форм стафілококів. Виділення лейкоцитів із свіжоотриманої периферичної гепаринізованої крові пацієнтів (до і після лікування).
- 332. Nobel prizes
Alfred Nobel role in the development of modern science. Development of A. Nobel explosives and dynamite invention. Awarding of the Nobel Prize in literature, medicine, physics and chemistry. Nobel Prize in 2016 and their contribution to science.
Rapidly growing automotive industry as a major source of noise exposure. Consideration of sound ranges of noise generated by different types of vehicles. General characteristics of the Baku-Guba-Russia highway, acquaintance with the key features.
Investigation of biological mechanisms and epidemiological risk of adverse outcomes of labor with noise exposure to the organism in the early gestational period. A systematic review of the professional effect of noise on the pregnant woman's body.
Induced transitions between a limit cycle and the state of the rest of the van der Pol has a threshold and disappears at rest. The threshold value is directly proportional to the product of the energy of oscillation and the coefficient of friction.
Изучение одного из сегментов коммуникативного пространства российской провинции. Описание квалитативных имен существительных, именующих человека по его внутренним качествам и чертам характера. Особенности толкования их значений в словарях различного типа.
Шляхи поповнення англійської медичної термінології з огляду на пропріативну лексику. Використання імен в термінологічній лексиці шляхом метафоризації чи метонімії. Створення асоціативних зв’язків, що виникають завдяки яскраво вираженій ідеосемантиці.
Linguistic cognition of the world. The elements of reality are given different names, so nomination in a cognitive aspect appears as a linguistic form of knowledge about the world. The basic concepts of a cognitive approach in the study of language.
Description of the state of portrait research as a genre of artistic discourse. Isolation, interpretation and contrastive analysis of key lexemes that create verbal portraits of characters. Groups of portrait descriptions in the analyzed discourses.
Peculiarities of application of mathematical apparatus for the calculation of point Baluba-Naidysh to develop the technology for scanning of the light openings of different configurations. Method of determining point equations for parabolic window.
Multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) as a new technique for evaluating esophageal function and gastroesophageal reflux. Changes in resistance to alternating current produced by the presence of liquid or gas bolus inside the esophageal lumen.
Analysis of different types of narrators. The fictional gaze unfamiliar to the reader. The specifics of the worldview of non-anthropological narrators in English prose. Role status of peripheral characters. Non-anthropological narrators in prose.
The specifics of the worldview of non-anthropological narrators in English prose. Examples of non-anthropological narrators are subjects of metaphysical phenomena: the soul of a dead person, angels, ghosts, etc. Analysis of different types of narrators.
Ideological, social and economic reasons among the ones that lead to a war. Nature stops - an object of some aesthetic contemplation turning to the object of capture, consumption extermination. Resistance - a protest against dogmatism and paucity.
Models of the consumer choice process. Affect and Non-Conscious Processes. Review recent research in a number of different aspects of the consumer choice domain and highlight work that suggests that nonconscious components may play an important role.
The implementing a non-cooperative strategy of negative self-expression of a pessimistic communicator. A communicative strategy, the nature of which is determined by the norms of society and dispositions of the psychological structure of the individual.
The article deals with the problems of adult education, in particular one of its types – non-formal education. One has analyzed the scientific and pedagogical literature on the issue. The authors have described general characteristics of non-formal adult.
Cultural significance of literacy for society. Types and characteristics of non-formal adult education. Coverage of Paulo Freire's scientific achievements in the study and dissemination of writing. Introduction of alternative approaches to learning.
- 349. Non-formal education as an integral component of effective training of higher education students
The purpose is to substantiate scientific approaches to uncovering the essence of non-formal education as a modern effective tool for strengthening the quality of professional training of higher education students in institutions of higher education.
Analysis of the importance of informal music education in modern society. Implementation of various directions of educational work. The main feature of the use of various forms of organization of informal art education in out-of-school institutions.
The use of different forms of organization of non-formal art education in extracurricular institutions. The advantages of using informal music education in an extracurricular institution. Development of children's musical abilities and interests.
To characterize the activity of German nongovernmental institutions (organizations) in Ukraine during 1992-2022 through the prism of the concept of "soft power" by J. Nye, as well as to clarify the forms, aims, priorities, and results of their activity.
Characterize the activity of German non-governmental institutions in Ukraine during 1992-2022 through the prism of the concept of ‘soft power’ by J. Nye, as well as to clarify the form. The study of the activities of German non-governmental organizations.
The general problem of dissipation in macroscopic large-amplitude collective motion and its relation to the energy diffusion of the intrinsic degrees of freedom of a nucleus is studied. Different dynamical regimes of the intrinsic nuclear motion.
The differential diagnosis of cysts from other forms of apical periodontitis lesions. Prevalence among periapical lesions. Histopathological categories of radicular cysts. Pathogenesis of pocket cysts. Controversy over the healing of periapical cysts.
Analysis of the characteristics of the emergency situation in which state and local authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, the population, and person who uses these destabilizing conditions to commit a criminal offense act are located.
While the Tsardom Russia in Early Modern Times experienced a constant demographic loss to slavehunters supplying the markets of Muslim Empires, there also was an influx of NonOrthodox Prisoners of War and socially weak people from annexed territories.
Analysis and specifics of possible risks of fraud and real criminal actions committed using crowdfunding platforms based on non-investment business models. Research on known fraud cases through crowdfunding. Risk of fraud committed by the platform owners.
The current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a member of the CEFTA 2006 from the position of its trade flows and strengthening the competitiveness. Membership in CEFTA 2006 as a way to accelerate the country's integration into the European Union.
Techniques to teaching English at schools and courses. Alternative approaches to foreign language teaching. Classification of non-traditional lessons for teaching vocabulary. Methodology for such lessons. Practical application of non-traditional lessons.