The study of tendencies of market development of agricultural insurance. The analysis of market structure, participants, loss ratio, volumes. The assessment of solvency of the members of the Agrarian insurance pool in relation to the risks taken.
The aim of this study is to analyse literature on basic research methodology concerning methods, design, types of sampling, the sample size and recent scientific articles in the sphere of language teaching and learning to define current research trends.
Study of the features of the functioning of mass media in Ukraine during the war. Optimization of interaction between government and society in the context of transformation of the communication sphere. Key trends in the development of the media sphere.
Consideration of reforms of the national parliament as part of the strategy for action at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan. The role of parliament in shaping the foundations of a strong civil society in society and ensuring its development.
The essence, structure of the manager's managerial competence. Justification of the expediency of using the training method of learning in the formation of managerial competence. Problems of their application in professional training of future farmers.
Achieving a level of stable growth in all sectors of the economy as the main task of economic reforms carried out in Uzbekistan. Assessment of the level of development of small business and private entrepreneurship in the country, income the population.
Basic perspectives in the formation of the environment and architectural creativity. The role of the architect and his place in the integration processes of society. Reasons for the architect's loss of leading positions in the construction industry.
The role of the architect in the integration processes of the technocratic society. Syntheticity of modern architecture. Examples of participation of design engineers in the creative process of construction, implementation of "green" technologies.
Transformation of the financial system of Ukraine. The formation of a new model of the insurance market. Investigation of factors of external and internal environment that increase investment risks. The objectives of the creation of extra-budgetary funds.
Implementation of corporate social responsibility in economic activity. Creating a positive opinion, reputation and appeal for consumers. Study of trends in the implementation of social responsibility in the field of tourism: accommodation, catering.
The oddity of the application of social responsibility in the field of catering and tourism, as well as in political, economic and business programs. Implementation of social responsibility in the category of economic activity in tourist organizations.
Tourism industry in Russia: modern situation. Terms and their peculiarities. Comparison and contrast of terms, which are used in the English and Russian hospitality and tourism spheres, in order to identify the number of English borrowings and their role.
The need for a new form of education in modern society. Problems of higher educational institutions. Financial, cultural, organizational situation of universities and schools. Research of the University of Latvia on the development of higher education.
Characterize pedagogical and methodological approaches to the implementation of online learning in different educational institutions of the America. Focused on the benefits and popularity of the remote education in the US schools and universities.
The main trends in global economy - rising level of pollution in the world, increasing occurrence of severe weather events, increasing water stress and growing importance of health in the economy. Solutions, which can be helpful to solve these problems.
Basic parameters of the hotel industry in Lviv region. The structure of the hotel industry is investigated according to the types of hotels, non-permanent capacity, territorial location, categories, served segments. Trends of hotel industry development.
The present stage of the film industry development in general and feature films in particular, the leading trends in stunt art are: enhancing the stuntness of the stunt; performing super-complicated stunts by leading actors without understudies.
The question of the coexistence of an electronic and paper book, taking into account the development of technologies, their impact on the economy, the significance of the book in everyday life. Internet as a “strong strategic significance” for publishers.
Assessment of the level of development of medical knowledge of ancient societies. Knowledge of the traditions and customs of the Sarmatians of the Lower Volga region, analysis of the spread of trepanation and deformation of the head in the Sarmatians.
- 3890. Triad of socialization, communication and imagination disruptions as a base for autism researches
Child autism - a quite widespread psychic phenomena, that can be seen as often like blindness or deafness. Qualitative aggravations in verbal and nonverbal communication and imagination spheres like one of the main psychological symptom of autism.
- 3891. Triadic nature of visual image as a basis of visible component representation in communicative space
Study of the nature, structure, mechanisms of occurrence and conditions for the existence of representations of the visible to clarify the principles of the functioning of the visual image in the communicative space. Organization of communication space.
Based on the proposed trialectic approach the author explores the interaction of 3 groups of factors, namely materials and energy, information, and synergy in the development of open stationary systems. This phenomenon for economic systems are analyzed.
A chemical compound Triamelon (lodide tris (2,2-trimethylammoniummethylphosphate)) showing before high growth regulatory activity on melons cultures can used as an effective inductor of organogenesis in plant tissue culture of Solanaceae family in vitro.
Analysis of obtaining coatings based on (Ti-Zr-Nb)N by means of vacuum-arc deposition method. Study of their physical and mechanical properties and tribotechnical characteristics. Analysis of chemical composition of elements in the coating (Ti-Zr-Nb)N.
Впровадження одного з варіантів культурологічного аналізу процесів десакралізації сучасної свідомості на засадах анамнезу такого відомого у культурології явища, як синдром скрижалей, дослідженням якого займався Ю.М. Лотман. Науковий досвід Урі Гершовича.
Висвітлення стану і перспектив культури тритикале на теренах провідних Європейських держав у часі та просторі. Розгляд статистики світової посівної площі тритикале за роками. Аналіз динаміки посівної площі та урожайності зерна тритикале в Угорщині.
Study of biotechnology and veterinary issues related to dipterology. The optimization with modification of systems using a number of technologies of feeding, rearing and processing of black soldier fly larvae in pig farming and their application.
Экспертные системы как сложные программные комплексы, аккумулирующие знания специалистов в конкретных предметных областях и тиражирующие этот эмпирический опыт. Их структура и компоненты, отличия от других программ, а также основополагающие функции.
Basic equity crowdfunding mechanisms (EBCF). An analysis of innovative crowdfunding funding instruments: initial coin offering (ICO), initial exchange offerings (IEO). The main pros, cons of participating in the EBCF campaign on the cryptoasset exchange.
- 3900. Trump’s Peace Plan
Trump's peace plan for the Middle East. Analysis of the plan proposed by Washington in 2020 to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The plan is based on mutual recognition of the two states. United Nations has rejected US President Donald Trump’s.