K. Jung's idea of an archetype, as an image of the collective unconscious, is characteristic of humanity as a whole, regardless of culture and language. Typologies of archetypes created by authors of various fields of science based on Jung's ideas.
Features of traditional folk songs "ulan", which are the most widespread genre of folklore of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia. Analysis of the genetic origins of the genres "ulan" in Uzbek folklore and "kara elelen" in Kazakh folklore.
Open space in the structure of the university - public-dedicated zones for local interaction between users of the environment. Communication - the tool of social interaction, enriches the educational process. Specify of deconstructivist architecture.
Determination of psychological characteristics of teachers of military educational institutions of Ukraine. Development of professional competencies and communication skills of cadets. Formation of a positive image of officers of the management level.
The formation of a positive image of officers involved in the training of cadets at higher military educational institutions. The results of empirical research which effect the determination of typology of their personality traits of these officers.
Об'єктні відносини - несвідомі уявлення об'єктів, які складаються з міжособистісних взаємодій у міру розвитку особистості. Визначення поняття "теорія об'єктних відносин". Внески в дану теорію. М. Кляйн та А. Фройд - засновниці дитячого психоаналізу.