Fluctuations level against wind conditions. K-factor estimation as a function of range. The concept of a forward scattering micro-sensors radar network for situational awareness. Vegetation clutter spectral properties in VHF/UHF bistatic doppler radar.
Determining the influence of biologically active substances biotechnological water with leeches in artificial ecosystems survival lower crustaceans (magna Straus). Setting acute lethal toxicity of biotechnological medicinal leech water from the organism.
The algorithm of translation teaching. A record of the actions of a translator that he was taken in the translation process, the development of its creative potential. The synthesis of linguistic and translation competences and personal translation.
Study of the substantive essence and defining components of V. Lypinsky's concept of political power. Comparing the theory with the characteristics of political power in modern political science. Mechanisms of implementation of the legitimacy of power.
The study of the peculiarities of the perception of the emotion of "other people's shame" in related German and Anglo-Saxon linguistic cultures. The influence of individualism on the formation of the concepts of Anglo-Saxon shame and German scham.
Consideration of the issues of the difference of victim tension in a multicultural and multicultural society. Analysis of the effectiveness of using the restorative approach of school mediation services in Russia. Victimization of Russian society.
Characteristics of the concept of video design production, analysis of the stages of video design production and identification of their main components. Consideration of video design production and its stages as a hierarchically subordinate integrity.
The problem of brutality in video games and its impact on the social behavior of players. Violence in video games as one of the reasons for increased aggression. Decrease in social behavior, empathy and moral engagement. The risk to the health of minors.
The problem of object detection and recognition, namely, its solution without the use of expensive, resource-intensive and complex data collection and processing systems, with the possibility of its mobility, ease of installation and initial setup.
The results of long-term cooperation and the prospects for the development of economic relations between Ukraine and Vietnam. analysis of the reasons for changing the priorities of economic cooperation, the search for effective ways of its development.
The changing the priorities of economic cooperation between countries and the ways of its development. The growing asynchrony of the economic development of countries, which are laid already of the development of implementation of national strategies.
The notes that Vietnam is an agrarian country with a mixed-type industry. Vietnam is actively developing various sectors of its economy thanks to cheap labour and the ability to ensure fast production rates. Vietnam is trying to increase its own exports.
Analysis of Vietnam's economic development policy. Technological renewal with the involvement of foreign investments and production expansion. Tourism is a source of increasing income for the country. The rate of development of the agricultural sector.
Distribution, features of modern handmade products made of bamboo and rattan. Development of traditional crafts to protect the environment with handmade products made from various natural materials. Specifics of traditional technology and design trends.
Elements and innovation policies of the Vietnamese government to develop the capacity of officials in ethnic minority areas. Institutionalization, implementation of innovative policies to develop the capacity of officials in ethnic minority areas.
Motives of English as the Second Language teachers on professional development and their willingness to participate in various PD activities. The views of teachers based on their experience. Challenges they face on their path to professional development.
The structure of the scientific school for the study of the socio-cultural history of Ukraine in the XX century under the leadership of V. Danilenko. Its formation at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Solar panels, radiant floor systems, ventilated wood-walls, natural stones, artificial lightings with a low energy consumption and a feng-shui garden for a mediterranean house. Energy saving using a condensing boiler and a floor radiant system.
- 109. Violation of copyright and related rights on the Internet: how to protect yourself and your creation
Ensuring freedom of information in the world. Protection of interests of subjects of intellectual property law in Ukraine. Development of recommendations on the application of current legislation on copyright, patent and related rights on the Internet.
Reasons for the spread of armed conflicts, terrorism and instability in the era of globalization. The convergence of transnational threats and crime in the world. Solving hybrid wars and color revolutions. Analysis of cases of violation of human rights.
Extreme "pollution" of the global information space and its impact on the social well-being of the population. Media space is a kind of social space covered by media. The need to create effective legal protection and social guarantees for the population.
Using of special knowledge to provide complete information about the crime and its perpetrators. The constitutional right to privacy and privacy of correspondence. The application of special knowledge in compliance with the principle of legal certainty.
Globalization - a method of solving educational problems in the world through the integration of people and governments of different countries. The right to education in the Russia. Legal regulation of educational relations: problems of theory, practice.
- 114. Violation of the teenagers-computer users’ binocular vision and peculiarities’ of its restoration
Studying the chromatic angle of view and chromatic stereoscopy before and after work in front of the computer monitor of senior school students. Using the program "Preservation and renewal of vision" to prevent fatigue and renewal vision functions.
Consideration of the issue of the criminalization of war crimes, the establishment of responsibility for which takes place in military law at the international and state levels. Current threats to the international legal order and security system.
Consideration of gender inequality in employment. Realization rights and opportunities for both sexes in Lithuania. Analysis of the problematic situation with violations of women's rights in labor relations, the consequences of cases of sexual harassment.
The intention is to construct a possible minimal response to violence, to describe what would be justified counter-violence. This argument is built on reviving several important philosophical texts in Russian of the first half of the twentieth century.
The development of deviant and delinquency forms of behaviour that become socially acceptable and have a negative impact on society. Social psychiatry and individual social consciousness. Social disease caused by unfavourable socio-economic conditions.
Історія розвитку й особливості поширення принципів Private Banking в Україні й за кордоном. Специфіка маркетингових підходів до організації діяльності комерційних банків в сучасних умовах. Способи формування та управління клієнтською базою в Укрсиббанку.
VIP-туризм как один из наиболее устойчивых видов туризма, который менее всего зависит от колебаний мировой экономики: анализ типов, знакомство с основными преимуществами, особенности развития. Рассмотрение динамики выезда граждан Крыма за границу.