Hashimoto's thyroiditis is chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. The relationship between Hashimoto's thyroiditis and vitamin D deficiency. Some studies suggest that autoimmune thyroiditis results from a synergistic effect of genetics and environmental factors.
Consideration of pathogenetic changes that occur in the body against the background of vitamin D deficiency. Relationship between the occurrence of autoimmune processes in the body with vitamin D deficiency. Consequences of cholecalciferol deficiency.
- 153. Viva la pepa: реальность и мифология раннего испанского конституционализма первой четверти XIX в.
Комплексный анализ сущности первого периода испанского либерализма и создания первых конституционных актов — Байоннского статута и Кадисской конституции. Идентификационные аспекты развития правосознания на основе политико-правовой мифологии эпохи.
Analysis of the dynamics of economic processes under globalization V. Kvint. Assessment of the impact of systems for collecting and processing information on the development of society. Development of theory, practice and strategy of action in a crisis.
Utopia is considered as a analysis of the usual constructions of reality, time and the possible. Mayakovsky's poetry visualized the oppressive darkness of the living present and the world of possibilities more than the normalized reality of his own time.
Description of the stages of the process of mastering the first language in the case of vocabulary. Universal patterns of language development. Generalization of the patterns of learning the vocabulary of the first language by the child during its study.
History of development of dictionary, his value, is in a language. Method of teaching of dictionary. Analysis of dictionary supply of student. Value of memory in a study and memorization of foreign words. Development of interest to the foreign language.
Analyses network metaphors or netaphors, which operate with base- level language concepts, Internet slang as a standard language variant and the result of linguistic variability. Particular attention is paid to the issues of linguistic application.
The role of Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly as the founders of rock and roll were. Features of vocal improvisation in rock and roll, which is characterized by spontaneity and allows singers to experiment with vocal techniques.
- 160. Vocal training of future music teacher in the context of theory and practice of personification
Psychological perception of vocal work as an important factor in optimizing the process of vocal preparation of a student. The use of cultural, hermeneutical approach to the introduction of personalization technology in the interpretation of vocal works.
The state of vocational education in Ukraine, problems and directions of its development for increasing the international competitiveness of future specialists in the labor market. Mechanisms of financial provision of vocational education institutions.
Сurrent state of vocational education in Ukraine. The directions for International competitiveness of future specialists in the labour market. Development and the introduction of modern financial support mechanisms for vocational education institutions.
Analysis of the stages of vocational education reform, identify problems, evaluate the possibilities for development of the vocational education system, develop recommendations to bring vocational education closer to the European educational system.
Vocational interests as a stronger predictor of future professional success than personality traits or IQ. Description of current ideas about the variability of professional interests among representatives of different cultures and different gender.
Pre-crisis, post-crisis windows definition. Bipower variation and jumps. Models for volatility forecasting. Forecast comparison. Value at risk estimation. Statistics on volatility estimators. Regression estimations. Forecast results of standalone models.
The question of the use by Polish governments in the political agenda of the memory of Polish civilians killed by the Ukrainian nationalist underground in Volyn during the Second World War. Perception of the Volyn tragedy by the Polish authorities.
Restoration of historical memory in Ukraine. Analysis of Polish policy towards Volhynia. Assessment of the influence of the Volyn issue on real partnership between countries. Heroization of the actions of nationalists in the information confrontation.
- 168. Volhynian Revolution or Emergence of Conspiracy Theories in the Borderlands of the Russian Empire
The western boundaries of the Russian Empire, belonging to the Commonwealth. The analysis of "The letters written by court counsillor Opytov to countess Starozhilova with historical overview of the political mood of the nobility in Volhynian governorate".
- 169. Volhynian Revolution or Emergence of Conspiracy Theories in the Borderlands of the Russian Empire
The emergence of "conspiracy theories" in the border territories of the Russian Empire, which were part of the Commonwealth before its partitions. Analysis of conspiracy narratives of the Polish gentry on the territory of Volyn in the XIX century.
Автомобили немецкой компании Volkswagen. Первая модель VW Golf Mk1. Установка прямого впрыска топлива в двигатель. Рост популярности и востребованности машин марки Volkswagen в массах. Выпуск новых модификаций. Дополнительное оборудование автомобиля.
Analysis of V. Sosyura's humorous and satirical heritage. Consideration of the poem "Mazeppa" through the prism of satirical reception of the image of Peter the Great and Soviet historiography regarding the figure of the Ukrainian Hetman. Mazepas.
Focused on the phenomenon of the early Ukrainian decadent cinema, in particular, in relation to filmings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s dramaturgy. V. Vyskovsky's film "The Lament" of 1918 as the most significant work of the Ukrainian cinema decadence.
The paper deals with the forming of the University Volteriana during the early stage of the history of the University Library connected with the Richelieu Lyceum in Odessa. The paper presents information on a number of copies of Voltaire’s writings.
Особенность распространения понятия Voluntary на все полифонические органные сочинения английских мастеров XVII-XVIII века. Главная характеристика изучения фактора избирательности композиторов того времени в использовании самого термина Voluntary.
The specific features and main problems of formation and development of the student volunteer movement in Ukraine, identifies prospects for its further development and the content of the organization of volunteer work in a higher education institution.
Formation in the younger generation of spiritual values and ideals, behavioral stereotypes and specific actions. Areas of use of volunteer activity in the formation of professional and social competencies of students of the Faculty of Physical Education.
Features of formation of skills of intercultural communication in the process of teaching foreign languages. The possibilities of using volunteer activities to optimize this process by integrating his educational, educational and moral potential.
Meanings and process of "sense-making". Social volunteering, residential care institutions and non-profit organization. Background, trajectories of entering the organization. Ambivalent positions and difficulties in the activities of the volunteer.
The prosopographic aspect of cultural, educational activities of the ukrainian military structures in western Volyn during world war i and to clarify the role of individual representatives of the Galician intelligentsia in the national life of the region.
Analysis of the course of events of the First World War on the territory of the Volyn, Zhytomyr, and Rivne regions. Reconstruction of the infrastructure of the Volyn Province, evacuation of the population and mobilization of men for the Russian army.