Упpaвлeние oбopoтными aктивaми как oбшиpная чacть oпepaций финaнcoвoгo мeнeджмeнтa, cвязaнная c бoльшим кoличecтвoм элeмeнтoв иx внyтpeннeгo мaтepиальнo-вeщecтвeннoгo и финaнcoвoгo cocтaвa, тpeбyющиx индивидyaлизации yпpaвлeния в рамках предприятия.
Обзор процесса и проблем потребительской, сельскохозяйственной, промысловой кооперации в предвоенные годы в СССР. Рoль и место кooпepaции в oбecпeчeнии нaceлeния в coвeтcкoй индуcтpиaльнoй cиcтeмe. Cтpoй кoлxoзнoгo кpecтьянcтвa. Cиcтeмa Цeнтpocoюзa.
Изучение и характеристика принципов худoжеcтвеннo-твopчеcкой деятельнocти детей дoшкoльнoгo вoзpacтa. Анализ пcихoлoгo-педaгoгичеcких ocoбеннocтей пoдгoтoвки детей cтapшегo дoшкoльнoгo вoзpacтa к шкoле. Opгaнизaция oпытнo-экcпеpиментaльнoгo иccледoвaния.
Сутність категорії "іпотерапія" в соціально-педагогічній науці як нетрадиційного методу, заснованого на психо-сенсомоторному впливі на суб'єкти реабілітаційного лікування та соціальної адаптації хворих дітей. Лікування дітей з ураженнями нервової системи.
Місце тa рoль coціaльнoгo пакету як нaйвaжливішoгo eлeмeнтa cиcтeми cтимулювaння прaцi пeрcoнaлу cучacних сільськогосподарських підприємств. Анaлiз зaвдaння coцiaльнoгo пакету, рoль для рoбoтoдaвця і для nрaцiвникiв, характеристика його структури.
Уравнение плановой эпюры скоростей с коэффициентом анизотропии в роли параметра формы. Примеры расчета теплогидравлики в ТВС со стержневыми твэлами. Проект реакторной установки "БРЕСТ-ОД-300". Моделирование процесса теплопереноса в системе CPCTFA.
Secret stories, codes, and cryptogram puzzles. Historical background to the conspiracy stories. Caesar/shift ciphers. Hints to help crack the cryptograms and puzzles. Answers to all cryptograms, their assignment and application in modern practice.
Study of craniotopographic indicators of axillary-cerebral fluid relationships in the horizontal plane in people of the first and second periods of adulthood. Optimal points of puncture of constituent parts of the cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain.
- 1389. Crazy jobs
Banker is the owner and manager of bank capital involved in the banking business. The importance of the teaching profession. The concept and content of the work of the seller, its importance in the economy. Professional responsibilities cleaner.
- 1390. Creaking Door
Studying the phenomenon causing the creaking. Description of the physical mechanism of its manifestations on the basis of flexibility, coupled with the difference in the coefficients of static and kinetic friction, using as a basis opening the door.
- 1391. Creaking Door
Defining the parameters of the slip at a constant level kinetic friction. Provides an analytical scheme for solving the problem for a system with uncertain coordinates. The amplitude of oscillation of the changes and built a sine wave of the function.
This paper aims to make a sketch in the investigation of the representation of the Catalan identity that is inextricably linked to FC Barcelona in the contemporary Spanish sports discourse from its linguistic perspective within the sociocultural premises.
Methodological support for specifying requirements for construction projects in rural areas. Profit: the economic sense, the problem of determining and displaying accounts. The basic models of the functioning of investment in regional development.
Analysis of accounting in the hospitality sector in India by four parameters: discretionary accruals, the results of the manipulation, the quality of earnings. The perception of shareholders financial results of the company in their own interests.
Analysis of the language/academic portfolio as part of the ESP discourse, which allows you to focus on English in general and learning ESP in particular. The combination of sociocultural aspects with psycholinguistic cognitive characteristics of students.
Frontline police-managers given a special responsibility in counteracting misbehavior, but misbehaving police officers must also be able to count on correct treatment. Organized crime poses a particular threat to society and good policing in particular.
An approach to the creating training content on electrical engineering course for the professional students' training for engineering specialties. It is proposed a approach based on the development of complex models of the discipline content elements.
The main linguistic factors influencing the specificity of the responding sentences in the dialogue. Influence of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors on the creation, structure and semantics of responsive sentences in the context of dialogue speech.
The main stages of video production. Characteristics of available resources and capabilities of the company. Consideration of the target audience and competitors. Strategic business plan. Marketing activities for product promotion and sales analysis.
This practical project is aimed at launching a new business direction of ASK LLC - video production studio in St. Petersburg, Russia. The paper describes the history of the company and the reasons for the need to open a studio. Video production analysis.
Construction of a mathematical model based on a limited set of experimental data. The use of dimensionless complexes that characterize the operation of the reservoir. Numerical solution of the problem of optimizing the operation of the collector.
- 1402. Creation of a barrier-free environment as the basis for the full life of the disabled population
The search for innovative forms of creating a barrier-free universal environment as the basis for a full-fledged life of the low-mobility population. The low-mobility population groups include people who experience difficulties in independent movement.
- 1403. Creation of a marketing department and it’s development on the example of Kerama Marazzi company
Development of recommendations on the creation and development of a marketing department for Kerama-Sochi LLC. Methodology for conducting SWOT-, PESTEL-analysis and expert assessment. Analysis of the main financial indicators of the branch in Sochi.
Customer preferences in telecommunication service. Tariff plan creation and pricing policy in telecommunications. Main competitors in Russian market and their strategies. General trends in telecommunication in 2019-2020. Tele2 and the need of project.
Determine the features of the formation of the educational environment in the transition from the classical form of learning to distance learning during individual vocal lessons. Research and analysis of the value of using new effective teaching methods.
The need to create an innovative health and rehabilitation center due to the long-term military aggression of russia. The latter leads to the fact that many military and civilians receive physical and psychological injuries that need to be treated.
The need to create an innovative health and rehabilitation center due to the long-term military aggression of russia. The latter leads to the fact that many military and civilians receive physical and psychological injuries that need to be treated.
Reveals the specifics of creation, functions and value of the electronic information and bibliographic resource "Outstanding educators of Ukraine and the World". The goals of the development of electronic biographical resource have been formulated.
The creation of a pedagogical environment for the development of creative abilities and personal qualities of a student. Stimulation of the motive of learning, personal improvement, enthusiasm for the process of cognition. Foreign language culture.
Research of creating a system for studying, implementing experience in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, historical aspects of the functioning of this system during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Systems for learning experience in extremely complex environments.