The tactics of treatment of elderly patients with fractures of the femoral neck. The experience of doing preoperative elderly patients with femoral neck fractures in the preoperative and postoperative phases. Removal of metal structures from patient.
Research of topical issues of the regulatory framework for the formation of state policy in the field of space activities. Legal issues in the space public administration. Main areas for improving the legal regulatory mechanism for space relations.
Analysis of new scientific and technical knowledge about the nature of the origin of precious stones and their synthetic analogues and imitations. Review of existing technologies, modern devices for diagnostics of jewelry with inserts of precious stones.
- 1714. Current trends in the development of the marine dry bulk cargo transportation market in Ukraine
Measures to deal with port congestion amid the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic. Factors of the slowdown in European ports due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and measures to limit physical contact between people.
The current state of the demographic situation in Ukraine and the Chernivtsi region. Economic, social and biological reasons for declining birth rates. Gender-age structure of Ukrainian society. Determination of ways to overcome the demographic crisis.
Basic concepts and translator training. Knowing before learning: concepts students should understand prior to enrolling in a university translation or interpretation class. Pedagogical conditions of formation of professional outlook of the translator.
Analysis of the directions of eco-design; development of classifications of ecomaterials; determination of perspectives of their use in the design of the handbags. Methodology. The research is based on systematic analysis of eco-materials in clothes.
Acquaintance with a key feature of international banking is the strengthening of transnationalization in the context of financial globalization. Definition and characteristics of role of an intermediary between financial means owners and investors.
Historical Developments; the Revival of Troger’s Bases, the Synthesis and Mechanism of Formation. Multiple TB Systems, reactivity. Physicochemical properties, molecular and Crystal Structure; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra; uses and applications.
New requirements for the construction of training programs in the business world. Building a model of the accounting curriculum developed at the Tallinn University of Technology, as well as its educational philosophy and competitiveness assessment.
Curses as part of cultural life of the Ukrainian people. Analyze curses as a Ukrainian cultural tradition and their roots. Classification of expletives into three groups. The main socio-cultural functions (didactic, therapeutic and regulatory) curses.
Analysis curses as a Ukrainian cultural tradition and trace their roots. The major sociocultural functions of curses are pedagogical or didactic, therapeutic and regulative. It is also shown that nowadays curses continue to be used in all spheres of life.
The critically assess widely used marketing concepts and their measurement in B2B markets of emerging economies. The interplay and growth implications of dynamic capabilities and industry orientation. Market orientation, customer value, and performance.
Purpose of customer relationship management (CRM). History, definition and underpinning theory of CRM. Potential benefits and disedvanteges of CRM. Steps to improve CRM. Behavioral patterns and segments. CRM applications and their customer types.
Analysis of marketing information for the family business or tour operators operating in rural areas, as to the willingness of consumers to pay. Influence of consumer characteristics and demographic characteristics, income level on this indicator.
Measurement of the customers’ expectation levels of service quality in the food retail sector against their perceptions levels. The zone of tolerance. Determining the gap between customers’ expectations and their perceptions of the service quality.
Mother’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day. The combination of the words tradition and custom. The traditions dealing with private life of the religious, public celebrations, traditional ceremonies and traditional sporting events. Art and culture.
The state of customs security. Criminological characteristics of customs security in the context of national security in today's conditions. Interaction with law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, maximizing the efficiency of filling the state budget.
- 1729. Customs service
Concept customs and its privatization. Red and green channels. World customs organization: history, tools and administration. Instructions for the Federal Customs Service of Russia: organization and management. The plan of its development to 2010.
The essence of economic integration and its main stages is revealed. The evolution of integrative forms is investigated. The role of the customs union as a prerequisite for the further development of integration in the long term is substantiated.
- 1731. Cutting tool materials
Types of tool materials: from high-carbon steel to ceramics and diamonds, and their use as cutting tools in the modern metal industry. Cutting tool and its characteristics: hardness, strength. Achieving an acceptable tool life before replacing it.
- 1732. CVP-анализ
Сущность и задачи исследуемого анализа, основные этапы его реализации и оценка полученных результатов, информационное обеспечение. Маржинальный доход и его роль в проведении процедур. Характеристика основных методов для вычисления точки безубыточности.
- 1733. CVP-Анализ
Определение фактического и критического объемов продаж и суммы маржинального дохода и прибыли. Выбор решения с учетом ограничений на ресурсы. Выбор ассортимента продукции, при котором прибыль будет максимальной. Установление цены на новый товар.
Общая характеристика, элементы и задачи CVP-анализа. Отчет о прибылях и убытках в формате маржинального дохода. Построение графика безубыточности. Сравнение традиционного подхода и маржинального учета. Система информационного обеспечения CVP-анализа.
Проведение исследования источников данных для принятия краткосрочных управленческих решений. Формирование бюджета продаж на основе CVP-анализа. Суть поиска соотношения между переменными и постоянными затратами, ценой и объемом производства продукции.
Процесс перехода телекоммуникационной компании Tele2 к системе управления, основанной на принципах постоянного совершенствования клиентского опыта, или СХ- трансформации. Развитие компании Tele2 на российском рынке сотовой связи в 2003-2020 гг.
Інвентаризація видового складу Cyanophyta супраліторалі Криму, його систематична структура. Особливості просторового розподілу видового і систематичного складу, особливості сезонної динаміки. Формування, принципи розробки конспекту флори Cyanophyta.
Обзор современных данных о видовом составе, распространении, обилии и значении цианопрокариот (Cyanoprokaryota) в планктоне рек и озер бассейна среднего течения Иртыша (Омское Прииртышье). Флористический и эколого-географический анализ найденных видов.
Наличие и классификация 120 видов Cyanoprokaryota в водоемах Днепровско-Орельского природного заповедника. Видовой состав, особенности распределения по типам водоемов и их сезонная динамика развития. Характеристика новых видов для флоры Украины.
Результаты исследований Cyanoprokaryota в 125 водоемах Ирана. Видовое богатство и систематическая структура этих водорослей, обнаруженных в разных биотопах. Вклад альгофлоры экотопов разнотипных водоемов Ирана в видовой состав экологических групп.