Аналіз інформативності методів діагностики. Порівняння їх інформативності. З’ясування клініко-біохімічного статусу молодняку великої рогатої худоби на відгодівлі. Вивчення поширення та етіології D-гіповітамінозу. Методика його терапії та профілактики.
Результаты исследования выявления комплекса неинвазивных клинико-инструментальных показателей, характеризующих эффективность тромболитической терапии у пациентов с острым инфарктом миокарда с подъемом сегмента ST. Метод прогнозирования тромболизиса.
Понятие ранга инцидентности группы как максимального числа ее попарно неинцидентных подгрупп. Нахождение d-ширины (ранга инцидентности) конечных групп, имеющих инвариантную циклическую подгруппу простого индекса. Факторы композиционного ряда такой группы.
This experemental study is an attempt to give a close ecocritic scrutiny to Lawrence’s St. Mawr. Ecofeminism is one of the main sub-branches of ecocriticism that tries to find similarities between the oppressed condition of women and the environment.
To present some preliminary results of the study of ‘islomania’ (i.e. the irresistible crave for islands) which was explored in the oeuvre of such writers as D.H. Lawrence, Lawrence Durrell and J. Fowles. Importance of the island theme in British prose.
Questions of customs policy, its importance in public opinion throughout the XIX century. Disputes of free-traders and protectionists. The role of D.I. Mendeleev in the implementation of the customs and tariff policy of Russia in the early XX centuries.
Methodological provisions of the synthetic theory of the ideal domestic scientist D.V. Pivovarov, which formed the basis for the study of the patterns of the ideal-forming process in the visual arts. Harmonious unity of opposite sides of being.
Problems of dactyloscopic science, directions for the collection, use of information. Development of the concept of state policy in the field of reforming the activities of technical and forensic support, expert and forensic justice support in Ukraine.
Healthy lifestyle is "he process of enabling people to increase control over their health and determinants, and thereby improve their health". Daily mode and physiology. Connection with with human physiology closely. The reactions of the nervous system.
Damage assessment of components of automobile and aircraft internal combustion engines, made of gamma titanium aluminides. Recommendations to prevent the negative influence of high temperatures in multilayer thin films on gamma titanium aluminides.
The study of the embodiment of a concept of a dance genre synthesis in the context of the opera "Don Juan" by W. A. Mozart created at the end of the XVIII century. The influence of different dance genres on formation of the music and stage dramaturgy.
- 12. Dance in America
Dance is the richest and oldest form of art, which carries a huge emotional charge of cheerfulness, energy and positive emotions. It is a cultural phenomenon that permeates all life. There is a wide variety of dance styles in the United States of America.
Analysis of piano albums, the content of which reflects the realities of musical life in Serbia and the processes of forming a national identity in music. The role of everyday and ballroom dancing in the development of the country's musical culture.
The individual differentiated approach is reflected to employments by dancing exercises as mean of optimization of educational process in the schools-boarding-schools, shown role of dances in the increase of level of somatic health at children.
Estimation of losses of world gross domestic product from distribution of Covid. The reasons for decline. Introduction of effective financial levers and methods that can stop or slow down the sharp deterioration of the economic situation in the world.
Spainish slug Arion lusitanicus is one of the harnfulness transitive pest in mollusc in Europe. It causes serious losses to agriculture. Portudal, North Spain or France consisted their motherland. The pests spread in area of Great Britain, Austria.
History of life writer D. Defoe. "Robinson Crusoe" is the story of a shipwreck on a desert island. "Captain Singleton": the voyage story of a captain who becomes a pirate. "Colonel Jack": the story of a pickpocket who repents. Structure of Defoe’s novels.
A comprehensive study of the life and creative heritage of Daniel Defoe. Huge popularity in the first quarter of the 18th century. books about travel and new discoveries. The book is a glorification of human labor, the triumph of man over nature.
History of company, that provide retail selling of Pandora bracelets. The financial performance of the company, product range. Quantitative indicators of activity, the expansion of the retail network. The mission of the company, human resources policy.
- 20. Dante Alighieri
Biographical information about the life of Dante - the outstanding poet. Renaissance this is the era emergence of capitalist relations, folding national states and absolute monarchies. Characteristic of the philosophical thought of the Renaissance.
Analysis of the directions of political, diplomatic and literary activity of the outstanding contemporary of the Renaissance - Dante Alighieri. Review of the connection between Italy and Ukraine throughout the centuries and millennia of European history.
Berücksichtigung der Hauptmerkmale der neuen Übersetzung des Romans "Väter und Söhne", die neues Interesse an dem berühmten Roman von Turgenev weckt. Allgemeine Merkmale der Interpretation von Bazarov als Revolutionär in der
Комплексный анализ соотношения понятий "Dasein" и "человек" в философии Мартина Хайдеггера в контексте критики его учения со стороны современного британского мыслителя Дилана Тригга. Сущность философии Хайдеггера с концептуализацией бытия человека.
Тлумачення М. Гайдеґером поняття "світогляд", його співвідношення з філософією (метафізикою). Скептичне ставлення до концепту "Weltanshcauung". Еволюція поглядів мислителя під впливом нацистської ідеології. Розгляд екзистенціальної аналітики Гайдеґера.
The concept and structure of telecommunications, their latest achievements and prospects. Trends in the field of telecommunications, networking model, the interaction of the client and the server. The types of operating systems, external utilities.
- 26. Data Contract в аналитических системах: основные принципы, практическая польза и методы реализации
Исследование концепции Data Contract в контексте управления информацией, ее роль в современных аналитических системах. Ключевые принципы, на которых строится Data Contract, преимущества использования данной методологии, практические сценарии применения.
The purpose of study is provide information about the teaching of data journalism in the world education system and, in particular, to analyze the current state of teaching this subject in the Azerbaijani education system as well as future perspectives.
Pattern discovery in biosequences. Social network mining from the web. Discovering spatio-textual association rules in document images. Discovery of latent patterns with hierarchical bayesian mixed-membership models and the issue of model choice.
Методы автоматизированного неразрушающего контроля в рамках задачи кластеризации данных по применению коротковолнового электромагнитного излучения при дефектоскопии. Методы исследования: самоорганизующиеся карты Кохонена в рамках Data Mining подхода.
Задачи Data Mining: описательные и предсказательные, классификации и регрессии, поиска ассоциативных правил, кластеризации. Практическое применение Data Mining. Особенности нечеткой логики, виды физической неопределенности. Процесс обнаружения знаний.