Genauigkeit, spezifitat, eindeutigkeit und ableitung sind typische merkmale der geliehenen begriffe. Die ukrainische medizinische terminologie - ein element des sprachsystems, verbunden mit dem prozess der terminologie der alten slawischen worter.
The new digital environment and the COVID-19 crisis, drastically increased the amount of teleworking and e-commerce, seem to have benefited GAFAM and digital platforms. Under the current conditions, businesses are forced to look for adaptive strategies.
Analysis of new missions and tasks of institutions of higher education in the knowledge society. The formation of linkages between educational institutions, government, society and business. The analysis of the concept of "entrepreneurial University".
Studying the relationship between creativity and entrepreneurial intentions of university students. The role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and educational support. A selection of undergraduate students from the Faculty of International Business.
- 695. Entrepreneurship
The term "entrepreneur", which most people recognize as meaning someone who organizes and assumes the risk of a business in return for the profits. According to Cantillon's original formulation, the entrepreneur is a specialist in taking on risk.
The analysis issues of entrepreneurship support through the development of academic (university) business incubators. The experience of foreign universities in supporting entrepreneurship of students, graduates and university staff has been studied.
The capability to see opportunities, creative resource using, critical thinking as one of the basic learning and innovation skills. The classification of institutional factors determining the shaping and development of entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Analysis of the impact of current globalization trends on the training of future entrepreneurs. The importance of introducing an information and communication component into the educational process for the formation of highly qualified entrepreneurs.
Study of the current state, trends and priority areas of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine during the war and the post-war period. Consideration of the main scales of direct and indirect damage caused by military aggression to Ukrainian business.
The inescapable problems for empirical study of entrepreneurship. The Schumpeterian Model Extended: Allocation of Entrepreneurship. Changes in the Rules and Changes in Entrepreneurial Goals. The allocation between productive and unproductive activities.
The positions of universities in Russia and China in the ranking of the QS World university rankings and the number of universities which were included in the Webometrics ranking. Internationalization of the national higher education system in countries.
Analysis of the alternative marketing strategies of entering new markets. Characteristics of investment options of foreign companies entry to the market of Western Serbia. Recommendations for increasing the attractiveness of the national economy.
Combinatorial description. Teichmuller curves. Recurrence relation. Asymptotics of numbers of branched coverings of a torus, volumes of moduli spaces of holomorphic differentials. The character of the infinite wedge representation. Cylinder decomposition.
Analytical conclusions about Stalinist-Leninist socialism in Europe and the role of Enver Hoxha as the last representative of orthodox communism in Europe. The concept of a political leader, "use" in the essence of the personality of the Albanian leader.
Analysis of phenomenon of "architectural environment" in order to identify the qualities and capabilities of the design object. Clarification of concept of "architectural environment" in relation to the specifics of the designer's professional activity.
Analysis and assessment of the "architectural environment" phenomenon. Characteristics, signs, properties, parameters, criteria for the formation of an environmental formation. Comparison of traditional and innovative methods and directions of research.
The modern inclusive educational environment as a complex system object, where the system-forming relationship is the connection between the conditions of support and active participation of all subjects, account the diversity of educational needs.
Analysis of information on the ecological environment of Mongolia in three areas. Environmental policy and program of action, the attention of the country's top leadership to environmental issues, stakeholder participation and development trends.
The composition of the community of lepidoptera pests on cabbage as the main vegetable crop in the conditions of Southwest Siberia. Influence of the use of insecticides against cabbage pests on changes in the species composition of the insect community.
Recommendations for technical solutions and volumes of transfer of municipal boiler-houses on solid fuel to save natural gas. The results of the monitoring of the air environment of cities in Western Europe and the study of the spectrum of pollutants.
Ensuring food security of Ukraine. Analysis of the state of agricultural land in the war zone. Preservation of ecology and natural resources. Carrying out demining of the territory. Assessment of soil and groundwater contamination by petroleum products.
Results of the assessment of the impact of environmental management and environmental audit organizations on eco-innovation indicators. The hypothesis regarding the differentiated impact of environmental management on eco-innovation is fully confirmed.
The analysis of available variety assortment and grain yields of different varieties of spring small cereals: barley, oat, wheat and triticale in the environmental crop variety testing, depending on the changing hydrothermal conditions are presented.
The influence of the environmental education on the process of the socialization of the school children. The history of the existence and the development of the environmental education and problems of system of the environmental education and upbringing.
The condition evaluation of primary environmental education in Ukraine. Formation in pupils a system of knowledge and beliefs to provide responsibility for the environment, readiness to implement environmentally competent decisions for its improvement.
The ecological education of European youth was studied during the lessons of the English language. The main model of ecological education of students in the English language lessons is considered, which is used for effective learning of English.
Study of the current state of discussions on problems and potential benefits of improving the market access to environmental goods. Study of the Czech Republic’s trade with environmental goods and the development after the entry to the European Union.
- 718. Environmental identity in Russia: validation and relationship to the concern for people and plants
What is environmental identity? Measurement of environmental identity. cultural differences. Relation to other constructs. The Russian version of the EID. Statistics of the scales. Connections between environmental identity and investigated variables.
The study of environmental information relations as a subject of legal regulation. Study of the system of legislative acts aimed at coordinating relations on environmental information supporte. The concept and content of environmental information.
Research of ecological integration processes in the European Union. Identifying the main stages of forming a common EU environmental policy. Analysis of vertical and horizontal mechanisms of sustainable development integration in EU member states.