Analysis of the state of the Russian financial system by assessing its concept, viewing the current structure, identifying problems and prospects for future development. Functions of the fiscal concept. The formation, redistribution and use of funds.
Assessment of influence of financial risks on the stability of the financial system of Ukraine (FSU) in the framework of vector autoregressive modeling. Liquidity risks and currency risks, measures to mitigate and ensure the sustainability of the FSU.
The potential of financial technologies (FinTech) for small businesses and for the economy as a whole. Opportunities for national governments, development finance institutions, entrepreneurs and investors to support and capitalize on this trend.
Small business - an incubator for innovations and employment growth in recent years. The main instruments of financing small and medium enterprises in order to promote innovation. High risk involved - the characteristic of classic venture capital.
The analyzing of the development state of higher education in Ukraine. Organizational, economic and financial framework for higher education system functioning are defined. Suggestions on further optimization of higher education system are grounded.
The role of small and medium enterprises in the economy of Cameroon, the inadequacy of their financing in the context of the еconomic crisis on the continent. Creation of investment promotion agency. Provision of credit to small and medium enterprises.
Description of the differential circuits compute checksums. Collision detection for a set of hash functions (MD4, MD5). Reconstructing the Chinese method of encryption. Check internal differences files and conditions for pair of colliding messages.
- 428. Finding the conditions of hydrocarbons safe storing and transportation in tanks of different shapes
Application of the software package ConvEx in the design of storage tanks for petroleum products prone to self-degradation. Investigation of the influence of the geometric shape of the vessel on the critical temperature of storage of petroleum products.
Identify and select fragments of developed software products and applied technologies that contribute to the formation and development of professional competencies of professionals. Reviews software applications and fragments of their software code.
Research of the problem of training IT industry specialists, experience in teaching the basics of programming to educational applicants. Description of the Applied Technologies that contribute to the formation of competencies of IT industry specialists.
Error propagation and feedforward invertibility. Generation of finite automata with invertibility. Weak inverses with bounded error propagation of a finite automaton. Canonical form for finite automaton one key cryptosystems. Generalized algorithms.
Conditions for nite sequences of positive numbers to be certain parts of spectra of the Dirichlet-Dirichlet, Dirichlet-Neumann, Neumann-Dirichlet and Neumann-Neumann boundary value problems generated by the same Stieltjes string recurrence relations.
Finding necessary conditions for finite sequences of positive numbers to of spectra of the Dirichlet-Dirichlet, Dirichlet-Neumann, Neumann-Dirichlet and Neumann-Neumann boundary value problems generated by Stieltjes string recurrence relations.
The growth of the of the Finns Party over the past two decades. An analysis of its activities aimed at supporting the Finnish electorate, the working class. The attitude to the questions of domestic and foreign policy of Finland, the immigration.
Розгляд та аналіз результатів оцінювання сучасного стану фінтех-розвитку глобального банківського бізнесу. Характеристика рівня проникнення FinTech-послуг на ринки іноземних країн. Виявлення тенденції сучасного глобального інвестування у фінтех-компанії.
Дослідження тенденцій, проблем цифрової трансформації фінансового ринку та банків. Напрями впливу FinTech-технологій та цифрових сервісів на розвиток фінансового ринку. Механізми цифрової трансформації фінансового ринку, ключові тренди FinTech-технологій.
Інституціональний підхід до розуміння фінансової системи. Дизруптивні технологічні інновації як рушійна сила розвитку фінансових систем сучасного етапу. FinТech-індустрія - цифровізації надання фінансових послуг. Характеристика напрямів FinTech.
Забезпечення прозорості української урядової політики в умовах євроінтеграції. Посилення боротьби з корупцією та "відмиванням" грошей. Дослідження впливу FinTech на фінансову систему України. Підвищення якості надання фінансових посередницьких послуг.
Дослідження сутності FinTech-послуг. Аналіз FinTech-послуг, які належать до кредитних, депозитних, послуг зі збільшення капіталу, платіжних, клірингових послуг, послуг з управління активами. Визначення ролі і значення FinTech-послуг в економіці країни.
Оцінка стану сучасного світового ринку FinTech, аналіз рівня проникнення FinTech на ринках зарубіжних країн. Виявлення тенденцій сучасного глобального інвестування у фінтех-компанії. Вирішення проблеми залучення капіталу із зовнішніх джерел фінансування.
Установление диагностической ценности детекции антикоронавирусных антител методом иммуноферментного анализа. Результаты определения титров антител к коронавирусу в сыворотках крови кошек. Использование метода иммуноблоттинга для диагностики перитонита.
The study of reasons of fire the substances. Resource managers and other conservationists structure. A fire adaptation and flammability. Behavior and dynamics of plants under different alternative fire regimes on the basis of their functional traits.
The analysis of fire-resistant intumescent coatings, which are currently used in Ukraine and abroad, as well as prospects for the development of new intumescent coatings with improved properties, is carried out. Methods of fireproofing metal structures.
- 444. Fire safety
The link between performance based fire safety design and risk assessment is outlined. Present risk assessment methods in areas outside fire safety engineering as well as some of the more important existing risk assessment studies of building fires.
Study limitations embargo on food imposed by Russia in competition among food industry enterprises to gain access to the domestic market for government procurement. Directions changes in market structure due to the economic crisis that hit Russia in 2014.
- 446. First aid
Features first aid to a person suffering from a sudden illness or injury. Preserve life and prevention worsening health. Execution an artificial breath waiting for the ambulance. The use of gypsum in the section. Providing the basic level of first aid.
History of formation of the first collections and collections of military paraphernalia on the territory of Ukraine. The process of transforming private collections into museums. Development of the emergence of military museology in the Ukrainian lands.
The First Certificate in English is one of the examination available from University of Cambridge examination. The test consists of five sections: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening, Speaking. The overall FCE grade is based on the total score.
The first two years (1992-1993) of the establishment of commercial broadcasting in Ukraine. The factors that influenced the creation of the first commercial radio stations, which tried to move from the "game mode" to the broadcast business, are examined
Criminal investigation and forensic examination as a way of thinking and conducting criminal cases. The choice of equipment and facilities for carrying out the necessary judicial actions. Determination, collection and storage of evidence from the scene.