In the course of the research, the theoretical approaches to determining the content of the process of formation of global supply chains were considered. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade in the EU region is analyzed.
Investigating the specifics of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chains. Theoretical approaches to the content of the process of forming global supply chains. Assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade.
Overcoming of the crisis phenomena occurring in the world economy at the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, the adoption of measures to accelerate the development of the manufacturing sector. Public financial support national business.
The research of the international ratings development of digital transformation of the economies of all countries. The place of Ukraine in the world rankings of digitalization. The key directions for the realization of Ukraine’s digital potential.
Find connections between globalmindedness and some important factors such as gender and level of proficiency. The result of the study, through t-test, showed that there was a significant difference between male and female language learners regarding.
International business. Multinational corporations. International trade and financial markets. Economic monetary policy. European integration. The concept of globalization and the importance of this process in the modern world, the development prospects.
The global governance today - the dynamic, innovative development area that is taking over the world. Globalization - the intensification of world social relations, which combine remote localities, the idea of numerous trajectories of modernization.
Analysis of the processes and scales of the globalization process in the development of youth. Consideration of the state of youth social and political associations, analysis of the reasons for the need for the existence of these movements in Russia.
The waves of trans-confessionalization in tsarist Russia are studied. The role of the process in the development of the Russian Church, the attitude towards the state and society is revealed. The impact of trans-confessionalization on church institutions.
The history of economic globalization. Overview globalization mechanism, its advantages and disadvantages. The gap between Russia and the West in all the critical parameters of the scientific and economic development. Competition in the global market.
The influence of the phenomenon of globalization on the regular processes of social development is considered. It is noted that Azerbaijan has started implementing educational reforms in order to train specialists capable of working in new realities.
Research of global actors of the world community. Consideration of geopolitical determinants that are key to the development of a new direction of the world community. Geopolitical centers of the modern world, their role and prospects of civilizations.
Definition of impact of pre-modern, modern and postmodern globalization algorithms on comprehension of the universality of man, his understanding of his place in being as a unity with the Absolute and the prospects of the existence of civilization.
Globalization as the process of global economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification. Trade – employment linkage by Holgerg G Social protection and Unemployment insuranceorg. The weakening of the economic impact on employment.
The new stage in the migration history of mankind. International migration processes in the world. The formation of a kind of "nation of migrants". Key trends in the development of migration processes. The main factors of demographic development.
Highlights and content research the urgent problems of the globalization processes of modern civilization and the formation of the cultural space. Accentuates and characteristic an extensive methodological possibility of cultural comparative studies.
Evaluation of the impact of globalization on the economic competitiveness of Slovakia. The essence of globalization processes. The position of Slovakia in this rating. Characteristics of tax benefits, labor market and political situation in the country.
The impact of globalization on the Serbian media language. The weakening of national identity in order to adapt to world trends. The decline in the print media circulation and the growing popularity of cheap entertainment content offered by television.
Comparing and contrasting the notions of globalization, localization and glocalization in frames of cultural translation. The influence of localization on translation strategies and on perception of translation by native speakers of the target language.
Cultural situation in the world in the context of globalization. The value of the global division of labor and enhance the role of corporations, which have become powerful forces in the world economy. Globalization theory in sociology and culture.
Coverage political and economic situation in the world. Defining the role of supranational military-political blocs, the possibility of coalitions of control groups, and international organizations in the development of society, economy and culture.
Structural resemblance glyproline peptide family. Studing a simplest proline-containing linear peptides PG, GP, PGP. The suppression of reactions of blood coagulation and platelet aggregation and protection of gastric mucosa against ulcerogenic factors.
Immobilization stress was accompanied by a considerable increase in HR (by 25%) and changes in the microcirculatory bed of the mesentery: it looked pale, blood and lymph flow in microvessels was arrested. Lymphatic vessels attained a considerable number.
Growth of volatility of economic processes on all levels of the economic systems and in its structural and substructural elements. Ambiguousness of interpretations of connections of cause and effect between crisis descriptions in the economic systems.
Описание методики подготовки макроскопических сечений для решения мультигруппового уравнения переноса методом дискретных ординат на основе библиотеки микроконстант. Рассмотрение учета резонансной самоэкранировки. Анализ процесса сферических пропусканий.
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Проблема обучения английскому языку в вузах медицинского и фармацевтического профилей. Особенности английских медицинских и фармацевтических терминов. Особенности использования аранеопиктограммы в дистанционном обучении с помощью платформы GoConqr.
A study of the phenomenon of the rebirth of the Goddess in the modern world. Hermeneutic approach, cultural-historical method, as well as anthropological integrative approach to the study of Goddess worship and new spirituality in the postmodern world.
To identify the religious factor in the teaching of transhumanism, to determine its role in the ideology of this flow of thought and to identify the possible limits of technology interference in human nature. Main options for the posthuman future.
Study of the period of evolution of Gogol's positions, in which his ideas of Russian messianism are most clearly outlined. Forms of the influence of messianism on Gogol's negative evaluations of the anthropology of the New Age and the Enlightenment.