The importance of political activity Bismarck in the unification of Germany. His role in the creation of the North German Confederation. General characteristics of the diplomacy of Bismarck. Specificity and successes in consolidation of diplomacy.
Analysis of the nature of metaphilosophy in the context of German idealism. Epistemic Constructivism as a Parmenidean Cognitive Solution. Criticism of the epistemic constructivism of Kant, Fichte and Hegel. Epistemic constructivism and metaphilosophy.
Analysis of the influence of personality on the course of historical events. Study of biographical publications of the State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine named after V. A. Sukhomlinsky about the life and work of famous German teachers.
This paper attempts to fill a gap in literature addressing teachers of specific school subjects, more specifically German language teachers, who have dyslexic children in their classes. The difficulties faced by both the teacher and the students.
The symptoms of specific difficulties faced by German language teachers in their work with dyslexic students. A discussion of the concept and types of dyslexia and its pathomechanism. The compilation of practical guidelines for German language teachers.
- 246. German philosophy
The idea of freedom in the classical German philosophy. The most important fundamental characteristics of the classical German philosophy. K. Marx and the young hegelians. Contribution of Kant, Hegel and Feuerbach to the development of German philosophy.
Representatives of the German ethnic group, who left a very noticeable mark in the fields of education, implementation of nature transformation projects in the Mariupol Nadazov region. Introduction of elements of social and intellectual relations.
- 248. German question in the foreign policy strategy of the USA in the second half of the 1940s - 1980s
Contradictory evolution - a feature of American policy of German question in the post-war years. The deterioration of relations between the United States and USSR - a factor that forced the resort military-political consolidation of Western Europe.
- 249. German question in the foreign policy strategy of the USA in the second half of the 1940s-1980s
US policy towards West Germany after World War II. The dynamics and nature of US-German relations that arose on a long-term basis after the formation of Germany in 1949. A characteristic feature of US policy on the German question in the postwar years.
Coverage of relations between Germany and Ukraine in the field of literature at the current stage. Organization of joint projects in the publishing and translation industries at international fairs. Conducting of artistic evenings and meetings of writers.
Features of the functioning of preterite-present verbs in a morphological perspective by highlighting verbal characteristics, features, potential in different Germanic languages. The relationship of phonological and morphological specificity of verbs.
Successes of social policy and strengthening of the German economy on the eve of the world crisis of 1901-1903. Introduction of new technologies in the industrial and agricultural sectors. Completion of the reconstruction of the German naval forces.
Germany still remains one of the main partners of the US in the EU, the economic relations continue to develop. Change the US foreign policy, it is possible that tensions between Washington and Berlin will grow. The relations between the US and Germany.
The designing of gerontological space, creating a predictive model is the challenge of the demographic ageing of gerontosociology. The meaning of a gerontological space as a sociological category, social space type on the base of integrative theories.
Герундий как неличная форма глагола и часть речи в английском языке. Исследование особенностей его перевода с русского на английский язык. Его морфологические и синтаксические свойства, окружение, обуславливающее выбор того или иного варианта перевода.
Analyse der Geschlechtersozialisation von Vorschulkindern anhand von Belletristik. Vorschulkindheit als Alter der Beherrschung der Sozialisationsmechanismen. Der Einfluss eines Marchens auf die Bildung von Verhalten, Moral und sozialem Stereotyp.
Dynamics of personal relationships in the process of dance-expressive learning. The description of profiles of change of the form and contents of the relations of the personality. Complexes of socio-psychological and cognitive personality traits.
The study of genetically diverse promising sunflower lines according to the main characteristics of yield. Using randomized full blocks with three repetitions. General combining ability effects of the nine sunflower parents for all studied traits.
Визначення переваг GGE biplot аналізу у порівнянні з найбільше поширеними методиками для візуалізації та інтерпретації результатів екологічного сортовипробування за продуктивністю на прикладі семи сортів ячменю ярого. Тестери для оцінки генотипів.
The article contains the argumentation of the gig economy in the context of labor organization in the XXI. Positions of researchers and representatives of the expert community regarding the vision of employment in the gig economy concept are highlighted.
Дополнения, внесенные в пересмотр GINA от 2024 года. Алгоритмы диагностики и терапии бронхиальной астмы у детей в новой версии GINA в сравнении с данными кыргызского клинического протокола. Создание научно-исследовательской лаборатории по аллергологии.
Analysis of the series of etchings by G. Battista Bracelli "Bizzarie di varie figure" from the point of view of its belonging to one or another genre tradition. Bizzarie as an example of the capriccio genre. Interpretation of the Braccelli series.
Analysis on the Geographic Information System. Monitoring of the environment in the vicinity of the airport. Modeling control air pollution, noise. Operation of aircraft in the conditions of the implementation of intelligent transport management systems.
The study of the experience of giving and receiving feedback as a best practice in cooperation between the peace corps volunteer, U.S. and Ukrainian partner and effective tools of control in the classroom for deep understanding of the learning process.
Problems of international legal practice of control in international maritime law. Analysis of court decisions of legal acts of international and national law. Support of national legislation by the Lithuanian court in the field of maritime law.
Glacier National Park in the U.S. state of Montana. Geography and geology. Glaciers, Flora, Recreation. "Crown of the Continent Ecosystem". Lake McDonald. Two hundred waterfalls. The largest falls. Major climatic zones. Threatened species of mammals.
Analysis of the study of social networks of the existence of glamor and the process of promotion of consumption as the main value of modern society. Characteristic of the Internet space as a special field of power that regulates the consumption process.
- 268. Glass Art Department at Lviv National Academy of Arts: unique centre of contemporary glassmaking
The birth of artistic glass fishing. The preconditions for the emergence of professional art education in the field of art glass in Lviv. The history of Department of Art Glass. Analysis of his activities. Methodological approaches to student learning.
Analysis of glass beads found in cemeteries of Sarmatian culture from southwestern Romania. 9 main types of monochrome glass beads and 8 types of polychrome glass beads (each with variations, different colors and shapes). Ways to fix them to clothes.
- 270. Glass bijouterie in samples of antique crimean art from museum collections of Ukraine and Russia
Examination of samples of glass ornaments from the largest museum collections of Ukraine and the RF, which include Crimean archaeological finds. Creating a transparency scale and color palette. Ways and places of glass production in the ancient period.