Цели, задачи деятельности Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета в области рекламы, связей с общественностью и GR. Роль учебного научно-производственного полигона в деятельности УГНТУ в области связей с общественностью и GR.
Peculiarities of formation of foreign competitiveness of students in the foreshortening of the communicative approach in the teaching of foreign languages. Samples of classroom activities to achieve a variety of professional communicative purposes.
- 333. Grammaire franсaise
Les formants les bases de la communication d'entreprise dans les formes orales et crites. Recherche thmatique vocabulaire de mise au point et de clichs, ainsi que le plus important pour une comprhension et de construction de phrases en franсais.
Mastering grammatical competence - a process that ensures a correct understanding of language structures. Explaining the rules, working out speech patterns - one of the main stages of forming grammatical skills at nonlinguistic specialties bachelors.
Promote communicative competence, foster participatory attitudes of the students like one of the main benefits of using games in language-learning. A role-play as a typical simulation activity. The basic advantages of using games in the classroom.
Grammar games as a means of teaching English. The history of teaching grammar. Advantages and disadvantages of learning grammar through play. The principles of grammar selection. Analysis of lesson plans developed as part of the current research.
Analysis of interactive grammar games as a means of motivating students and developing their communication skills. The use of a set of exercises for the development of students' grammatical competence at different stages of the English language lesson.
Classification of nouns and multicomponent collocations in the dialects of the western group of the Azerbaijani language. Semantic features and lexical meaning of verb phrases and fixed phrases. Functions, forms and structure of phraseological units.
- 339. Grammatical aspect
Definition, tense and aspect. Continuous and non-continuous. Perfective — Imperfective Huddelston and Pullum model. Two perspectives of aspect. The relation between the "time referred to" and the "time of situation". Viewpoint, grammatical aspect.
The history of the development of gender linguistics. Forms of gender treatment and General characteristics of gender-neutral and invented pronouns. Practical study of gender-neutral language perception: survey of respondents and analysis of gender gap.
A comprehensive study of the grammatical features of the translation of a legal text. Justification of the need to study the problems of translation of grammatical units in legal discourse in the conditions of globalization of international relations.
Analysis of the grammatical aspects of the translation from English into Ukrainian. The concept and classification of translational transformations, the causes and specifics of their use. Features translation of grammatical categories in Ukrainian.
The detailed consideration of the grammatical aspects of translation from English into Ukrainian. The article focuses on the concept of translation transformation, distinguishes the classification of translation transformations, the reasons for their use.
Grammatical problems of consecutive and simultaneous translation. Difficulties in translating English articles, species-temporal forms of verbs, forms of expression of unreality of action, transformation of word order and perspective of expression.
The article highlights the problems of grammatical difficulties of interpreting. The author focuses upon difficulties in rendering English articles, difficulties in rendering tense and aspect forms of the English verb, difficulties in rendering.
The use of grammatical distractors in preparation and a conducting process of tests in legal English.The analysis of their results. It considers potential for consolidating the most important skills of professional communication of future specialists.
Features of functioning in the language of sentences containing double modal combinations. Analysis of the functional potential of such combinations, assessment of the sociolinguistic characteristics of respondents using the corpus analysis method.
Modern forms of the verb, grammatical verbal constructions, characteristic of the English-language annotation of the scientific article, peculiarities of their use. Similarities and differences in the grammar of the two languages, means of translation.
Consideration of grammatical means of the English-language abstract of the scientific article. An analysis of the structure of phrases, types of verbal forms, characteristic of this genre. Facilitating the search for adequate means of translation.
The grammatical presentation of the motive of meditative and contemplative loneliness as a special type loneliness in Russian-language poetic texts. The morphological dominant of the poetic text, which contributes to the actualization of this meaning.
- 351. Grammatical transformations application in the translation of “Matilda” by Roald Dahl into Ukrainian
The use of general scientific and special methods to evaluate the adequacy of grammatical transformations of the translation of the story "Matilda" by R. Dali into Ukrainian language. Analysis of substitutions at the syntactic and morphological levels.
Translation as a scientific discipline in terms of Komissarov, Barkhudarova, Retsker, Fedorov, Schweizer, Gak V.G., Kolomeytseva E.M., Lvov M.R. Features and difficulties of literary translation that arise when working with it. Transformation analysis.
Analysis of the legal regulation of life imprisonment under the standing CC of Ukraine, in the context of the legally defined purpose of punishment. application of exemption from the further serving the punishment to the life convicts is limited.
The effect of concentrations of vitamins and macroelements on the development of globular, heart and torpedo of embryoids, seedlings with green cotyledons and the formation of shoots from them. The formation of inflorescences in plants-regenerants.
Study of field distribution in structures such as a gold lattice, a graphene layer, and a silicon substrate. Conditions of maximum electromagnetic field distribution by these structures for the purpose of using them in photonics and electronics devices.
Identify the characteristics of the visual language of posters of Ukrainian folk and pop music, search for relevant graphic solutions for further use in modern design. Relevant and outdated image-design solutions in the design of posters are revealed.
Analysis of the objects of graphic design from the position of their aesthetic expressiveness and effectiveness of perception in the process of human orientation in the space of a modern city. Emergence and current trends in graphic communication signs.
The formulation of a metric model that satisfies the requirements of quantum theory. Description of gravitational waves by the Liouville equation. Proof of the Schrodinger conjecture on the connection between the wave function and gravitational waves.
- 359. Great Britain
Geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. Political structure of the country. The climate of Britain. London is the capital of the UK.
- 360. Great Britain
General characteristics and geography of the Great Britain, the structure and elements of its components. Common industries and agriculture, climatic features and natural resources. The history of development of the state, stages and the current state.